Course code Ķīmi2012
Credit points 6.75
Total Hours in Course180
Number of hours for lectures36
Number of hours for laboratory classes36
Independent study hours108
Date of course confirmation13.04.2021
Responsible UnitInstitute of Food
Ķīmi2016, Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry I
ĶīmiB008 [GKIMB008] Organic Chemistry
In the study course "Organic Chemistry" students acquire knowledge about the structure, properties and distribution of organic compounds distributed in food - alcohols, phenols, aldehydes, ketones, amines, carboxylic acids and polyfunctional compounds in natural and food products; The main components of food - proteins, carbohydrates and lipids - are complex natural substances. These can be multi-functional substances, composite or polymeric compounds; learning to demonstrate the chemical properties of compounds.
After the course studies the student will have:
in-depth knowledge of the structure and properties of carboxylic acids, hydroxy acids, amino acids, fats, carbohydrates and proteins forming foodstuffs, as well as methods for the determination and purification of organic compounds - lectures and tests;
skills to identify and purify individual organic compounds - laboratory works;
competence - ability to use independently acquired knowledge and skills to explain various processes in relation to organic substances - independent and laboratory work.
1. Introduction to organic chemistry. Structure and properties of hydrocarbons. Introduction to laboratory work. (Lecture - 2h, Laboratory works - 4h).
2. Hydroxyl gruop containing compounds. Test 1 - Structure and properties of hydrocarbons. (Lecture - 2h, Laboratory works - 4h).
3. Compounds containing a carbonyl group or an amino group. (Lecture - 2h, laboratory works - 2h).
4. Carboxylic acids and esters. Test 2 - Compounds containing hydroxyl groups, carbonyl groups and amino groups (Lecture - 2h, Laboratory work - 4h).
5. Hydroxy acids (Lecture - 2h, Laboratory work - 2h).
6. Optical isomerism. Optical isomerism (Lecture - 2h, Laboratory work - 2h).
7. Lipids, fatty acids. Test 3 - Carboxylic acids, esters and hydroxy acids. (Lecture - 2h, Laboratory work - 4h)
8. Fats and oils. Polar lipid sterols. (Lecture - 4h, Laboratory works - 4h)
9. Monosaccharides. Disaccharides. Test 4 - Lipids, fatty acids, fats and oils. (Lecture - 4h, Laboratory works - 4h)
10. Polysaccharides. Test 5 - Monosaccharides and disaccharides. (Lecture - 2h, Laboratory work - 2h)
11. Nucleic acids. (Lecture - 2h)
12. Amino acids. Properties of more hydroxy acids. 6. Test - polysaccharides and nucleic acids. (Lecture - 4h, Laboratory work - 2h).
13. Proteins (Lecture - 3h).
14. Summary of lipids, carbohydrates and proteins in food. Test 7 - Amino acids and proteins. Defense of laboratory work protocols (Lecture - 3h, Laboratory work - 2h).
The exam can be taken if:
• developed and defended all laboratory works (50%)
• all tests are successfully written (at least 4 points) (50%).
The students independently prepares for seven tests, solving tasks.
The student independently prepares seven protocols of laboratory work and after the development of the work, they are completed to defend it.
The exam can be taken when seven tests have been successfully written (at least 4 points) and all laboratory works have been defended. If the average mark of the tests is 8 points and higher, then it is possible for the student to receive the evaluation of the accumulative exam.
Baltess V. Pārtikas ķīmija. - Rīga: Latvijas Universitāte, 1998. - 478 lpp.
Kreicbergs V. Organiskās un pārtikas ķīmijas pamati. Mācību līdzeklis. – Rīga: Drukātava, 2008. - 228 lpp.
Kūka M. Organisko savienojumu nomenklatūra. Mācību līdzeklis. – Rīga: Drukātava, 2007. - 72 lpp.
I. Meirovics. Organiskā ķīmija. - R: Zvaigzne 1992. - 526 lpp.
Belitz H.-D., W. Grosch, Scheiberle P. Lehrbuch der Lebenmittelchemie, 6. Aufgabe. Berlin etc: Springer – Verlag, 2008. - 1118 S.
Bülle J., Hüttermann A. Das Basiswissen der organischen Chemie. Stuttgart, New York: Georg Thieme, 2000. - 466 p.
Clayden J., Greeves N., Warren S., WothersP. Organic Chemistry. New York: OXFORD, 2007. - 1512 p.
König B., Butenschön H. Organische Chemie: Kurz und Bündig für die Bachelor – Prüfung. Weinheim: WILEY-VCH, 2007. - 445 S.
McMurry J. Organic Chemistry, 7th Editition. – Belmont: Thomson Learning, Inc., 2008 - 1191 p.
Sorrell T.N. Organic Chemistry, 2nd Edition. Califfornia: University Science Books, 2006. 988 p.
Valters R. Organiskā ķīmija (pamatkurss), - Rīga , RTU izdevniecība, 2007. - 187 lpp.
Vollhardt K.P.C., Shore N.E. Organic Chemistry: Structure and Funktion, 5th Editition. – New York: W.H. Freeman and Company, 2006. - 1254 p
Под ред. Ивина Б.А. и Пиотровского Л.Б. Opганическая химия: в вопросах и ответах. Caнкт-Петербург: Наука, 2002. - 510 c.
1. Food Science and Technology International.[tiešsaiste]. eISSN: 1532-1738. ISSN: 1082-0132. [skatīts 07.12..2011.] Pieejams Sage datubāzē: http://
2. Food Quality and Preference. [tiešsaiste]. Published by Elsevier Science. ISSN: 0950-3293. [skatīts 24.05.2011.] Pieejams Science Direct datubāzē:
Compulsory course for part-time students of the second level professional higher education study program “Food Technology”.