Course code Ķīmi2006
Credit points 4.50
Total Hours in Course120
Number of hours for lectures32
Number of hours for laboratory classes32
Independent study hours56
Date of course confirmation30.03.2021
Responsible UnitInstitute of Food
Ķīmi1010, Organic Chemistry I
ĶīmiB007 [GKIMB007] Organic Chemistry II
In the study course "Organic Chemistry II" acquires knowledge about the structure, properties and distribution of the main components of food - lipids, carbohydrates, nucleic acids and proteins in natural and food products. In the laboratory works the proof of properties of natural substances and methods of separation and purification of chemical compounds are mastered.
After the course studies the student will have:
in-depth knowledge of the structure and properties of lipids, carbohydrates, nucleic acids, proteins of food-forming compounds - lectures and tests;
skills to check the properties of lipids, carbohydrates, methods of extraction and purification - laboratory works;
competence was the ability to use independently acquired knowledge and skills to explain various processes related to organic and natural substances - independent and laboratory work.
1. Lipids and fatty acids. Work safety equipment in the laboratory of organic chemistry and introduction to laboratory work. (Lecture - 2h, Laboratory work - 2h). Prepare laboratory work protocol. (Independent work - 4h).
2. Fats and oils. Properties of fatty acids and fatty oils (Lecture - 2h, Laboratory work - 2h). Prepare for Test 1. (Independent work - 4h).
3. Polar lipids and sterols. Test 1 - Fatty acids, fats and oils - (Lecture - 2h, Laboratory work - 2h). Prepare laboratory work protocol. (Independent work - 3h).
4. Monosaccharides. Structural formulas of monosaccharides. (Lecture - 2h, Laboratory work - 2h). Prepare laboratory work protocol. (Independent work - 4h).
5. Monosaccharide derivatives. Properties of monosaccharides (Lecture - 2h, Laboratory work - 2h). Prepare for test 2. (Independent work - 4h)
6. Disaccharides. Test 2 - Polar lipids and sterols. (Lecture - 2h, Laboratory work - 2h). Prepare laboratory work protocol. (Independent work - 4h).
7. Glycosides. Disaccharide properties. (Lecture - 2h, Laboratory work - 2h). Prepare for Test 3. (Independent work - 4h)
8. Reserve polysaccharides. Test 3 Monosaccharides. (Lecture - 2h, Laboratory work - 2h). Prepare laboratory work protocol. (Independent work - 4h).
9. Structure of polysaccharides. Properties of polysaccharides (Lecture - 2h, Laboratory work - 2h). Prepare for test 4. (Independent work - 4h)
10. Five-membered heterocyclic compounds. Test 4 - Disaccharides. (Lecture - 2h, Laboratory work - 2h). Prepare laboratory work protocol. (Independent work - 3h).
11. Six-membered heterocyclic compounds. Crystallization. (Lecture - 2h, Laboratory work - 2h). Prepare for Test 5. (Independent work - 4h).
12. Nucleic acids. Test 5 - Polysaccharides. (Lecture - 2h, Laboratory work - 2h). Prepare laboratory work protocol. (Independent work - 3h).
13. Amino acids. Extraction. (Lecture - 2h, Laboratory work - 2h). Prepare for Test 6. (Independent work - 4h)
14. Polypeptides. Test 6 - Heterocycles and nucleic acids. (Lecture - 2h, Laboratory work - 2h). Prepare laboratory work protocol. (Independent work - 3h).
15. Proteins. Distillation. (Lecture - 2h, Laboratory work - 2h). Prepare for test 7. (Independent work - 4h)
16. Summary of lipids, carbohydrates and proteins in food. Test 7 - Amino acids and proteins (Lecture - 2h, Laboratory work - 2h).
Passed the written exam
The student, in accordance with the requirements, must prepare protocols of laboratory work and solve homework tasks before tests.
In order for a student to take the exam, all tests and laboratory work must be included. The exam is passed successfully (at least 4 points), if at least 40% of the total points are obtained.
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Kreicbergs V. Organiskās un pārtikas ķīmijas pamati. Mācību līdzeklis. – Rīga: Drukātava, 2008. - 228 lpp.
Kūka M. Organisko savienojumu nomenklatūra. Mācību līdzeklis. – Rīga: Drukātava, 2007. - 72 lpp.
Kūka M. Ogļhidrāti. Mācību līdzeklis organiskajā ķīmijā. – Rīga: Drukātava, 2007. - 58 lpp.
Kūka M. Lipīdi. Mācību līdzeklis organiskajā ķīmijā. – Rīga: Drukātava, 2007. - 46 lpp
I. Meirovics. Organiskā ķīmija. - R: Zvaigzne 1992. - 526 lpp.
Belitz H.-D., W. Grosch, Scheiberle P. Lehrbuch der Lebenmittelchemie, 6. Aufgabe. Berlin etc: Springer – Verlag, 2008. - 1118 S.
Bülle J., Hüttermann A. Das Basiswissen der organischen Chemie. Stuttgart, New York: Georg Thieme, 2000. - 466 p.
Clayden J., Greeves N., Warren S., WothersP. Organic Chemistry. New York: OXFORD, 2007. - 1512 p.
König B., Butenschön H. Organische Chemie: Kurz und Bündig für die Bachelor – Prüfung. Weinheim: WILEY-VCH, 2007. - 445 S.
McMurry J. Organic Chemistry, 7th Editition. – Belmont: Thomson Learning, Inc., 2008 - 1191 p.
Sorrell T.N. Organic Chemistry, 2nd Edition. Califfornia: University Science Books, 2006. 988 p.
Valters R. Organiskā ķīmija (pamatkurss), - Rīga , RTU izdevniecība, 2007. - 187 lpp.
Vollhardt K.P.C., Shore N.E. Organic Chemistry: Structure and Funktion, 5th Editition. – New York: W.H. Freeman and Company, 2006. - 1254 p
Под ред. Ивина Б.А. и Пиотровского Л.Б. Opганическая химия: в вопросах и ответах. Caнкт-Петербург: Наука, 2002. - 510 c.
Compulsory course for students of the second level professional higher education study program “Food Technology”.