Course code JurZ3042

Credit points 4.50

Land Use Planning I

Total Hours in Course120

Number of hours for lectures32

Number of hours for laboratory classes16

Independent study hours72

Date of course confirmation23.02.2021

Responsible UnitInstitute of Land Management and Geodesy

Course developer

author reserch

Anda Jankava

Dr. oec.

Prior knowledge

JurZ2036, Cadastre of Real Property

Replaced course

JurZB003 [GJURB003] Land Use Planning I

Course abstract

The study course deals with the concept of land management, tasks and content, the significance of the land management project in the arrangement of land property boundaries and territories. The basic requirements to be met when creating and improving agricultural land holdings and land uses are provided. During the study course, students gain an understanding of the shortcomings of the farm territory and the possibilities of their elimination, of land consolidation as a special land management measure. The course examines the procedure and peculiarities of the establishment of various non-agricultural land holdings and land uses. Students learn the conditions and procedures for compiling a land use plan. In the laboratory work students learn the design of land units and their boundaries and the evaluation of project efficiency.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

1. Acquires knowledge and understanding of the importance of land management in the rearrangement or division of parts of the territory of local governments, in the assessment of the territory of agricultural holdings - Test 1
2. Manages the role of land management and land consolidation in the improvement of agricultural holdings and land holdings - Test 2
3. Is able to assess the configuration and boundaries of land properties, to perform their improvement - laboratory works

Course Content(Calendar)

Full-time studies:
1. The concept, content and tasks of land management - 2 h.
2. Land development process - 2 h.
3. Forms of agricultural enterprises and basic requirements for their establishment - 2 h.
4. Determining the rational size of agricultural holdings - 2 h.
5. Compactness of the farm territory and its evaluation - 2 h.
6. The concept of shortcomings in the territory of agricultural holdings - 2 h.
Test 1: Basic concepts of land use planning. Evaluation of farm territories - 2h.
7. The concept, types and meaning of land consolidation - 2 h.
8. Land consolidation project development process - 4 h.
9. Preparation and substantiation of a project for the improvement of agricultural land - 2 h.
10. The concept, content and tasks of creating land holdings (uses) of non-agricultural significance - 2 h.
11. Methodology for compiling non-agricultural land property (use) development projects - 2 h.
12. Content and design of the land development project - 2 h.
Test 2: Improvement of agricultural and non-agricultural land properties and uses - 2 h.

Laboratory works
1. Determination of areas of agricultural holdings and assessment of boundaries - 2 h.
2. Determination of weighted average distances - 2 h.
3. Characterization and evaluation of the territories of the existing farms - 2 h.
4. Design of border changes. Description of the planned changes - 2 h.
5. Determining the areas of designed farms and assessing the boundaries - 2 h.
6. Determination of average distances for designed farms.
7. Description of the territories of the designed farms.
8. Determining the efficiency of the project - 2 h.
9. Project plan design - 2 h.

Part-time studies:

All topics specified for full-time studies are implemented, but the number of contact hours is 1/2 of the specified number of hours

Requirements for awarding credit points

Written exam.
Laboratory works must be developed and defended, 2 tests must be passed, the results of which form the assessment of the cumulative exam.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

Research of special literature and regulatory enactments on land management and development of land management projects.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

Conditions for passing the cumulative exam:
In each test, 2-3 theoretical questions and 3-4 tasks are asked. Up to 30 points can be obtained for each test. A student is allowed to take the exam if he / she has obtained at least 20 points in the tests. If a student has scored 31 or more points in both tests, he / she can receive an entry without taking the exam with the assessment given in the table or take it to improve the assessment of the exam.
Exam evaluation according to points:
31-35 satisfactory - 5
36-40 almost good - 6
41-45 good - 7
46-50 very good - 8
51-55 excellent - 9
56-60 excellent – 10

Compulsory reading

1. Butāne A., Lasteniece V. Lauku saimniecību formēšana un konsolidācija. Jelgava: LLU, 2000. 77 lpp.
2. Zemes ierīcības likums: LR likums [tiešsaiste]. Pieņemts 14.09.2006. Pieejams:
3. Zemes ierīcības projekta izstrādes noteikumi: MK noteikumi nr.505 [tiešsaiste]. Pieņemts 02.08.2016. Pieejams:

Further reading

1. Zemes reforma – atslēga uz īpašumu: , 1990-2012. / Zin. red. J.Mierkalne. Rīga: VZD, 2012. 335 lpp.

2. The Design of Land Consolidation Pilot Projects in Central and Eastern Europe. : FAO Food and Agricukltural organization of the United Nations. Land Tenure Studies, No. 6. Food and Agricukltural organization of the United Nations. Rome, 2003. 58 p. [tiešsaiste]. Pieejams:

Periodicals and other sources [tiešsaiste]. Pieejams:


In professional higher education bachelor study program “Land Management and Surveying” full-time studies and part-time studies