Course code InfT3040
Credit points 3
Total Hours in Course81
Number of hours for lectures16
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes16
Independent study hours49
Date of course confirmation17.02.2021
Responsible UnitInstitute of Computer Systems and Data Science
Dr. agr.
Dr. sc. ing.
Dr. sc. ing.
Ekon2100, Bioeconomics I
Ekon2122, Statistics
Digitalization for Sustainability course introduces computational models, methods and tools to support various disciplines in decision support and development of more effective policies for sustainable development. In this course students will identify common problems and computational solutions that can provide support for solving business challenges. Course introduces solutions that include analysis of interdisciplinary systems design principles, data visualisation, topics on human-computer interaction as well as importance of algorithm design and modelling in processes of digitalization.
Knowledge about importance of digitalization, system accessibility, state of art approaches, algorithmization and modelling methods when developing digitalization solutions. Knowledge about computational methods and tools for application in decision support processes. As well as knowledge about assessment methods of the ecosystem services and methodology for determining the monetary value of ecosystem services. (Completed practical assignments and 4 tests).
Skills: Ability to analyse interdisciplinary field and find solutions using information technologies. Ability to define, describe and apply appropriate approaches for solving certain digitalization tasks. Can individually calculate and interpret acquired results as well as compile, visualize and present data from various fields, in this case business and spatial data. (Completed practical assignments and 4 tests).
Individually can retrieve required data from certain domain, perform analysis and choose appropriate information technology solution based on proper data interpretation. (Completed 4 tests, discussions during lectures and seminars).
Kursa plāns/saturs / Course plan
Module: Solution accessibility and usability for digitization sustainability [Lectures - 4h, Practical works - 4h]
1. Sustainability definition and role of digitization. Digitization interdisciplinarity and addressed problems. Algorithmization and modelling approaches for development of digital solutions.
2. Human-computer interaction methods as foundation to digitization sustainability. Human-computer interaction strategies for different levels of systems.
3. Information technology and system accessibility. Groups of people and accessibility of technologies. Accessibility guidelines for various groups of people. Information system, development in a cross-cultural context. Globalisation and localisation strategies. Methods for cross-cultural system development.
4. 1st test.
Module: Economic data analysis and visualization [Lectures - 4h, Practical works - 4h]
5. Introduction to Microsoft Power BI Desktop, Power BI servises. Import Excel workbooks into Power BI Desktop.
6. Create reports and dashboards in Power BI. Identify and work with economic, business-oriented data sets in Power BI.
7. Interactive and Dynamic Reports with Power BI. Data grouping and Binning. Interactive graphs and data analysis.
8. 2nd test.
Module: Geospatial visualization and presentation of statistical data [Lekcijas - 4h, Praktiskie darbi - 4h]
9. Geospatial visualization of statistical data.
10. Interactive presentation of geospatial information.
11. Data collection solutions based on smart forms for creating surveys, processing and mapping results.
12. 3rd test
Module: Economic evaluation of ecosystem services [Lectures - 4h, Practical works - 4h]
13. Ecosystem service groups: provisioning, regulating and cultural. Functions, benefits and values of ecosystem services. Total economic value of ecosystem services: value in use and non-use value.
14. The assesment methods of the ecosystem services economic value: Direct market pricing, Production Function, Avoided Cost, Replacement Cost, Contingent Valuation, Travel Cost, Hedonic Pricing, Benefit transfer method.
15. Methodology for determining the monetary value of ecosystem services. Comparison of monetary values using secondary and primary data acquisition methods.
16. 4th test.
To receive credit point’s students require to successfully, pass four tests. Develop practical assignments.
Delayed assignements must be submitted and completed according to procedure described in LLU Study regulations.
The organization of independent work during the semester is independently studying literature, using academic staff member consultations.
Test. At the end of each model, students write a test and the tests are evaluated with "pass/fail". The study course is passed if 60% of the tests are graded as passed.
1.LIFE Ekosistēmu pakalpojumi. Ekosistēmu pakalpojumu novērtēšanas metodes [tiešsaiste]. [Skatīts 23.02.2024.]. Pieejams:
2.Krug S. Don't make me think, revisited: a common sense approach to Web usability. Berkeley, California: New Riders, 2014. , 200 p.
3. Gay G. Professional Web Accessibility Auditing Made Easy. Essential Skills for Web Developers, Content Creators, and Designers. Digital Education Strategies, the Chang School [tiešsaiste]. Ryerson University, 2018. , 233 p. [Skatīts 30.01.2021.]. Pieejams:
4. Thiele L.P. Sustainability. Key Concepts. Polity Press, 2015. 348 p. 65 Bridge Street, Cambridge CB2 1UR, UK.-234 p.
5. Advanced Analytics with Power BI: Microsoft [tiešsaiste]. [Skatīts 30.01.2021.]. Pieejams:
6. Campbell J., Shin M. Essentials of Geographic Information Systems [tiešsaiste]. Saylor Foundation, 2011. 259 p. [Skatīts 30.01.2021.]. Pieejams:
7. TEEB (2010), The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity Ecological and Economic Foundations. TEEB Valuation Database Manual 2010 [tiešsaiste]. Edited by Pushpam Kumar. Earthscan: London and Washington. [Skatīts 30.01.2021.]. Pieejams:
8. McVittie A., Hussain S. (2013) The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity. TEEB Valuation Database Manual 2013 [tiešsaiste]. The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB): Geneva. [Skatīts 30.01.2021.]. Pieejams:
1. Precision agriculture for sustainability and environmental protection. M. Oliver, T. Bishop, B. Marchant eds. New York, Routledge, 2013. 304 p.
2. Langdon P., Lazar J., Heylighen A, Dong H. Inclusive Designing: Joining Usability, Accessibility, and Inclusion [tiešsaiste]. London: Springer, 2014. , 275 p. [Skatīts 23.02.2021.]. Pieejams:
3. Esri: GIS Mapping Software, Location Intelligence & Spatial Analysis [tiešsaiste] [skatīts 30.01.2021.]. Pieejams:
Compulsory course for Bachelor’s study programme “Economics”.