Course code InfT3038

Credit points 3

IT in Design III

Total Hours in Course81

Number of hours for lectures8

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes24

Independent study hours49

Date of course confirmation29.01.2020

Responsible UnitInstitute of Computer Systems and Data Science

Course developer

author Mehānikas un dizaina institūts

Nataļja Vronska

Dr. paed.

Prior knowledge

InfT2044, IT in Design II

Course abstract

During the study course students improve knowledge and skills about layout making options and creating of various works for printing.
Students learn the topics of document layout, text placement, graphic elements and object editing, which necessary to create, design, and print a variety of attractive materials.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

Knowledge: about the program workspace and tools. Able to analyze color models and their editing capabilities. Able to create large text combinations, insert graphic elements - laboratory works;
Skills: to analyze and evaluate information relevant to practical work, using knowledge to complete the necessary tasks - practical work;

Competencies: able to evaluate and apply relevant knowledge and skills in designing and preparing for print - test work.

Course Content(Calendar)

Full time intramural studies:
1. Creating a new document, document layout, page creation (3 h).
2. Work with text (4 h)
3. Work with objects (4 h)
4. Work with graphics (4 h)
First test work (2 h).
5. Working with styles (5 h).
6. Creation of various design works. Packing design. Printing and exporting (8 h).
Second test work (2 h).

Part time extramural studies:

All topics specified for full time studies are accomplished, but the number of contact hours is one half of the number specified in the calendar

Requirements for awarding credit points

80% lecture attendance, successful assessment of the test works. All works of the laboratory must be passed.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

In the study course are no individual work. Independent works are related to preparation for tests.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

The assessment of the study course test mark depends on the cumulative evaluation of the test works.
The test mark is the arithmetic mean among a test works assessment.

Compulsory reading

• Art Workshop – The Munken Guide to Uncoated Paper. Komori Lithrone: 2016. 128 p.
• Evans, P. Forms, folds, and sizes: all the details graphic designers need to know but can never find. Rockport Publ.: 2004.
• Norīte V., Turlais V., Vanaga D. Poligrāfija. Materiāli. Papīrs. Poligrāfijas infocentrs: 2004.
• Olinss V. Par zīmolu. Neputns: 2005. 279 lpp.
• Vanaga D., Andersons A., Daugulis H. Poligrāfija. Tehnoloģijas. Iespiešana. PIKC Rīgas Valsts tehnikums: 2016. 288 lpp.

Further reading

• Drukas un mediju tehnoloģiju klasteris. Pieejams:
• Kenly, E. Getting it printed: how to work with printers and graphic imaging services to assure quality, stay on schedule and control costs. How Design Books: 2004.

Periodicals and other sources

• Žurnāls Iespiedgrafika


The mandatory course is intended for the professional bachelor study program “Design and Crafts” full and part time students.