Course code HidZ3040

Credit points 6

Soil and Water Conservation I

Total Hours in Course162

Number of hours for lectures32

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes32

Independent study hours98

Date of course confirmation24.03.2021

Responsible UnitInstutute of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Engineering

Course developers

author reserch

Inga Grīnfelde


author lect.

Jovita Pilecka-Uļčugačeva


Course abstract

The course sets out the amelioration tasks, methods and techniques for regulating soil moisture regime and the need for intensive agricultural production. Provide in-depth knowledge of the principles, materials, structures, structures, their parameters and calculation methodologies for the installation of drainage systems. Review the composition of works for the preparation of areas for agricultural use.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

After the course, the student will have:
• knowledge and understanding of the role of the amelioration package and the assessment of the necessity of the agricultural production process under specific environmental conditions, in accordance with the requirements of the production direction and the provision of technological processes. - examination
• skills to justify and address technical issues by choosing an appropriate method, techniques and package of measures to regulate soil moisture regime and to prepare areas in line with agricultural use objectives. - practical work
• competence to choose optimal solutions for soil drainage in relation to grounds for wetting, to perform theoretical calculations of the necessary justification for the measures adopted and to draw up graphical material; to assess in nature the technical state of the installation systems and structures, defects and the need for repairs. - course project

Course Content(Calendar)

1. Drainage methods, techniques, systems and schemes, 2 h. Practical work 1: Etho-pographic and project plan terms of the works of the Meliorative Investigation, 2 h.
2 regulatory monitoring network. Damping gears, 2 h. Practical Work 2: Design of Sussex Books, 2 h.
3 vertical drainage. Drainage, placement, structure, 2 h. Practical Work 3: Design the drainage in the plan, 2 h.
4 drainage calculations, practical work 2 h 4: hydrological and hydraulic calculations of cannula collectors, 2 h.
5 drainage structures, sources, measuring well, receptions, filters, satellites, 2 h. Practical work 5: calculation of surface drainage in drained areas, 2 h.
6 hydrological delimiters. 2 h. Practical Work 6: Design of contortions in a plan and vertical plane, 2 h.
7 network, tasks, calculations. Covered municipalities, 2 h. Practical Work 7: Design and calculation of hand books, 2 h.
8 wastes, their tasks, regulatory techniques. Adjustment of bearings, 2 h. Practical work 8: Check and type selection for bed anchorages, 2 h.
9 constructions, falls, bridges, holes, corroborations. Flood plains amelioration, 2 h. Practical Work 9: Determination of parameters and attachment of standard design, 2 h.
10 polders, main parts, structures, proportions. Bilateral operating systems, operation, construction, 2 h. Practical work 10: Environmental friendly reclamation systems and rebuilding of cannula manifold, 2 h.
11 special drainage measures, building grounds, basements, courtyards, parking areas, stadiums, vegetables, 2 h. Practical work 11: Landyard drainage techniques, 2 h.
12 deflection, repair and care measures of amelioration systems, 2 h. Practical work 12: Procedures for the detection of defects and defects in the reclamation system, 2 h.
13 legislation. Amelioration cadastre, principles of formation, information included, options for application, 2 h. Practical Work 13: Acquisition of the Standard for Real Estate Industry of the Ministry of Agriculture, 2 h.
14 cultural engineering. Types of rounding, harvesting technologies, 2 h. Practical work 14: Designation of outlines and areas of the parcel to be removed in the project plan, 2 h.
Harvesting 15 stones, stumps and crickets. Area floating, 2 h. Practical work 15: Measures for the conservation and protection of soil in an amelioration site, 2 h.
First treatment and correction of 16 soils. Environmental protection and landscape building activities, 2 h. Practical work 16: Principles for building an environmentally friendly amelioration system, 2 h.

Requirements for awarding credit points

16 practical work needs to be developed.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

The developed course project

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

Final test type written examination. Answers to questions covering the 20-course substance should be submitted, each question being evaluated in a five-point system. An exam with a nearly mediocre score (4 balls) settled if scored 40-45 points: 5 balls – 46-55 points, 6 balls – 56-65 points, etc., while 96 points and more correspond to a 10-ball rating.

Compulsory reading

1. Kļaviņš U., Sudārs R. Meliorācija: mācību līdzeklis. Jelgava: LLU, 2010. 224 lpp.
2. Uzņēmumu tehniskie noteikumi (nozares standarts) „Meliorācijas sistēmas”. Rīga, 2009. Pieejams:
3. Lauksaimniecības hidrotehniskā meliorācija. O. Sauka, P. Bušmanis u.c. Rīga: Zvaigzne, 1987. 296 lpp.
4. Drainage Principles and Applications. International Institute for Land Reclamation and Improvement. Editor–in-chief H. P. Ritzema. Netherlands: ILRI. Wageningen, the Netherlands, 1994. 1125 p. Pieejams:

Further reading

1. Zīverts A. Hidroloģija: ievads un hidroloģiskie aprēķini. Jelgava: LLU, 2004. 103 lpp.
2. Zīverts A. Pazemes ūdeņu hidroloģija. Jelgava, LLU: 2001. 81 lpp.
3. Kultūrtehnisko darbu tehnoloģiskās shēmas. Rīga: RRA "Latvijas meliorācija", 1990. 27 lpp.

Periodicals and other sources

1. Ražība: Zinātniski praktisks žurnāls zinātniekiem, agronomiem, zemniekiem. Rīga: Agroķīmisko pētījumu centrs.
2. Vides Vēstis: vides aizsardzības kluba žurnāls. Rīga: Vides aizsardzības klubs. 1997- ISSN 1407-2939


Course VBF Professional Bachelor Study Program "Environment and Water Management".