Course code HidZ3026

Credit points 3

Forest Melioration

Total Hours in Course81

Independent study hours81

Date of course confirmation19.04.2021

Responsible UnitInstutute of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Engineering

Course developers

author Ainavu arhitektūras un vides inženierijas institūts

Artūrs Veinbergs


author reserch

Kaspars Abramenko

Mg. sc. ing.

Course abstract

The effect of local and zonal factors and necessity of engineering measures should be examined. Problems must be solved by finding causes, choosing methods, adapting optimal technical solutions. Using plans of forest lands (1:5000) students have to design engineering systems, draw it in horizontal and vertical plane, calculate their parameters. It is necessary to realize the hydrological and hydraulic calculations for fixing the dimensions of drainage systems. Road structures, as well as hydro technical structures, calculation of their parameters and their use are discussed.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

1. The course develops knowledge and understanding of the role of drainage, irrigation, and land reclamation as a sophisticated measure in different regional and local environmental conditions. The course develops an understanding of all the mentioned measures on forest productivity and changes in environmental quality.
2. The course provides skills and abilities in understanding the conditions of the soil water regime and land reclamation in the context of water and land management systems in forests. Concerning the mentioned, students achieve an ability to examine and technically solve the problems by selecting optimal engineering solutions.

3. The course imparts competence to select appropriate measures for optimizing soil moisture regime and designing the forest drainage system.

Course Content(Calendar)

Week 1: the introduction to the study course; Insight in the topographic plan material for the design of forest drainage system – practical work 2 hours;
Week 2: determination of forest type and understanding the water flow paths in the topographic plan – practical work 2 hours;
Week 3: designing of the main channel in the topographic plan – practical work 2 hours;
Week 4: designing of the main channel in the topographic plan, designing of the drainage ditches in the topographic plan – practical work 2 hours;
Week 5: designing of the drainage ditches in the topographic plan – practical work 2 hours;
Week 6: allocation of the culverts, road network, and related elements in the topographic plan, numbering the elements in the topographic plan – practical work 2 hours;
Week 7: technical drawing of the longitudinal profile for the main channel – practical work 2 hours;
Week 8: technical drawing of the longitudinal profiles for the drainage ditch – practical work 2 hours;
Week 9: technical drawing of the longitudinal profiles for the drainage ditch – practical work 2 hours;
Week 10: calculations of the discharge for the main channel – practical work 2 hours;
Week 11: selecting the parameters of the crosssections of the ditches, calculations of hydraulic parameters for the main channel – practical work 2 hours;
Week 12: implementing results of the hydraulic calculations in the longitudinal profile. Estimating the necessity and choosing the measures to avoid erosion – practical work 2 hours;
Week 13: designing the culverts; Implementation of environmentally friendly measures – practical work 2 hours;
Week 14: adjustment of the longitudinal profiles, calculations of the characteristic parameters, and quantification of the digging volumes – practical work 2 hours;
Week 15: defending the project of designed forest drainage system – practical work 2 hours;

Week 16: defending the designed forest drainage system project and finalize the course – practical work 2 hours.

Requirements for awarding credit points

The course demands for successfully defended the designed forest drainage system project, including explanatory notes for each task accomplished. Students should accomplish the mandatory tasks while they can work for optional tasks to increase the project's performance.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

The tasks are explained, discussed, and students can partly work out the tasks during the lectures. Students should finalize the tasks and write their explanatory notes independently.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

The student's performance will be assessed by counting the sum of the marks earned in the tasks described further.
The mandatory tasks and respective explanatory notes are assessed by marks:
1. Technical drawing of the Drainage system, road network, and culverts in the topographic plan – 1.0 point;
2. Design of the ditch longitudinal profiles consisting the information of land surface, stream bed, necessary water levels, slope gradients of the river bed and banks, digging volume – 2.0 points;
3. Hydrological calculations – 1.0 point;
4. Hydraulic calculations – 0.5 points;
5. Measures for avoiding the erosion of river bed – 0.5 points;
6. Explanation of all the mandatory tasks – 2.0 points;
7. The design of explanatory notes and drawings – 1.0 point.
The optional tasks are assessed by marks:
1. Technical drawing of the culvert – 1.0 point;
2. Explanatory drawings of the designed measures 0.5 points;
3. The estimation of the erosion risk and selection of appropriate measures for the drainage ditches – 0.5 points
4. Design of appropriate bending for the main channel – 0.5 points
5. Technical drawing of the sedimentation pond 0.5 points;
6. Estimated costs of the project 0.5 points;

7. Other measures suggested by the students.

Compulsory reading

1. Latvijas būvnormatīvs LBN 224-15 „Meliorācijas sistēmas un hidrotehniskās būves” Rīga, 2015. MK noteikumi Nr.329 " Noteikumi par Latvijas būvnormatīvu LBN 224-15 "Meliorācijas sistēmas un hidrotehniskās būves"" [tiešsaiste]. Pieņemts 30.06.2015.; stājas spēkā 01.07.2015. [Skatīts 30.03.2020.]. Pieejams:
2. Meža infrastruktūras objektu projektēšana. Tehniskie noteikumi. Latvijas valsts standarts Nr. 8099. Reģistrēts 16.09.2015. apstiprināts ar AS „Latvijas valsts meži”. Prezidenta R.Strīpnieka 14.09.2015. rīkojumu Nr. 3.1-2.1_002y_101_15_29. 88 lpp. [Skatīts 30.03.2020.]. Pieejams:

3. Labrencis V., R. Sudārs R. Meža meliorācija. Jelgava: LLU, 2005. 165 lpp.

Further reading

1. G. Ašmanis, M. Neicinieks, A. Neimanis, A. Purviņa, I. Skrebelis, N. Šukīte, J. Upens. Meža autoceļu rokasgrāmata. AS Latvijas valsts meži. 97 lpp. [Skatīts 30.03.2020.]. Pieejams:
2. A. Berķis, A. Meijere, A. Sedlenieks, A. Vanags, G. Ansons, I. Rove, J. Brauns, J. Grīslis, M. Gaigals. (2013). Rokasgrāmata mežu tipu noteikšanai. Latvijas valsts meži. ISBN 978-9984-9969-8-1. 67 lpp. [Skatīts 30.03.2020.]. Pieejams:

3. UTN nozares standarti (2008). Meliorācijas sistēmas. LV UTN 90000064161-01-2008; LV UTN 90000064161-02-2008; LV UTN 90000064161-03-2008; LV UTN 90000064161-04-2008; LV UTN 90000064161-05-2008; LV UTN 90000064161-06-2008; LV UTN 90000064161-07-2008. Zemkopības ministrija. [Skatīts 30.03.2020.]. Pieejams:


This study course is compulsory for students of study program of Forestry Science in Forest faculty and Environment at Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies and optional for students of study program of Environment and Water Management in the Faculty of Environment and Civil Engineering at Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies.