Course code Fizi2021
Credit points 4.50
Total Hours in Course120
Number of hours for lectures24
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes16
Number of hours for laboratory classes16
Independent study hours64
Date of course confirmation20.02.2013
Responsible UnitInstitute of Mathematics and Physics
Dr. phys.
Dr. phys.
FiziB013 [GFIZB013] Physics I
The aim of this course is to provide knowledge in physics, in accordance with the needs of further studies of agricultural engineering specialists. Course consists of lectures, manual training and laboratory works. During the lectures students are introduced to theory and ways of describing physical laws. Manual training (practical classes) includes practicing and understanding written exercises and calculating precise results. During laboratory workshops students deal with hands-on exercises where they measure, process and analyze various data readings, as well as to plot graphs.
After completing the course students will have:
1. knowledge of the regularities considered in the course of physics and a critical understanding of their applicability to describe real processes considered in their specialty. – The knowledge is assessed in laboratory works and tests.
2. skills to perform measurements of physical quantities and apply knowledge in calculations in the research of their field, to summarize and analytically describe the results, as well as to perform correct graphical representation of the results. – The skills are assessed in laboratory works.
3. competence to evaluate the results of measurements and calculations, solutions to problems, and to understand the impact of one's professional activity on the environment. – The competence is assessed in laboratory works and tests.
1. Kinematics. Linear and circular motion. (Lecture - 2 h)
2. Linear motion dynamics, linear momentum. (Lecture - 2 h)
3. Rotational dynamics, momentum of inertia, angular momentum. (Lecture - 2 h)
4. Calculation of work and power. (Lecture - 2 h)
5. Fluid mechanics. (Lecture – 2 h)
6. Kinetic theory of gases. Ideal gas law. (Lecture - 2 h)
7. Thermodynamics. Cyclic processes. (Lecture - 2 h)
8. 1st test. Mechanics and Molecular physics. (1 h)
9. Interaction of electric charges. Coulomb’s law. (Lecture – 1 h)
10. Electric field and potential. (Lecture – 2 h)
11. Electric field in insulators. (Lecture - 1 h)
12. Electric field in conductors. Capacitors. (Lecture - 2 h)
13. Electric current. (Lecture - 2 h)
14. 2nd test. Electrostatics and direct current (1 h)
Practical classes
1. Practical classes in mechanics. 4 h
2. Practical classes in molecular physics. 3 h
4. 1st test. Mechanics and calculation of thermal processes. 1h
5. Practical classes in electrostatics and direct current. 7 h
6. 2nd test. Calculation of the electric fields. 1 h
Laboratory works
1. Laboratory classes in mechanics (friction, momentum of inertia, rotational dynamics, power). 8 h
2. Laboratory classes in molecular physics (viscosity, specific heat, properties of liquids, phase transitions). 8 h
The requirement is – passing the exam.
In order to be allowed to take the exam, all tests must be written and the laboratory works must be performed and defended, and total 50% of the maximum possible points must be obtained.
Each student must process the experimental data obtained during the laboratory work (it is necessary to perform calculations in accordance to the assignment and, if required in the assignment, to plot a graph), and document the results in accordance to the requirements, as well as prepare for the defense of laboratory work by independently studying the study literature.
Knowledge control:
1) Theory tests – 2;
2) Practical exercise tests – 2;
3) Laboratory works (development and defence) – 8.
Each part shall be evaluated by 0-10 points.
1. Fizika. Valtera A. red., Rīga: Zvaigzne, 1992. 733 lpp.
2. Serway R. A., Jewett J. W. Physics for scientists and engineers, with modern physics. 9th ed. Boston, MA: Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning, 2014. 1484 p.
3. Physics for scientists and engineers: an interactive approach. R. Hawkes et al. Toronto: Nelson Education, 2014. 946 p.
4. Tipler P. A., Mosca G. Physics for Scientists and Engineers. 6th edition. New York, NY: W. H. Freeman, 2008. 1172 p.
1. Jansone M., Kalnača A. u.c. Uzdevumu krājums vispārīgajā fizikā. Rīga: RTU, 2000. 247 lpp.
2. Fizika visiem.
The study course is included in the compulsory part of the Bachelor’s study program “Agricultural Engineering”