Course code ETel3010
Credit points 1.50
Total Hours in Course40
Number of hours for lectures8
Number of hours for laboratory classes8
Independent study hours24
Date of course confirmation16.03.2011
Responsible UnitInstitute of Engineering and Energetics
Dr. sc. ing.
ETel3015, Electronics and Communications Engineering I
EeTkB004 [GEIKB004] Electronics and Communications Engineering
The aim of the study course is to know combinational and sequential circuits, main logic functions and relations, usage of logic functions in logical circuits, microprocessor systems and microcontrollers in process control, embedded systems, analog, digital and mixed circuits, analog-digital and digital-analog conversion, sensors and actuators in digital control, digital signal processing, electrical drive control, structure, elements and operation of communication systems, wired and wireless communication, home, office, industrial communication networks, mobile networks.
Knowledge - knows digital electronic elements, their structure, properties and applications in sensor systems, automatic control, signal processing and communication techniques, microcontroller software development processes – laboratory work and their defense.
Skills - ability to use standard circuits for the development of digital electronic devices, to make calculations on digital electronic circuits – laboratory works and their defense.
Competence - on parameters of electronic elements, to choose the appropriate electronic elements and standard circuits for the development and maintenance of electronic devices and different equipment, to use electronics laboratory equipment, to process their output data using computer – exam.
Full time intramural studies:
1. The main logical functions and relationships between them (Laboratory work - 2h)
2. Typical combinational and sequential logic circuits (Laboratory work - 2h)
3. Triggers, binary counters, registers, memory. (Lecture – 1h)
4. Digital comparators, arithmetic logic units, programmable logic arrays. (Laboratory work - 2h)
5. Concept of embedded system, automatic control using digital circuits. (Lecture – 1h)
6. Microprocessor systems, microcontrollers, sensors and actuators in numerical control (Laboratory work - 2h)
7. Digital signal processing, digital signal filters, digital signal processors and controllers. (Lecture – 1h)
8. Computer numerical control. (Lecture – 1h)
9. Communication systems, their structure, elements and operation. (Lecture – 1h)
10. Wired and wireless data transmission, optical networks (Test - 2h)
11. Home, office and industrial communication networks, sensor networks, internet of things. (Lecture – 1h)
Part time extramural studies:
All topics specified for full time studies are accomplished, but the number of contact hours is one half of the number specified in the calendar
All 4 laboratory works completed and defended. Test completed.
Exam completed.
Preparation of laboratory works – drawing tables and graphs in a computer, processing of electronically logged data. Literature studies
The defense of the laboratory works by answering one question about each. The test is completed successfully. Exam is completed successfully.
1. Leščevics P., Galiņš A. Elektronika un sakaru tehnika: mācību metodiskais līdzeklis. Jelgava: LLU, 2008. 121 lpp.
2. Frohn M. Mikroelektronikas komponentes un pamatshēmas. Valmiera: VPIC, 2003. 512 lpp.
3. Greivulis J., Raņķis I. Iekārtu vadības elektroniskie elementi un mezgli. Rīga: Avots, 1996. 288 lpp.
4. Leščevics P., Galiņš A. Elektronika: Mācību metodiskais līdzeklis. Jelgava: LLU, 2008. 58 lpp.
1. Raņķis I., Žirovecka A. Industriālās elektronikas pamati. Rīga: RTU, 2007. 212 lpp.
1. Радио. ISSN-0033-765X. [tiešsaiste] [skatīts: 03.10.2011.]. Pieejams:
2. Современные технологии автоматизации. ISSN 0206-975Х. [tiešsaiste] [skatīts: 03.10.2011.]. Pieejams:
Compulsory course in full-time and part-time studies of professional higher education bachelor study program Applied Energy Engineering.