Course code ETeh4004

Credit points 3

Microprocessor Control Systems

Total Hours in Course81

Number of hours for lectures8

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes16

Number of hours for laboratory classes8

Independent study hours49

Date of course confirmation18.10.2022

Responsible UnitInstitute of Engineering and Energetics

Course developer

author prof.

Vitālijs Osadčuks

Dr. sc. ing.

Course abstract

The aim of the study course is to introduce theoretical information about the construction of microprocessor control systems, peripheral devices, programming, connecting and using various types of sensors and actuators in digital automatic control. In laboratory works, students study the components of digital control equipment: logical elements and logical circuits of various degrees of complexity. In practical works, students learn microcontroller programming by implementing programs for reading digital and analog sensors, controlling actuators and organizing the user interfaces.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

Acquired knowledge about the construction of microprocessor control systems, methods, materials and tools in the development of digital automatic control equipment (development of practical works); Acquired skills to develop microcontroller programs for PIC16 architecture, independently learn programming of devices of other manufacturers and architectures (development and defense of laboratory works).

Course Content(Calendar)

1 Introduction to digital control systems; MPLAB integrated development environment, creation and configuration of a new project – 2 h.
2 Programming process of a microcontroller; compiling a simple PIC16 microcontroller program - 2 h.
3 Architecture of microprocessor control systems; configuring input and output ports – 2 h.
4 Program debugging in the stimulator and with the internal circuit debugger – 2 h.
5 Software for embedded microprocessor systems; laboratory works no. 1-3 and practical works no. 1-2 defense – 2 h.
6 Program execution time and time delay generation – 2 h.
7 Program structure of the microcontroller-based control system; use of timers in the program – 2 h.
8 Debugging process, use of breakpoints in a program – 2 h.
9 Peripheral modules and their configuration; reading the states of the push-button matrix – 2 h.
10 Laboratory works no. 4-5 and practical works no. 3-4 defense – 2 h.
11 Connecting external memory, actuators and sensors; configuring the analog-to-digital converter – 2 h.
12 Use of energy-independent EEPROM memory – 2 h.
13 Organizing the user interface; laboratory works no. 6-7 and practical work no. 5 defense – 2 h.
14 Use of the pulse width modulation block in the program – 2 h.
15 Industrial interprocessor communication networks and sensor networks; DC motor control – 2 h.
16 Laboratory work no. 8 and practical work no. 6 defense – 2 h.

Requirements for awarding credit points

Developed and defended 8 laboratory works and 6 thematic practical works.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

Drawing up protocols of laboratory work and preparing for defense.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

The evaluation of the study course is made cumulatively - the average grade of the developed and defended 8 laboratory works and 6 practical works.

Compulsory reading

1. Osadčuks V. LED MAKETS 2. Mācību – metodiskais līdzeklis, Jelgava: LLU, (elektronisks materiāls e-studijās), 2018, 65 lpp.
2. Noergaard T. Embedded Systems Architecture: A Comprehensive Guide for Engineers and Programmers. Burlington: Elsevier, 2005. 640 p.
3. Greivulis J., Raņķis I. Iekārtu vadības elektroniskie elementi un mezgli. Rīga: Avots, 1996, 288 lpp.
4. Leščevics P., Galiņš A. Elektronika: Mācību metodiskais līdzeklis. Jelgava: LLU, 2008. 58 lpp.
5. Предко. М. Устройства управления роботами. Схемотехника и программирование. Москва: ДМК, 2004. 404 с.

Further reading

Verle M. PIC Microcontrollers Programming in C. [tiešsaiste] [skatīts: 03.10.2022.].

Periodicals and other sources

1 Microchip product Application Notes [tiešsaiste] [skatīts: 03.10.2022.]. Pieejams:
2. Современные технологии автоматизации. ISSN 0206-975Х. [tiešsaiste] [skatīts: 03.10.2022.]. Pieejams:


The course is included in the compulsory elective part of the ITF academic bachelor study program "Computer management and computer science".