Course code Ener5002
Credit points 3
Total Hours in Course81
Number of hours for lectures12
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes12
Independent study hours57
Date of course confirmation12.03.2013
Responsible UnitInstitute of Engineering and Energetics
Mg. sc. ing.
Mg. sc. ing.
ETeh5003, Conformity and Certification of Electrical Equipment
The aim of the course is to get acquainted with energy supply systems, energy system life cycle analysis, evaluation of energy, economic and sustainability parameters of systems. Students gain knowledge about the peculiarities of energy supply systems, alternative energy resources and their use for the energy supply of agricultural facilities. Students acquire skills in calculating consumer loads, justifying the choice of technical equipment and reducing energy losses.
1. Knowledge - knows the functions, structure and elements of agricultural energy supply systems - tests 1, 2.
2. Skills - able to calculate the parameters of energy supply system components and evaluate operating modes - 3 homeworks.
3. Competence - to assess the energy, economic and environmental parameters of the energy supply system of agricultural object, to provide recommendations for the use of alternative energy resources and reduction of GHG emissions - independent work, test.
1. Energy sources, object energy supply systems, types, functions (lecture - 1 h).
2. Sustainability of energy supply systems, criteria characterizing sustainability (lecture - 1 h, practical work - 2 h).
Test 1 - Agricultural energy supply systems, their component structure, energy supply security and quality requirements (lecture - 1 h).
3. Energy and economic evaluation of agricultural energy supply systems (lecture - 1 h, practical works - 2 h).
4. Greenhouse gas (GHG) formation in the energy supply system, methods for GHG reduction (lecture - 1 h, practical work - 2 h).
5. Environmental impact assessment of the energy supply system and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions assessment (lecture - 1 h).
6. Alternative agricultural energy supply resources, characteristic parameters (lecture - 1 h, practical works - 2 h).
7. Heat supply systems of agricultural production plants, energy parameters (lecture - 1 h).
8. Agricultural power supply networks (medium voltage networks 10… 20 kV and internal networks 0.4 kV), (lecture - 1 h, practical works - 2 h).
9. The main requirements for security of energy supply and its assessment (lecture - 1 h, practical work - 1 h).
10. Loads of agricultural consumer electricity networks. Load stability (lecture - 1 h).
11. Consumer (farmer) substations, reduction of losses in the electricity supply network (lecture - 1 h, practical works - 2 h).
Test 2 - short-circuit current calculations and selection of protection equipment.
12. Production of heat and electricity in biomass cogeneration plants, biomass resources (lecture - 1 h).
13. Optimization of biogas cogeneration plants operation, biomass resources management (lecture - 1 h, practical works - 2 h).
14. Adjustment of loads of agricultural energy producers and consumers, determination of economic activity regimes (lecture - 1 h).
15. Automation of monitoring and regulation of loads of energy producers and consumers (lecture - 1 h, practical works - 2 h).
Test 3 - Analysis of energy efficiency parameters of the power supply system.
16. Perspective object energy supply management systems (lecture - 1 h).
Assessment of a test with a mark takes place in a 10-point system, summing up the assessments of tests (max. 30%), independent work (max. 40%) and homework (max. 30%), taking into account the level and quality of the acquired knowledge.
Homework 1 - Economic evaluation of the life cycle of the energy supply system.
Homework 2 - Calculation of consumer power line cross section.
Homework 3 - GHG emission assessment for a local energy supply facility.
Independent work - Substantiation of the energy supply system of an agricultural object.
The assessment of the study course test depends on the assessment of the test task and the cumulative assessment of the study course tests and homework. A student can obtain a successful mark on a test or test if at least 50% of the test questions have been answered correctly.
Homework assignments are assessed in accordance with homework assignments the level of accuracy and quality of compliance.
The test mark is calculated as the arithmetic mean of the test tasks and the average semester mark, which is calculated as the arithmetic mean of the marks of the tests and homework taken in the study course.
1. Vanags A. Elektriskie tīkli un sistēmas. I daļa. Rīga: RTU, 2002. 480 lpp.
2. Vanags A., Krišāns Z. Elektriskie tīkli un sistēmas. II daļa. Rīga: RTU, 2005. 342 lpp.
3. Гужов Н.П, Павлюченко Д.А. Ольховский В.Я. Системы электроснабжения, Феникс, 2011 г., cтр. 384.
4. Janet N. Optimization of Energy Supply Systems. Modelling, Programming and Analysis, Springer International Publishing, 2018, p. 305.
1. Маньков В.Д. Основы проектирования систем электроснабжения, Санкт-Петербург, 2010,
2. Lund H., Renewable energy systems, The choice and Modeling of 100% Renewable Solutions, Elsevier, 2010.
1. Enerģija un Pasaule, ISSN 1407-5911
2. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Elsevier Elsevier BV, ISSN 13640321
3. International Journal of Sustainable Energy, Online ISSN: 1478-646X
The study course is included in the optional part of the TF academic master's study program "Agricultural Engineering" sub-program "Energetics".