Course code Ener3029
Credit points 1.50
Total Hours in Course40
Number of hours for lectures16
Independent study hours24
Date of course confirmation17.12.2014
Responsible UnitInstitute of Engineering and Energetics
Dr. sc. ing.
Ener3018, Heat Sources
Ener3027, Fundamentals of Heat Studies I
Ener3028, Fundamentals of Heat Studies II
VidEB001 [GVIEB001] Maintenance of Heating Systems
The aim of the study course is to acquire the design and maintenance of building heating systems with water, hot air, electric heaters, gas heaters, heated floors and their component parts as well as heat generators and installation elements. The design of up-to-date heating systems, control principles and it's components are analyzed as well as solutions to improve energy efficiency.
Knowledge - the construction and operation of heating systems and component parts, operation providing elements, maintenance;
Skills - to be able to calculate the components of heating system, to make reasoned choice of working conditions and to evaluate those suitability for object;
Competence - to choose the most suitable heating system for the given object, to evaluate solutions of the heating system operation and control energy efficiency improving.
Full time intramural studies:
1. Water heating systems, classification, their schemes, design principles. (Lectures – 2h)
2. Pipelines for heating systems, their characteristics, selection, assembly. (Lectures – 2h)
3. Bleeding of water heating systems, safety components, expansion tank. (Lectures – 2h)
4. Circulation pumps, their choice. (Lectures – 2h)
5. Hydraulic calculation of water heating system elements. (Lectures – 2h)
6. Heat generators for heating systems. (Lectures – 2h)
7. Accumulation tank, calculation of it. (Lectures – 2h)
8. Air heating systems. Electrical heating systems and equipment. (Lectures – 2h)
9. Heating with gas burners. (Lectures – 2h)
10. Heating systems with floor-mounted heating pipes. (Lectures – 2h)
11. Heating systems with floor-mounted heating cables. (Lectures – 2h)
12. Types of heat pumps, their use in heating systems. (Lectures – 2h)
13. Heating system controls: heating controllers, valves. (Lectures – 2h)
14. The concept and principles of development of a modern heating system. (Lectures – 2h)
15. Individual accounting of thermal energy consumption. Allocators. (Lectures – 2h)
16. Heating efficiency, energy saving solutions. (Lectures – 2h)
Part time extramural studies:
All topics specified for full time studies are accomplished, but the number of contact hours is one half of the number specified in the calendar
Credit with mark.
Test must be passed.
Students independently prepare for the test.
The rating of the Credit depends on the rating obtained from the test. Crediting is obtained by successfully writing a test There are 8 questions in test. Assessment: correct, complete answer to the specific question - 1 point, partial or non-essential errors - 0.5 points, incorrect or not - 0 points. Minimum summary score for positive test mark – 5 points.
1. Šeļegovskis R. Apsildes sistēmu elementu aprēķinu metodika un piemēri. Metodiskais līdzeklis. Jelgava: LLU TF, 2008. 60 lpp. Pieejams:ācību materiāli/R.Šeļegovska mācību materiāli.
2. Jaunu ūdens apkures un karstā ūdens apgādes sistēmu projektēšana. Dzelzītis E, Krēsliņš A., Šteinerts A. u.c. Rīga: VARAM, SGŪTIS, 1999. 95 lpp.
3. Čiuprinskas K. u.c. Apkure, ventilācija, gaisa kondicionēšana. Teorija un prakse. Vilnius, “Supernamai”, 2019. 405 lpp.
1. Šterns H.B. Centrālapsilde savrupnamā. Rīga: Lielupes izdevniecība IK, 2005. 169 lpp.
2. Borodiņecs A., Krēsliņš A. Būvniecības siltumfizika ēku projektētājiem. Rīga: RTU, 2007. 131 lpp.
3. Dzelzītis E. Siltuma, gāzes un ūdens inženiersistēmu automatizācijas pamati. Rīga: RTU, 2005. 414 lpp.
1. Enerģētika & Automatizācija. Ikmēneša žurnāls. Izdevējs SIA Biznesa Portāls. ISSN 1407-8589.
Compulsory course in full-time and part-time studies of professional higher education bachelor study program Applied Energy Engineering in specialization Energy Economics.