Course code Ener3025

Credit points 3


Total Hours in Course81

Number of hours for lectures32

Independent study hours49

Date of course confirmation09.03.2021

Responsible UnitInstitute of Engineering and Energetics

Course developers


Vilis Dubrovskis

Dr. sc. ing.

author lect.

Kristīne Zihmane-Rītiņa

Dr. sc. ing.

Course abstract

By acquiring this study course students will be acquainted with biomass as an accumulator of sun energy, resources of bioenergy, wood, straw, waste, biodiesel and bioethanol, biogas and syntetic gas, small biomass heating systems, large biomass heating systems, bioethanol producing equipment, equipment for producing biodiesel, equipment for pyrolisys, equipment for biogas producing, farms for bioenergy producing, centers of bioenergy for district.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

Knowledges: energy production opportunities from biomass, various bioenergy resources and technologies for their use;

Abilities: to develop technological projects for various equipment that uses biomass for energy production, performs various necessary calculations - home work.

Competences: evaluation and selection of various bioenergy resources and technologies for energy supply of a specific object - test.

Course Content(Calendar)

Bioenergy subject, biomass-solar energy accumulator. Use of bioenergy in other forms of energy. - 2h.
Classification and characterization of bioenergy resources. Dry bioenergy resources: wood, straw, waste, etc. c. - 2h.
Liquid and gaseous bioenergy resources: oil and biodiesel, bioethanol, coal, biogas, wood gas.- 2h.
Use of biomass in energy production. Cogeneration. Fuel cells. Bioenergy systems. - 2h.

Test 1.

Small and large wood, straw, etc. dry resource heating equipment and accessories. - 2h.
Bioenergy installations for the production of liquid energy resources from biomass. Bioethanol production equipment - 2h.
Oil and biodiesel production equipment. Factory technological schemes. Use of by - products. - 2h.
Pyrolysis equipment. Anaerobic fermentation of biomass. Raw materials, potential. organic waste, sewage.– 2h.

Test 2.

Biogas production process, microbiology and biochemistry, influencing factors, inhibitors, catalysts.– 2h.
Bioenergy equipment, main units and systems. Technological schemes, operation, management.– 2h.
Landfill gas collection and use. Waste processes, gas systems, equipment.– 2h.
Use of digestate. Manufacture of fertilizers and feed additives. Technologies and equipment. - 2h.

Test 3.

Bioenergy farms. Forced breeding farms of forest biomass, technological calculation. - 2h.
Biogas production farms. Electricity and heat production. Energy crops. - 2h.
Bioethanol and biodiesel feedstock farms. Basic conditions, technology, project. - 2h.
Bioenergetic centers of settlements. Choice of place, consumers, the most typical equipment, economic effect.– 2h.

Homework. Calculation of technical parameters for any of the installations using biomass for energy production.

Requirements for awarding credit points

Written test.

A student is admitted to the test only if the tests have been successfully written, the tests given in the classes have been completed, and homework has been passed.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

Homework must be completed: a calculation must be made for one of the installations that uses bioenergy for energy production.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

The assessment of the study course test consists of the sum of the points obtained for each answer to the test question:

- Correct comprehensive answer 3 points,

- Correct answer with minor deficiencies or errors: 2 points,

- Answer containing only basic concepts without explanation or with material errors: 1 point,

- No answer, wrong answer, very serious material errors in the answer: 0 points.

After obtaining 9 points, it is possible to have discussions, as a result of which the student, by presenting appropriate knowledge and understanding, obtains a grade of 10 - excellent.

Compulsory reading

1. Dubrovskis.V., Adamovičs A. Bioenerģētikas horizonti. Jelgava, 2012. 352 lpp.
2. Gulbis V., Birzietis G. Par biodīzeļdegvielas kvalitāti, lai tuvinātu biodīzeļdegvielas īpašību kopumu fosilās dīzeļdegvielas īpašībām. Rīga: Uzņēmumu vadības institūts, 2006. 116 lpp.
3. Kalniņš A. Par bioetanola pielietošanas iespēju paplašināšanu transportā. Rīga: Latvijas Biodegvielu asociācija, 2006. 128 lpp.
4. Adamovičs A. Biomasas enerģija. Jelgava, 2012. 48 lpp.

Further reading

1. Kalniņš A. Ekonomiskais vērtējums par Vācijas pieredzi rapša eļļas degvielas un biodīzeļdegvielas pielietošanas lietderību Latvijas apstākļos. Rīga: Latbio konsultāciju centrs, 2006. 128 lpp.
2. Adamovičs A., Agapovs J., Aršanica A., Daņiļevičs A., u.c. Enerģētisko augu audzēšana un izmantošana. Rīga: Vides projekti, 2007. 190 lpp.
3. Lazdiņš A. Meža biomasas sagatavošana un izmantošana. Rīga: Valsts SIA Vides projekti, 2006. 54 lpp.

Periodicals and other sources

Enerģētika un automatizācija ISSN 1407 - 8580. Profesionāls žurnāls par enerģētiku un automatizācijas risinājumiem /


Free choice course for bachelor students.