Course code Ener2003

Credit points 3

Heat Engineering

Total Hours in Course81

Number of hours for lectures16

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes16

Number of hours for laboratory classes0

Independent study hours49

Date of course confirmation17.12.2024

Responsible UnitInstitute of Engineering and Energetics

Course developer

author Pārtikas institūts

Elīna Sturmoviča

Dr. sc. ing.

Prior knowledge

Fizi2021, Physics I

Mate1029, Mathematics I

Meha4008, Theoretical Mechanics I

Course abstract

The aim of the course is to understand the use of heat energy in the sectors of the economy, the final sources of heat generation, the transformation of fuel chemical energy into heat and mechanical energy, further used in technical installations, to understand the laws of thermodynamics. Students acquire knowledge of the types of heat carriers, their properties, the types of heat exchange, and the structures of heat extraction, conversion and transfer equipment. Students learn how to perform heat estimates so they can choose heat equipment correctly.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

After completing the course student will have:
• knowledge of the use of heat energy in the sectors of the economy, the types of heat carriers, their properties, the exchange of heat, and the construction of heat extraction, conversion and transfer equipment - lectures, two theoretical tests;
• skills for calculating heat equipment by selecting appropriate equipment - three calculation tests;

• competencies - working in a group or independently, carrying out studies, evaluating results obtained, and drawing conclusions and arguing their views on the working regime of the selected heat equipment, explaining safety and operational requirements - laboratory work, theoretical studies on a selected topic.

Course Content(Calendar)

1. Achievements in the development of heating engineering (Lectures – 1 h)
2. Types and characteristics of heat carriers Parameters for working substances (Lectures – 1 h, Laboratory work – 2 h)
3. Normal conditions of the working substance. Perfect gas, gas blends. (Lectures – 1 h, Practical works - 1 h)
4. The specific calorific values of gases, their types. Calculation of the amount of heat (Lectures – 1 h, Practical works - 1 h)
5. Power. Calculation of fuel consumption (Lectures – 1 h, Practical works - 1st test on heat and fuel calculation)
6. I Thermodynamics law. Gas developments (Lectures – 1 h, Practical works - 1 h)
7. II Thermodynamics law. Thermodynamic cycles, their meaning and use. (Lectures – 1 h, Practical works - 2nd test on heat calculations in gas cycles)
8. Water vapour, its use. Types of steam. Heat consumption for steam extraction (Lectures – 1 h, Practical works - 1 h)
9. Determination of the water vapour parameters and the amount of energy using charts and tables (Lectures – 1 h, Practical works - 1 h, Laboratory work – 2 h)
10. Air as heat transfer. Description of the air. Types of air humidity expression. Determining air parameters using a chart (Lectures – 1 h, Practical works - 1 h)
11. Use of air as a heat transmitter (Lectures – 1 h, Practical works - 3rd test on calculation of steam and air, using charts and tables, Laboratory work – 1 h)
12. Heat displacement and ways of transferring it. Heat management, its calculation. Heat insulation materials, their characteristics. Radiations, its calculation. Convection, its expression, its characteristic. Combined heat displacement, its characteristics (Lectures – 1 h, Practical works - 1 h)
13. Heat exchange. The concept of heating surface, its calculation. Heat return and heat transition processes, their characteristics. Thermal resistance (Lectures – 1 h, Practical works - 1 h)
14. Temperature difference, determination. Heat exchange manifestations and technical equipment (Lectures – 1 h, Practical works - 1 h, Laboratory work – 1 h)
15. Heat extraction. Main sources of heat extraction. Fuel types. Fuel components, combustible, ballasting parts. Heat of combustion, determination thereof. Notional fuel, fuel equivalent. Fuel burning, complete, incomplete (Lectures – 1 h, Practical works - 1 h)

16. Steam and hot water production plants. Boiler types, characteristics. Basic components of boiler structure. Characteristics and purification of boiler-feeding water. Boiler heat balance (Lectures – 1 h, Practical works - 1 h)

Requirements for awarding credit points

Completed all laboratory works.
Successfully completed all tests (score at least 4).

Written and publicly defended theoretical study on the use of heating sistems in the industry.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

Theoretical studies in preparation for tests.
Collection and analysis of information in preparation for laboratory work, development of theoretical research on the selected topics.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

All tests should be successfully completed (score at least 4). The grade of the cumulative exam is calculated as average from all grades.

Compulsory reading

1. Nagla J, Saveļjevs P., Turlajs D. Siltumenerģētikas teorētiskie pamati. Rīgas Tehniskā universitāte. Transporta un mašīnzinību fakultāte. Siltumenerģētisko sistēmu katedra. Rīga : RTU, 2008. 192 lpp.

2. Lemba J.. Tehniskā termodinamika. Rīga:RTU, 1995. 197 lpp.

Further reading

1. Nagla J, Saveļjevs P, Ciemiņš R. Siltumtehnikas pamati. Rīga : Zvaigzne, 1981. 356 lpp.

2. Barkāns J. Kā taupīt enerģiju un saudzēt vidi. Rīga: SIA Bota, 1997. 369 lpp.


Compulsory course for TF Agricultural Engineering Studies Programme.