Course code Ekon4082
Credit points 3
Total Hours in Course81
Number of hours for lectures16
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes16
Independent study hours49
Date of course confirmation19.12.2019
Responsible UnitInstitute of Economics and Finance
Dr. oec.
PārZ1013, Food Law
PārZ1015, Quality Systems
PārZ3089, New Food Product Development
The course aims to provide the necessary knowledge and skills to be able to develop and implement an effective marketing strategy and apply various marketing tools in professional activity.
Students are introduced to the basic principles of food marketing theory, importance of food marketing and business organization. They acquire practical skills in the development of a targeted and sustainable food marketing strategy. Students learn specific techniques for identifying consumer needs, addressing cultural differentiation and marketing ethics problems, basics for successful operations in the domestic and international markets. Students become aware of the latest marketing trends in the industry.
Students will have:
1. Knowledge of core issues and basic concepts of marketing, market types – Test 1
2. Knowledge of consumer motivations, market segmentation, interaction between marketing elements – Test 2
3. Knowledge of product promotion principles in different markets and the latest food marketing trends – Test 3
4. Ability to analyse marketing strategies, select and justify various evaluation methods, make judgments and marketing decisions - Workshop attendance (discussions, situation analysis, group work)
5. Competence to create a complex sustainable marketing strategy - Individual homework
1. Principles, goals and functions of marketing. Preconditions for and development of marketing as a science (Lecture – 1 h).
2. Types of markets, their role in marketing activities. Marketing concepts. Internal and external marketing environments. Competition (Lecture – 1 h). Market type analysis and competitor assessment methods (Practicals – 2 h).
3. Market information and marketing research. Consumer behaviour models. Market segmentation and target market determination (Lecture – 1 h).
Core issues and basic concepts of marketing, the types of market (Test 1 – 1 h).
4. Marketing mix. Marketing and consumer interests (Lecture – 1 h).
Getting acquainted with the EU and national laws and regulations that govern market participants and consumer rights (Practical – 1 h).
5. Concept, characteristics and assortment of a product. Marketing and food quality. Development of new goods/services. Market positioning. (Lecture – 1 h). The practical significance of market positioning (Practical – 1 h).
6. Branding. The economic value of a product. Pricing strategies and tactics (Lecture – 1 h).
Consumer motivation. Market segmentation. Marketing mix interactions (Test 2 – 1 h).
7. Choice of marketing channels and the strategic and tactical goals of the company. Marketing logistics. (Lecture – 1 h). Analysis of popular food industry brands (Practical – 1 h).
8. Promotion of food products. General requirements for advertising. Special requirements for food advertising (Lecture – 1 h). Food advertising assessment (Practical – 1 h).
9. Role of public relations in the food market, the formation of public opinion. Use of the media, their selective choice (Lecture – 1 h). Analysis of public relations activities in the food industry (Practical – 1 h).
10. Food promotion activities. Direct selling. E-marketing of food, social media. HoReCa (Lecture – 1 h). Analysis of the most successful examples of e-marketing and social media (Practical – 1 h).
11. Role of quality certificates in food marketing. Private trademarks (Lecture – 1 h). The most popular private labels in Latvia and in the world (Practical – 1 h).
12. Trends in food marketing development (Lecture – 1 h; practical – 1 h).
13. Basics of international food marketing. The role of cultural and historical differences (Lecture – 1 h). Peculiarities of food marketing in foreign markets (Practical – 1 h).
14. Participation in international food exhibitions, their selection criteria and conditions for participation (Lecture – 1 h).
15. Developing a food marketing strategy (Lecture – 1 h).
Product promotion principles in different markets. The latest food marketing trends (Test 3 – 1 h).
16. Application of EU and national legislation to food marketing. Food labelling and traceability (Lecture – 1 h) (Practical assignment presentations – 2 h).
At least 80% of the classes must be attended. Individual homework must be submitted, all written tests must be passed.
Students’ independent work is their individual work, the aim of which is to deepen their theoretical knowledge of the basic principles and strategies of food marketing in preparation for tests and practical classes.
Based on the analysis of primary and secondary data, a sustainable marketing strategy for food product X should be elaborated, with a subsequent classroom presentation according to a pre-designed schedule and submitted to the teaching staff electronically. The length is at least 10 pages.
A student successfully passes the test if at least 40% of the test questions are answered correctly.
Three tests must be passed, which are marked and each account for 20% of the final mark.
Individual homework “Sustainable Marketing Strategy for Food Product X” accounts for 20% of the final mark.
Classroom activities – group work on a solution to a problem and a presentation of the key results account for 20% of the final mark.
1.Praude V. Mārketings: teorija un prakse. 1. grāmata, 3. izd. Rīga: Burtene, 2011. 522 lpp.
2. Praude V. Mārketings: teorija un prakse. 2. grāmata, 3. izd. Rīga: Burtene, 2011. 348 lpp.
3. Kotler, Philip, Kotlers par mārketingu : kā radīt, iekarot tirgu un dominēt tajā / Filips Kotlers ; [no angļu valodas tulkojusi Rita Baroniņa]. Rīga : Lietišķās informācijas dienests, 2007. 269 lpp. ; 22 cm. ISBN 9789984995267.
4. Westwood, John, Kā rakstīt mārketinga plānu / Džons Vestvuds : [no angļu valodas tulkojusi Antra Legzdiņa]. Rīga : Zvaigzne ABC, c2008. 127 lpp.: diagr., tab.; 22 cm. Bizness un karjera. ISBN 9789984406275.
5.Kotler P., Armstrong G. Principles of Marketing.15 th edition. Pearson, 2014, pp 681.
6.Kotler P., Meller K.L.Marketing Management. Prentice Hall, 2015, pp 832.
7.Kolah A., High Impact Marketing That Gets Results, Kogan Page, 2013, 336.
1. Fisk, Peter Mārketinga ģēnijs / Pīters Fisks : no angļu valodas tulkojusi Agnese Krivade, [Rīga] : Jāņa Rozes apgāds, 2009 390 lpp.ISBN 9789984233246.
2. Kenneth E. Clow, Donald E Baack (2015) Integrated Advertising, Promotion, and Marketing Communications, Global Edition. Pearson Publishing, 496 pp. ISBN-10: 1292093633, ISBN-13: 9781292093635.
3. Palmer, A. Principles of Services Marketing. Berkshire, 2014, pp. 495.
4.Hawkins D.I. , Mothersbaugh, D.L. Consumer Behavior. Building Marketing Strategy. New York, McGrae-Hill Irwin, 2013, pp.772.
1.“Dienas Bizness”, nedēļas laikraksts:Latvijas biznesa avīze.
2.“Kapitāls” žurnāls lietišķiem cilvēkiem, Rīga:SIA “Izdevniecība KK”. Issn 1407-2505.
3. American Marketing Association:
4. European Journal of Marketing:
5.Food Marketing (Pārtikas mārketings):
6. Food safety: from Farm to Fork (Pārtikas drošība: no fermas līdz dakšiņai):
7. Journal of Marketing Theory and Marketing Practice”. Association of Marketing Theory and. Practice. US. ISSN: 10696679.
Compulsory course for the academic bachelor programme Food Quality and Innovations.
Restricted elective course in academic bachelor's study programm "Food qaality and innovations".