Course code MVmAD003

Credit points 12

Course of Research Directions

Total Hours in Course324

Number of hours for lectures24

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes40

Independent study hours260

Date of course confirmation24.03.2021

Responsible UnitInstutute of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Engineering

Course developers

author prof.

Daiga Skujāne

Dr. arch.

author reserch

Aija Ziemeļniece

Dr. arch.

author prof.

Natalija Ņitavska

Dr. arch.

author Ainavu arhitektūras un vides inženierijas institūts

Una Īle

Dr. arch.

Prior knowledge

CitiD001, Preparation of scientific papers

ValoD001, English for Research Professionals

CitiD016, Scientific research methodology

ArhiD018, Research methodology

MVmAD002, Landscape transformation processes

Course abstract

The course program consists of three blocks: residential areas; public areas; natural base and cultural heritage sites. The course program is designed so that the doctoral student has the highest level of knowledge after mastering this course, as well as a new and expanded understanding of the most important research issues in landscape architecture; landscape policy issues; the problem of linking landscape planning of different scales; managing landscape change processes. As a result of the course, doctoral students develop skills of evaluation and information synthesis in various fields of landscape architecture, as well as a base of specialized theoretical knowledge for the development of high-quality research work.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

Knowledge - the highest level of knowledge about the current processes of landscape architecture, as well as a deep understanding of the regularities in contact with other related fields; in-depth and specialized knowledge of the theoretical and practical aspects of landscape architecture, knows the latest news; the highest level of knowledge of the content of landscape planning at different scales and the most important challenges.
Knowledge is assessed by the following methods: problem-case study, group discussion, exam, situation analysis, problem solving, group work.
Skills - is able to summarize, analyze and synthesize, critically evaluate and systematize information on research issues in the field of landscape architecture. Skills are assessed by the following method: exam.
Competences - is able to independently assess the complex nature and regularities of landscape architecture issues, which creates a specialized theoretical basis for further research; is able to define and provide innovative and original solutions to problems in residential areas, public areas, as well as natural bases and cultural heritage, which creates a basis for the development of new ideas in research.
Competences are assessed by the following methods: situation analysis, discussion, exam, group work.

Course Content(Calendar)

Block - residential areas
1. Living environment that is appropriate for the urban / rural environment.
2. Specifics of residential blue / green structure planning.
3. Sustainable development of residential areas.
4. Linking landscape policy with the development of residential areas.
5. The latest methods in residential research and development trends.
6. Problems of residential development in the context of environmental, social and economic issues.
Block - public territories
1. Planning, management and protection of public territories in the urban environment.
2. Planning, management and protection of public territories in rural settlements and rural environment.
3. Sustainable solutions to be included in the involvement of public areas at different scales.
4. Linking landscape policy with the development of public areas.
5. The latest methods in the study of public areas and development trends.
6. Problems of development of public territories in the context of social and economic issues.
Block - natural base and cultural heritage sites
1. Genesis processes and prognosis of natural bases and cultural-historical landscape.
2. Defining, preserving and protecting the ethnicity of the cultural landscape.
3. Bioeconomic trends and natural bases, as well as the development of cultural and historical heritage.
4. Linking landscape policy with the development of public areas.
5. The latest methods in the study of natural bases and cultural heritage sites and development trends.

6. Possibilities of applying ecosystem services in the Latvian context.

Requirements for awarding credit points

Successfully passed the exam.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

The doctoral student independently prepares for the exam by conducting in-depth research on the exam issues both in the theoretical (including the latest research, theories) aspect and the assessment of the situation in Latvia, the EU and, if necessary, also in the world.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

The evaluation of the study course consists of an examination mark. In order to pass the exam, the doctoral student conducts in-depth research on issues that form a close connection with one of the blocks, as well as the doctoral student's research topic. In the exam, the doctoral student demonstrates not only theoretical skills, but also the ability to collect, summarize, analyze and systematize information about the questions asked. The exam is evaluated on a 10-point scale, if the evaluation is less than 4 points, then the exam is not passed.

Compulsory reading

1. Bowring J. Landscape Architecture Criticism. London and New York: Routledge, 2020. 278 p.
2. ICOMOS tiesību avoti kultūras mantojuma aizsardzībā un saglabāšanā. Pētergailis: 2018. 115. lpp.
3. Bell, S., Herlin, I. S., Stile, R. Exploring the Boundaries of Landscape Architecture. London: Routledge, 2011.
4. Place attachment: Advances in theory, methods and applications. L. C. Manzo, P. Devine-Wright (Eds.). Routledge, 2020.

5. Treija, S. Dzīvojamās vides attīstība. Rīga: RTU, 2006. 22. lpp.

Further reading

1. Bell S. Landscape Pattern, Perception and Process. Second Edition. London and New York: Routledge. 350 p. 2012.
2. Ferguson, B. A Philosophy of Landscape Construction: The Vision of Built Spaces. Routledge. 2020.
3. Herrington S. Landscape Theory in Design. London and New York: Routledge, 2017. 330 p.

4. Conway H., Roenisch R. Understanding Architecture. An introduction to architecture and architectural history. London and New York: Routledge. 286 p. 2005.

Periodicals and other sources

1. Garten und Landschaft (Germany). ISSN 0016-4720 (Print)
2. Journal of Architecture and Urbanism. Vilnius Technical University.
3. Landscape Architecture and Art. ISSN (printed): ISSN 2255-8640.
4. Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmijas Vēstis. ISSN: 1407-0081


Compulsory course in doctoral study program Landscape Architecture.