Course code LauZD104
Credit points 9
Total Hours in Course243
Number of hours for lectures36
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes36
Independent study hours171
Date of course confirmation18.10.2011
Responsible UnitInstitute of Engineering and Energetics
Dr. sc. ing.
Dr. sc. ing.
Dr. sc. ing.
Dr. sc. ing.
The aim of the course is to acquire higher level scientific fundamentals of heat and electrical power industry, methods and solutions of power systems structure and operation optimization, power transfer process mathematical and virtual modelling, methods and equipment of power process experimental research and data processing, properties of heat power and electrical power equipment operation, their technical and economic assessment and possibilities of their perfection, as well as design methods and technical solutions of different alternating (renewable) energy (sun, wind, water, biomass, etc.) equipment.
1. Knowledge - in the field of heat power, electrical power and renewable energy sources, equipment and power transmission process research, modelling and optimization, as well as in operation, handling, control and energy efficiency optimization methods of heat and electrical power production and supply systems – exam.
2. Skills - to use the knowledge gained during scientific research and doctoral studies for development of new power technologies, equipment and systems and their introduction in the regional power industry, as well as to organize and manage individual and team based scientific research works and projects – exam.
3. Competence - in the processing of training courses, consultations, expert examinations and managerial activities in state and municipal public institutions and private enterprises in relation with energy handling facilities, application of conventional and renewable energy resources and power equipment, as well as to establish and manage business in regional power industry.
1. Laws of technical thermodynamics. Fuel and combustion theory. Analysis of heat production and transmission processes. 6h
2. Methods for solving heat exchange sources and consumer heat exchange problems, physical substantiation of boundary conditions. 6h
3. Computer control, technological accounting and archiving of fuel production and heat production technological equipment and processes. 6h
4. Mathematical models and simulation of operation of thermal energy equipment and their control systems in Windows environment. 6h
5. Boiler equipment for hot water and steam production. Autonomous, district heating systems. Building management systems. 6h
6. Distributed power systems. Cogeneration-trigeneration processes and equipment their use in combined energy supply. 6h
7. Renewable energy resources for autonomous heat supply. Solar, wind, geothermal energy utilization equipment. 6h
8. Energy wood. Wood gas and biogas plants. Prospects for the use of bioenergy in regional energy supply. 6h
9. Electromagnetic field theory. Maxwell's equations. Technological applications of electromagnetic field. 6h
10. Theory of electrical circuits. Stationary and non-stationary processes in electrical circuits. Long lines of their analysis methods. 6h
11. Power supply system optimization methods, computer control and electricity accounting. Smart grids. 6h
12. Mathematical models and simulation of electrical equipment and their control systems operation in Windows environment. 6h
13. Electricity supply equipment, networks and consumers in rural areas. Reactive energy compensation methods and equipment. 6h
14. Electric drive of production and utility technological equipment, its optimal selection, control and protection. 6h
15. Electric lighting, irradiation and heating equipment and processes. Electrical technologies in agriculture. 6h
16. Renewable energy resources for autonomous electricity supply. Solar, wind, water, hydrogen energy utilization equipment. 6h
Written and oral exam.
The exam consists of:
- questions of the three theoretical parts;
- task on the acquired topics.
The doctoral student prepares the study course independently, in consultation with the supervisor and using the given program and available information sources.
Evaluation of study results is based on the doctoral student's answers during the examination. It is also possible to get a maximum grade of 10 (excellent) if the doctoral student has demonstrated the appropriate knowledge.
1. Gerhards J., Mahņitko A. Energosistēmu režīmu optimizācija. Monogrāfija. - Rīga: RTU izdevniecība, 2005. - 249 lpp. Identifikators datubāzē: 11453
2. Engineering Thermodynamics, Heat, Exergy (encyclopedia, monographs, publications), 2011. In
3. Dzelzītis E. Siltuma, gāzes un ūdens inženiersistēmu automatizācijas pamati. - Rīga: Gandrs, 2005. 414 lpp.
4. Nagla J., Saveļjevs P., Turlajs D. Siltumenerģētikas teorētiskie pamati. Rīga: RTU, 2008. 194 lpp.
5. Blumberga D., Veidenbergs I. Kliedētas energosistēmas. Mazas koģenerācijas stacijas. - Rīga: RTU izdevniecība, 2008. 208 lpp.
1. Doty, S., Turner, W.C. Energy Management Handbook, 7th Edition. The Fairmont Press: GA, 2009 - 847 p.
2. Kaltschmitt, M.,Streicher, W., Wiese, A. Renewable Energy - Technology, Economics and Environment . Springer Press, 2007 - 596 p.
3. Cengel Y.A., Boles M.A. Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach. Mc Graw Hill, 4 th ed., 2002, 930 p.
4. Dirba J. Levins N., Pugačevs V. Vēja enerģijas elektromehāniskie pārveidotāji.- Rīga: RTU izdevniecība, 2006 - 309 lpp.
5. Ašmanis G., Ribickis L. Elektromagnētiska savietojamība. - Rīga: RTU izdevniecība, 2010 - 222 lpp.
6. Черных И.В. Моделирование электротехнических устройств в MATLAB, POWERSIM SYSTEMS и SIMULINK. - М.: ДМК Пресс, 2008 - 288 с.
Doctoral study program “Agricultural Engineering”, special course of the sub-branch direction.