Course code DatZ2044
Credit points 3
Total Hours in Course81
Number of hours for lectures8
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes24
Independent study hours49
Date of course confirmation16.03.2021
Responsible UnitInstitute of Computer Systems and Data Science
Dr. sc. ing.
Mg. paed.
DatZ2018 [GDAT2018] Informatics I
The aim of the study course is to learn how to perform calculations, create diagrams and analyze and model data using a spreadsheet program; creating and displaying complex slide sets using a slide presentation program. The acquired knowledge and skills are necessary for the development and design of study papers, as well as for the performance of professional activities.
Knowledge of the use of spreadsheet programs in data processing and the use of slide presentation programs in the demonstration of ideas and projects. Knowledge is assessed in Test 1.
Skills to analyze and evaluate the information relevant to the problem to be solved and to process data using appropriate software. Skills are assessed in practical works and tests 1 and 2.
Competences to independently acquire, select and analyze information and, using information technology, to make decisions and solve problems in the field of one's professional activity. Competences are assessed in tests 1 and 2.
1. Creation of data series, data entry and design of calculation tables (Lecture - 1 h, practical work - 3 h).
2. Use of absolute, relative and mixed cell addresses in calculations (Lecture - 1 h, practical work - 2 h).
3. Use of functions in solving different types of tasks (Lecture - 1 h, practical work - 4 h).
4. Creating diagrams (Lecture - 1 h, practical work - 3 h).
5. Data sorting and filtering (Lecture - 1 h, practical work - 2 h).
6. Use of data analysis tools and creation of pivot tables (Lecture - 1 h, practical work - 3 h).
7. Creation of various objects (tables, diagrams, schemes) on slides (Lecture - 1 h, practical works - 4 h).
8. Editing the main slide, using hyperlinks and control buttons (Lecture - 1 h, practical work - 3 h).
Test. The assessment of the test consists of:
• all practical works have been developed;
• two tests have been successfully written - Test 1: Using the spreadsheet application; Test 2: Creating presentations.
Each test is evaluated in a 10-point system.
Preparation for practical work and tests.
Both tests have been successfully passed.
1. Ringa E. Microsoft Office 2007 Excel: strādāsim ātrāk, ērtāk un efektīvāk! Rīga: Biznesa augstskola “Turība”, 2009. 54 lpp.
2. Veiss K. Darbs ar operētājsistēmu Windows Vista un pakotni Microsoft Office. – R.: Apgāds Zvaigzne ABC, 2009. 126 lpp.
3. Dukulis I. Apgūsim jauno Excel! Rīga: Turība, 2007. 173 lpp.
4. Frye C. (2015) Microsoft Excel 2016 Step By Step. Microsoft Press, 544 p.
5. Lambert J. (2015) Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 Step By Step. Microsoft Press, 512 p.
1. Shelly G.B., Quasney J. Microsoft Office Excel 2010. Cengage Learning: 2011. 328 p.
2. Несен А. Microsoft Word 2010: от новичка к профессионалу. Москва: ДМК-Пресс, 2011. 443 с.
1. PowerPoint palīdzība un apmācība:
2. Excel palīdzība un apmācība:
The study course is included in the compulsory part of the TF professional bachelor study program "Machine Design and Manufacturing".