Course code Citi1015

Credit points 3

Fundamentals of Sustainable Development

Total Hours in Course81

Number of hours for lectures16

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes32

Independent study hours33

Date of course confirmation06.09.2022

Responsible UnitInstitute of Computer Systems and Data Science

Course developers

author Datoru sistēmu un datu zinātnes institūts

Līga Zvirgzdiņa

Dr. oec.


Aleksandrs Gailums

Dr. oec.

Course abstract

The aim of the study course is to look at the role of information technology in ensuring sustainable development. Introduce the three most important areas of sustainable development: economic development, social development and environmental protection. The study course deals with the necessary basic knowledge of information technology: the arithmetic and logical bases of computer operation. The latest trends in information and communication technologies are considered.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

Student knows about sustainable development, the basic of information technologies, including computer arithmetic and logical operations, alphabetic principles of information coding, computer programming and development history, current events and contemporary perspectives (1-st test).
Acquire skills to link knowledge of sustainable development, computers and information technology operations basis, with the content of other study courses, as well as in matching study process requirements (2-nd test).
Have competence solve problems in their profession, in participating in the development of their professionalism (3-rd test).

Course Content(Calendar)

1. Sustainable development and its basic principles. Areas of activity of sustainable development. (4h)
2. Sustainable development in education. (2h)
3. Test1. The essence, areas and spheres of activty of sustainable development. (2h)
4. The role of ICT in sustainable development and historical insights into ICT develpment (2h)
5. Numeration systems and converting numbers. (2h)
6. Notations for representing numbers. (2h)
7. Arithmetic with binary numbers. (2h)
8. Test 2. Binary notations and binary arithmetic. (2h)
9. Logic statements and logic operations. (2h)
10. Logic gates and logic schemes. (2h)
11. Test 3. Logic operations and logic gates. (2h)
12. Instructions of machine language. (2h)
13. Using masks in logic operations. (2h)
14. Spheres of using computer technologies. (2h)
15. Trends in the development of computer technologies. (2h)
16. Study excursion to SIA LLU MPS Vecauce (praktical works 16 hours)

Requirements for awarding credit points

Formal test (Pass/Fail assessment)

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

In homework students solve uncompleted tasks in computer class.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

The assessment of the course depends on the cumulative assessment in the semester.
In the semester: 3 tests (20 points each), 1 theory test (10 points), homework (20 points), attendance of a study tour to MPS “Vecauce” (10 points). To obtain a successful final assessment, a minimum of 50 points must be obtained in the semester

Compulsory reading

1.Brookshear J.G. Computer Science: an overview. Addison-Wesley, 2011.
2.Caradonna J.L. Sustainability. A history. Madison Avenue, New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2014.
3.Cerruzi P. E. A History of Modern Computer. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 2003.
4. Gailums A., Tabunova T. Binārā aritmētika un loģika. Jelgava, 2017.

Further reading

1. Oliver M. Precision Agriculture for Sustainability and Environmental Protection. New York, NY: Routledge, 2013.
2. Angļu-latviešu-krievu informātikas vārdnīca. Baums A., Borzovs J., Gobzemis A., Fricnovičs G., Ilziņa I., Skujiņa V. Rīga: Avots, 2001.
3. O’Regan G. A Brief History of Computing. London: Springer-Verlag Limited, 2008.


ITF professional education bachelor study program “Information Technologies for Sustainable Development”.