Course code BūvZ4134
Credit points 1.50
Total Hours in Course40
Number of hours for lectures8
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes8
Independent study hours24
Date of course confirmation23.03.2021
Responsible UnitInstitute of Civil Engineering and Wood Processing
Dr. oec.
BūvZB022 [GBUVB022] Supervision and Management of Construction
Students acquire knowledge about construction, participants of construction, their mutual relations, legislation in construction, construction entrepreneurship, construction enterprise, contractor, structural projects stages of projection and their sequence, co-ordination, examination experts, corroboration, work with the project in building enterprise, patting into operation of buildings.
After the course studies the student will have:
• Knowledge: about construction legislation, construction regulations; construction work processes, technology, construction work planning, organization and management on the construction site and understanding of the relevant norms accepted in Latvia and in the world.
• Skills: to develop a project of organization (performance) of construction works (calendar plan of construction works, master plan of construction works, technological scheme of construction works and quality assurance plan), acquired skills in organization of construction works on construction sites.
• Competence: ability to develop a project for planning and managing the construction process. Ability to comply with technology in accordance with construction standards, prepares and completes executive documentation, as well as determines labor protection measures. Ability to monitor the construction process, perform technical and quality control of the performed work, keep records of the completed work, inspect the covered work, and control the executive documentation.
Assessment: knowledge, skills and competence are assessed with 2 tests, a report and a presentation and a final test - a test with a mark.
1 The place and significance of construction in the national economy in Latvia as a member state of the European Union. (1h)
2 The European Union's conceptual position in the field of construction. (1h)
3 Conceptual position of the Republic of Latvia in the fields of construction and environmental sustainability. (1h)
4 Legislation of the European Union and the Republic of Latvia in construction. (1h)
5 National Sustainable Development Strategy of the Republic of Latvia. National Construction Program. (1h)
6. Law of the Republic of Latvia "Construction Law". (1h)
7. Cabinet Regulation No. 500 "General Building Regulations" (1h)
8. Cabinet Regulation No. 529 "Building Construction Regulations" 1. Test (1h)
1. Seminar. Construction. Construction participants, their mutual relations. (1h)
2. Seminar Construction process scheme. (1h)
3. Seminar. Builder or customer. Contractor. Author of the construction project. Construction supervisor. Their rights and obligations. 2. Test. (1h)
4. Seminar. Engineering consultant, its role in construction. FIDIC. (1h)
5. Seminar. Construction projects and design. Regulatory framework. Pre-design phase. (1h)
6. Seminar. Design task, compilation, coordination, approval. Concluding a contract for construction design. Commencement of construction works. Construction supervision. (1h)
7. Seminar. Defense of works, presentation of reports. (1h)
8. Seminar. Final Test. Defense of works, presentation of reports. Industry news(1h).
Must have passed 2 tests on theoretical issues, submit and defend a report and presentation on the chosen topic, test, the course ends with a test with a mark.
1. Report on legislative issues. 2. Presentation on the topic of the report.
The student is able to prove the acquired knowledge and skills on construction legislation, construction organization; planning and management issues by writing and defending a report (50%), completing 2 tests (20%) and a final test (30%). The total grade is a test with a mark (100%).
1. Fjodorova S., Gusta S. Būvniecības darbu veikšanas projektēšana. Lekciju konspekts. Rīga: RTU, 2009. 40 lpp.
2. Fjodorova S. Darba kvalitāte būvniecībā un būvobjektu pieņemšana ekspluatācijā. Rīga: RTU, 2008.
3. Studentu darbu noformēšana. Metodiskie norādījumi. Atkārtots, papildināts izdevums. Sast. U.Kļaviņš, S.Gusta u.c. Jelgava: LLU, 2017. 47 lpp. [tiešsaiste]; Skatīts: [27.10.2020.] Pieejams:
1. Fjodorova S., Gusta S. Būvniecības darbu veikšanas projektēšana. Lekciju konspekts. Rīga: RTU, 2009. 40 lpp.
2. Fjodorova S. Darba kvalitāte būvniecībā un būvobjektu pieņemšana ekspluatācijā. Rīga: RTU, 2008.
3. Studentu darbu noformēšana. Metodiskie norādījumi. Atkārtots, papildināts izdevums. Sast. U.Kļaviņš, S.Gusta u.c. Jelgava: LLU, 2017. 47 lpp. [tiešsaiste]; Skatīts: [27.10.2020.] Pieejams:
1. Latvijas Būvniecība: ceļvedis būvniecības nozares virzītājiem. Rīga: Lilita. ISSN 1691-4058.
2. Praktiskā Būvniecība. Rīga: ISAVE. ISSN 1407-8929. 3. Latvijas Architektura: ceļvedis arhitektūras jomas speciālistiem:Rīga: Lilita. ISSN 1407-4923
4. Būvinženieris. Rīga: Latvijas Būvinženieru savienība, ISSN 9771-0008.
Bachelor Study Programme “Civil Engineering” of Professional Higher Education