Course code BūvZ2039
Credit points 3
Total Hours in Course81
Number of hours for lectures16
Number of hours for laboratory classes16
Independent study hours49
Date of course confirmation10.03.2021
Responsible UnitInstitute of Civil Engineering and Wood Processing
Dr. sc. ing.
BūvZ2048, Basic Theory of Structures
Fizi2006, Physics II
Fizi2007, Physics I
Mate1023, Mathematics I
Material mechanics science, quantitative values of structural materials mechanical properties, structural element models. Deformations and stresses. Stress-strain analysis of beams under tension, compression, bending. Time-dependance mechanical properties of materials and structures.
1. Student has knowledge about materials’ mechanical characteristics and ability to use appropriate dimensions in calculations, as well as to perform internal forces and strength analysis of bars and beams under tension, compression, bending.
2. Student is able to choose an appropriate cross section form and to substantiate analytically the dimensions of rational cross section for beams correspondingly to internal forces acting.
Final assessment is a one homework and five question tests. There must be minimum three right answers given.
1. Contemporary material mechanics science, mechanical properties of isotropic, anisotropic materials (2 h).
2. Deformations un stresses. Generaized Hooke's law (2 h).
3. Mechanical properties of structural materials, characteristic force-deformation diagrams for different materials (2 h).
4. Rheological behaviour of materials: deformation creep and stress relaxation. Time-dependance of strength (2 h).
5. Section stresses under planar stress condition (2 h).
6. Relationship between tangential stresses, maximal normal stresses and general axis angles (3 h).
7. Section method and internal forces (M, Q, N) (2 h).
8. In plane bending of beams. Differential relations between M, Q, q. Differential equation of beam axis displacement (2 h).
9. Deformations and stresses in beam sections under tension/compression/bending. Bending related normal- and tangential stresses (4 h).
10. Inertia moment transformation by coordinate axis translation and rotation (3 h).
11. Bending of complex cross section beams. Neutral axis position, inertia moments and resistance moments (3 h).
12. Shear deformations in torsion of beam section and stresses produced (2 h).
13. Physical and geometrical non-linearity influence assessment by structural analysis (2 h)
14. Insight into rupture theories (1 h).
Credit test will be enrolled, if student takes part in seminars, competed one homework task and successfully pass the final test.
During the course study before each new topic there is a short seminar about previous topic. Assessment of students activity and right ansvers have been taken into account in final test assessment.
Student will have positive test assessment, if at least three (60%) of five question answers are correct. Students activity in seminars gives +20%, non-activity or wrong answers gives 20% addition to test assessment.
1. Ziemelis I., Kaķītis A., Dominieks L. Materiālu pretestība. Jelgava: LLU, 2008. 376 lpp.
2. Bulavs, Felikss. Būvmehānikas ievadkurss / F. Bulavs, I. Radiņš. - Rīga : RTU izdevniecība, 2010.
4. Sozen, Mete A. Understanding structures : an introduction to structural analysis / Mete A. Sozen, Toshikatsu Ichinose. - Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, c2009
1. Siliņš L., Šķiņķis C. Materiālu pretestība. Rīga: Zvaigzne, 1966. 279 lpp.
2. Materiālu pretestība uzdevumos. J.Auzukalns, E.Ceplītis, I.Kalniņš, I.Liepiņš. Rīga: Zvaigzne, 1973. 742 lpp.
1. Būvmehānika - palīglīdzeklis studentiem [tiešsaiste]. Pieejams:
2. Būvinženieris: Latvijas Būvinženieru savienības izdevums. Rīga: Latvijas Būvinženieru savienība, 2006- ISSN : 1691-9262
Compulsory Course for the Professional Bachelor’s study programme “Civil Engineering” and for the Second level professional higher educational programme “Civil Engineering”