Code du cours Biol3007
Crédits 3
La quantité totale d'heures en classe81
Nombre de conferences16
Nombre des travaux du laboratoire16
La quantitē d'heures de travail autonome d'un ētudiant49
1. Mc Millan-Browse (1979) Plant Propagation. - New York: Simon and Schuster.,1027p.
2. Propagation of Woody Plants, ed. by R.J.Garner (1989) -Oxford Univ. , 934p.
3. Press.Micropropagation of Plants ed. by James K.J.(1993) -Kluwer Academic Publishers, 555p.
4. Майер А.Д. Размножение садовых растений ( 1968) –М: Мир, 630 c.
1. Hudson T. Hartmann , Dale E.Kester, Fred T. Davies, Robert L.Geneve (1997) Plant Propagation. Principles and practices//Univ. of California, 770p.
2. Kozlowski T.T., Pallardy S.G. Growth control in woody plants. _ San Diego etc.:Academic Press, 1997, 641p.
3. Kozlowski T.T., Pallardy S.G. Physiology of woody plants. San Diego etc.:Academic Press, 1997, 411p.
1. Dārzs un Drava
2. Dārza pasaule
3. Silviculture