Course code Arhi6019
Credit points 12
Total Hours in Course324
Number of hours for lectures40
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes40
Number of hours for laboratory classes48
Independent study hours196
Date of course confirmation10.03.2021
Responsible UnitInstutute of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Engineering
Dr. arch.
Arhi5050, Theory of Landscape Architecture
Arhi5051, Research Basics
Arhi5055, Sustainable Landscape Development
A unified urban greenery design has an impact on the image and recognition of the city and helps to arrange and single out various urban functional zones. It is important to create and preserve a uniqueness of the city’s image in the time of fast urbanisation process. Urban greenery, its quality and unity plays an important role in the creation of the image of the city and formation of pleasant living and working space. The study course envisages the design of greenery concept for a definite area focusing on the development of greenery concept, necessary materials.
• Knowledge: students acquire knowledge on greenery design process, stages and methods.
• Skills: students are able to participate in the greenery transformation process in the urban area, evaluate and analyse the existing greenery design, give recommendations for a unified greenery concept.
• Competence: to design greenery concept plan independently and in a team.
1. Aim and tasks of the greenery concept. Role in smart landscape planning, landscape conservation and management. 4h
2. The role of greenery in the sustainable development of the urban environment, ecological balance, public participation. Ecosystem services. 12 h
3. Theoretical substantiation, methodology and types of greenery concept. 8 h
4. Concept structure, composition and sections. Concept implementation and planning stages. Seminar 8 h
5. Concept scale and detail. 8 h
6. Samples of greenery concepts in the world and in Latvia. 1st practical work 12 h
7. Greenery concept: greenery of streets, highways and pedestrian-bicycle paths. 4 h
8. The concept of greenery: public greenery. 4 h
9. The concept of greenery: protective plantings and buffer plants. 4 h
10. The concept of greenery: temporary greenery. 4 h
11. Greenery concept: mixed type greenery. 4 h
12. Development of the basis and content of the concept. 4 h
13. Development of concept graphic material. 12 h
14. Concept specifications and detail plans. 20 h
15. Development of an explanatory note to the concept. 12 h
16. Defending the concept of greenery. 2nd practical work 8 h
Attendance not less than 75%. The works to be evaluated were submitted at the specified time. For works submitted after a certain time (if there is no valid reason), the mark is reduced by 1 ball. In order to pass the study course, the study papers must be positively evaluated.
Seminar - Using scientific publications (2-3) and European green infrastructure planning documents (2-3) to prepare an overview-essay, emphasizing the basic principles of green infrastructure planning, which can be included in the methodology of the greenery concept (volume at least 10 pages, defense in the form of a presentation)
1st practical work - students individually prepare a synopsis of examples of world practice on the concept development process, stages and methodology (volume at least 10 pages, defense in the form of a presentation).
2nd practical work - students in groups (2-3 people) prepare greenery concept proposals for city parts. (volume at least 50 pages, defense in the form of a presentation and submitted work in the form of a printout).
The assessment of the study course exam depends on the evaluation of the seminar task and the cumulative assessment of the practical works of the study course. The decisive mark is composed of the 2nd practical work.
Practical work and seminar will be evaluated according to the evaluation procedure specified in the assignment.
1. Miles M. Art, Space and the City: Public Art and Urban Futures. London: Routledge, 1997. 161 p.
2. Dramstad W.E., Olson J.D., Forman R.T.T. Landscape Ecology Principles in Landscape Architecture and Land-Use Planning. Washington, 1996. 80 p.
3. Zigmunde D., Ņitavska N. Zaļas pilsētvides plānošana. Rokasgrāmata. Jelgava: Zemgales plānošanas reģions, 2013. 115 lpp.
4. Skujāne D., Ņitavska N., Markova M., Spāģe A., Grīnfelde I. (2022). Teritoriju plānošana un integrēta dabas resursu pārvaldība. Pārrobežu sadarbības programmas 2014-2020 projekts "Sticky Urban Areas", Latvijas Biozinātņu un tehnoloģiju universitāte, Jelgava. 71 lpp. ISBN 978-9984-48-401-3
5. Ņitavska N., Markova M., Spāģe A. Pilsētu veidošana. Rokasgrāmata par degradēto teritoriju revitālizāciju. Pieejams:
1. Yli-Pelkonen V., Kohl J. The role of local ecological knowledge in sustainable urban planning: perspectives from Finland. Sustainability: Science, Practice & Policy, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2005, p. 3–14.
2. Antrop M. The language of landscape ecologists and planners. A comparative content analysis of concepts used in landscape ecology. Landscape and Urban Planning, No. 55, 2001, p. 163–173.
3. Skujāne, D., Ņitavska, N., Markova, M., Spāģe, A. (2023). Degradēto teritoriju revitalizācija ilgtspējīgas pilsētvides un sabiedrības attīstības kontekstā. No teorijas līdz praksei. ISBN 978-9984-48-419-8
1. Landscape Architecture. The magazine of the american society of landscape architects
Journal of Landscape Architecture (Jola). [tiešsaiste]: European Council of Landscape Architecture Schools (ECLAS). Online ISSN 1862-6033. [skatīts 05.03.2011]. Pieejams:
2. Byggekunst. The Norwegian review of architecture
3. Garten + Landschaft. Zeitschriff fur Landschaftsarchitektur ISSN: 0016-4720
Compulsory course in full-time studies of VBF study program "Landscape Architecture and Planning" (Master of Professional Higher Education). The study course is also taught in English.