Course code Arhi6017

Credit points 30

Master Thesis

Additional course materials

Total Hours in Course810

Independent study hours810

Date of course confirmation10.03.2021

Responsible UnitInstutute of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Engineering

Course developer

author prof.

Natalija Ņitavska

Dr. arch.

Prior knowledge

Arhi5052, Design of Industrial Landscapes

Arhi5053, Territorial Development Planning

Arhi6019, Greenery Design Concepts

Course abstract

The study course focuses on the structure and formation of the research thesis. The research methods and data analysis as well as a selection of spatial research approach and its substantiation are explored in relation to the Master thesis. Students develop skills of analysing and evaluating research results working out landscape development concept/ landscape development recommendations/territory development project.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

1. Knowledge: research activities and analysis of research findings, implementation of landscape projects. 1., 3. attestation work
2. Skills: students are able to perform experimental and analytical research, prepare landscape development concept / landscape development recommendations / territory development project. 2. attestation work
3. Competence: Students have competence to define the objective of the research, carry out research, select a research method for the territory analysis and critically assess results, as well as individually work out the landscape development concept/ landscape development recommendations/ territory development project. 1., 3. attestation work

Course Content(Calendar)

1. Topic, objectives and tasks of the master’s thesis.
2. Methodology of development of of master’s thesis.
3. Methods of data collection and processing.
4. Questionnaires, interviews, data matrices. 1.Test (attestation).
5. Study of cultural and historical landscape. Data collection.
6. Concept and justification of master’s thesis.
7. Development and design of the conceptual design of the landscape.
8. Details of the landscape project.
9. Development of specification of the landscape project. 2.Test (attestation)
10. Preparing calculations for the landscape project.
11. Development of theoretical substantiation of master’s thesis.
12. Graphic design of the master’s thesis.
13. Development of section of conclusions and recommendations.
14. Submission of master’s thesis at the department and reviewing.
15. Defense at the department. 3.Test (attestation)
16. Defense at the State Examination Commision.

Requirements for awarding credit points

In order to succesfuly reach the defense of the master’s thesis, it is necessary to get a positive assessment of attestations of the master’s thesis in accordance with the time table. In the precribed time student submit a complete, printed and bound master’s thesis in the department in 2 copies (bound book and CD).

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

1.test (attestation) – The theme, objectives and tasks of the master’s thesis are defined, the structure of the work has been prepared, research methods have been selected. Surveys or interviews has been done (All results must be prepared in both electronic and printed format. The work is evaluated by the commision, established by the department.). 2.test (attestation) – experimental and analytical studies of the master’s thesis have been made, concept of landscape development has been prepared for the chosen object of the master’s thesis/ proposals of the landscape development/ draft of the territory improvement project. (All results must be prepared in both electronic and printed format. The work is evaluated by the commision, established by the department.). 3.test (attestation) – complete and independently developed mater’s thesis research, completed graphic materials for landscape development project/ proposals of landscape development/ territory improvement project. (All results must be prepared in both electronic and printed format. The work is evaluated by the commision, established by the department and decides on addmision of to the defense of the bachelor's paper to the State Examination Commission.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

Master’s work State Examination commission shall be set up by the department for the defense of the master’s thesis, which shall include the chairman of the commision and members of at least four committees (the chairman and at least half of members of the commission are representatives of sectoral professional organizations or representatives of the workforce). The commision of the master’s work examination works in accordance with regulations and instructions of the LLU. The time allowed for the defense of master’s thesis is 15 - 20 minutes, followed by reports of reviewers and a review of the supervisor of the work, as well as questions and clarifications of the commission.

Compulsory reading

1. Steiner F., Butler. K. Planning and urban design standarts. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, 2007. 436 p.
2. LaGro Jr. J.A. Site Analysis. A Contextual Approach to Sustainable Land Planning and Site Design. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, 2008.
3. Simonds J. O. Landscape architecture: a manual of land planning and design. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2006. 396 p.
4. Spens M. Modern landscape. London: Phaidon Press, 2003. 239 p.

5. Ainavu izpētes un novērtēšanas pieejas Latvijā: metodoloģisks materiāls ar piemēriem (2023) (red. I.Stokmane, D.Skujāne). Jelgava: LBTU. 198 lpp.

Further reading

1. Amidon J. Radical landscapes. Reinventing outdoor spaces. New York: Thames&Hudson, 2003. 192 p.
2. Apstādījumu veidotāju ceļvedis Latvijas kokaudzētavu sortimentā. Rīga: Latvijas Ainavu arhitektūras b-ba, 2011. 242 lpp.
3. Dines N.T., Brown K.D. Time-saver standards: site construction details manual. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1999. 398 p.
4. Skujāne D., Ņitavska N., Markova M., Spāģe A. (2023) Degradēto teritoriju revitalizācija ilgtspējīgas pilsētvides un sabiedrības attīstības kontekstā: no teorijas līdz praksei. Jelgava: LBTU. 35 lpp.
5. Skujāne D., Ņitavska N., Markova M., Spāģe A. (2023) Ilgtspēja. Ūdens resursi. Sabiedrība. No teorijas līdz praksei. Jelgava: LBTU. 82 lpp.

6. Digitālais Latvijas Ainavu atlants (2023). Pieejams:

Periodicals and other sources

1. Garten +Landschaft. ISSN: 0016-4720
2. JOLA. Journal of Landscape architecture. ISSN 1862-6033
3. Topos. Published by Callwey Verlag. ISSN: 0942-752X


Compulsory course in full-time studies of VBF study program "Landscape Architecture and Planning" (Master of Professional Higher Education). The study course is also taught in English.