Course code Arhi5052
Credit points 12
Total Hours in Course324
Number of hours for lectures40
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes40
Number of hours for laboratory classes48
Independent study hours196
Date of course confirmation10.03.2021
Responsible UnitInstutute of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Engineering
Dr. arch.
Dr. arch.
The aim of the study course is to acquire basic theoretical and practical knowledge for the design of various industrial territories, including the development of post-industrial territory revitalization projects within the framework of the regulatory enactments of the Republic of Latvia, using different design approaches, selection of appropriate greenery and elements. During the study course students acquire knowledge about the specifics of industrial territory design, related regulatory enactments and theoretically recognized approaches and standards.
• knows about different types of industrial landscapes and guidelines for the creation of industrial territories;
• knows about the revitalization scenarios of post-industrial territories and research methods, basic principles;
• knows about the possibilities of ecological design and phytoremediation in the revitalization of post-industrial territories through scientific and practical research and analysis;
• is aware of environmental impact assessment in the development of the research process. Developed research work and practical work.
• is able to perform inventory and analysis of the territory for the creation of a new industrial territory, post-revitalization of industrial territories;
• is able to develop research on the development of a new industrial area or post-industrial area, using theory-based design approaches, scientific research, methods and appropriate standards;
• is able to use an appropriate assortment of plants and elements, solutions in the context of the industrial landscape when developing development proposals, scenarios or guidelines for the studied area. Developed research work and practical work.
• is able to evaluate which design principles and research methods are the most suitable in order to be able to fully and appropriately develop development proposals for a specific type of territories. Developed research work and practical work.
1. Types of industrial territories. (8 h)
2. Normative framework for designing industrial territories - normative acts and standards. (8 h)
3. Basic principles of creation and management of a new industrial territory. (8 h)
4. Site inventory and environmental impact assessment. (8 h)
5. Infrastructure and elements of industrial territories. (8 h)
6. Greenery in industrial areas. (8 h)
7. Examples from practice. (8 h)
8.Post-industrial landscapes. (8 h)
9. Inventory of post-industrial territories. (8 h)
10. Development directions of post-industrial territories. (8 h)
11. Examples from practice. (8 h)
12.Degraded areas and environmental pollution. (8 h)
13. Plant selection for environmental rehabilitation. Phytoremediation. (8 h)
14. Principles of ecological design in the transformation of post-industrial territories. (8 h)
15. Examples from practice. (8 h)
16. Final examination work. (8 h)
Attendance of classes not less than 75%. The developed practical work has been submitted on time. For works submitted after the specified time (if there is no justifiable reason), the mark is reduced by 1 point. Positively evaluated practical work. An accumulative test is also possible, the fulfillment criteria of which are determined by the head of the study course.
Within the framework of the study course, in accordance with the defined requirements, a study on a specific territory defined in the study process is developed in student work groups. The developed research is developed in the Power Point program with all the necessary site research analyzes, existing site photo fixations, aerial photo maps and a section of recommendations and proposals.
The evaluation of the study course exam depends on the work of the group of students in the study process, performing regular consultations with lecturers, regularly showing the amount performed in the research. The exam ended for each group of students, presenting the materials of the research and proposals in the workshop.
1. Bokalders V., Bloka M. Ekoloģiskās būvniecības rokasgrāmata. Kā projektēt veselīgas, racionālas un ilgtspējīgas ēkas. Rīga: Biedrība "Domas spēks", 2013. 691 lpp. ISBN 978-9984-9961-9-6
2. Kennen K., Kirkwood N. Phyto: principles and resources for site remediation and landscape design. New York: Routledge, 2015. 346 lpp. ISBN: 978-0-415-81415-7
3. Roehr D., Fassman-Beck E. Living Roofs in Integrated Urban Water Systems. London, England: Routledge, 2015. 178 p. ISBN: 978-0-415-53553-3
4. Steiner F., Butler. K. Planning and urban design standarts. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, 2007. 436 p.
1. Vides un ilgtspējīga attīstība. M.Kļaviņš, J. Zaļoksnis J. (red.). Rīga: LU akadēmiskais apgāds, 2010. 334 lpp.
2. Thompson J.W., Sorvig K. Sustainable landscape construction: a guide to green building outdoors. Washington: Island Press, 2000. 350 p. Pieejams
3. Thompson I.H. Ecology, Community and Delight. London: E&FN Spon, 1999. 188 p.
4. Skujāne, D., Ņitavska, N., Markova, M., Spāģe, A. (2023). Degradēto teritoriju revitalizācija ilgtspējīgas pilsētvides un sabiedrības attīstības kontekstā. No teorijas līdz praksei. ISBN 978-9984-48-419-8
1. Journal of Landscape Architecture (Jola). [tiešsaiste] : European Council of Landscape Architecture Schools (ECLAS). Online ISSN 1862-6033. [skatīts 06.06.2011]. Pieejams:
2. Landscape Architecture and Art [tiešsaiste] Pieejams:
3. Vides vēstis: Vides aizsardzības kluba žurnāls.Rīga : Vides aizsardzības klubs. ISSN 1407-2939
Compulsory course in full-time studies of VBF study program "Landscape Architecture and Planning" (Master of Professional Higher Education). The study course is also taught in English.