Course code Arhi2082

Credit points 3

Greenery II

Total Hours in Course81

Number of hours for lectures16

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes16

Independent study hours49

Date of course confirmation10.03.2021

Responsible UnitInstutute of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Engineering

Course developer

author lect.

Antra Bērziņa

Mg. paed.

Prior knowledge

Arhi1036, Landscape Studies

Arhi2062, Greenery I

Course abstract

Students will gain knowledge of the classification of ornamental plants used in greenery, especially winter crops and ecological requirements. Knowledge about the use of ecological and biological properties of ornamentals is acquired, creating a single composite solution according to the project development rationale. Acquires knowledge and skills in green planting.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

1. Knowledge of assortment of perennials, economic, economic and aesthetic significance of their use. Skills to practically analyze and evaluate phenotypic traits of perennials, determine their aesthetic value and identify - Colloquium 1,2;
2. Competence to evaluate and substantiate the manifestations of the interaction of ornamental plants with the environment, to judge the suitability of the plant to certain ecological conditions, and, if necessary, to justify the replacement of the plant species with another more suitable species - Control work.

Course Content(Calendar)

1. Classification, ecology and growth patterns of perennials (lecture 2h).
2. Assortment of perennials (A-G) (lecture 2h).
3. Assortment of perennials (H-N) (lecture 2h).
4. Assortment of perennials (O-W) (lecture 2h).
5. Herbaceous perennials, selection of perennials in different habitats (near water bodies, under large trees, etc.) (lecture 2h).
6. 1st Colloquium: Recognition of perennials (in Latvian, Latin) according to herbarium materials (A-K) (practical work 2h).
7. Bulbous flowers, rubber flowers and tuberous bulbs used in landscaping, their selection and care (lecture 2h).
8. Bulbous flowers, rubber flowers and bulbous flowers used in landscaping, their selection and care (lecture 2h).
9. 2. Colloquium: Recognition of perennials (Latvian, Latin) by herbarium materials (L-Z) (practical work 2h).
10. Types of landscaping by function, by decorative features, by growing conditions. Detailed plans of beds for various plants (1st practical work 2h).
11. Review of the most relevant and suitable landscaping material for the climate of Latvia in nurseries and public landscaping areas (2nd practical work 2h).
12. Grouping of landscaping in public areas and specifics of installation and care (3rd practical work 2h).
13. Test: Identification of perennials and bulbous flowers, rubber flowers, etc. ecological requirements, classification by type of use and phenotypic characteristics. Review of the most relevant and suitable Latvian climate greenery material in private greenery territories. Planning and specifics of installation and care of private greenery (practical work 2h).
14. Basic principles of lawn selection, installation and care (lecture 2h).
15. Conditions for selecting perennial planting material, installation and care of plantations (4th practical work 2h).

16. Practical work on the installation of environmental objects, greenery, transferring the plan to nature, attraction, basic principles of installation and care (5th practical work 2h).

Requirements for awarding credit points

Attendance of classes not less than 75%. Independent works developed, submitted and positively assessed within the specified time. Successfully passed colloquiums and tests. An accumulative exam is also possible, the performance criteria of which are determined by the head of the study course. For works submitted after the specified time (if there is no justifiable reason), the grade is reduced in accordance with the assessment rules approved by the institute.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

1st Practical work - Types of greenery by function, by decorative features, by growing conditions. Detailed plans of beds for various plants
2nd Practical work - Review of the most relevant and suitable greenery material for the Latvian climate in nurseries and public greenery areas
3rd Practical work - Grouping of greenery in public areas and specifics of installation and care
4th Practical work - Conditions for selecting perennial planting material, planting and care
5th Practical work - Practical work on installing environmental objects and greenery, transferring the plan to nature, attraction, basic principles of installation and care
1st Colloquium: Recognition of perennials (Latvian, Latin) by herbarium materials (A-K)
2nd Colloquium: Recognition of perennials (Latvian, Latin) by herbarium materials (L-Z)

Test: Identification of perennials and bulbous flowers, rubber flowers, etc. ecological requirements, classification by type of use and phenotypic characteristics. Review of the most current and suitable Latvian climate greenery material in private greenery territories. Planning and specifics of installation and care of private greenery

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

The assessment of the study course exam depends on the cumulative assessment of the independent work, colloquiums and the test.
Students who have submitted the independent work, passed the colloquiums and the test within the specified time periods, obtaining a rating of not less than 5 points, can obtain an accumulative exam assessment, which is formed by the arithmetic average of the above-mentioned grades.

Compulsory reading

1. Orehovs A. Dekoratīvo ziemciešu lietišķā ekoloģija. Rīga: Jumava, 2013. 208 lpp.
2. eilande A. Apstādījumu veidotāju ceļvedis Latvijas stādaudzētavu sortimentā. Izdevējs SIA „Labie koki” sadarbībā ar SAB (periodiski izdevumi), 274. lpp.
3. Veics V. Krāšņumaugu un apstādījumu ABC. Rīga: Zvaigzne, 1983. 134 lpp
4. Balode A. Puķkopība. Dārza puķes. Rīga: Burtene, 2016. 352 lpp.

Further reading

1.400 puķes Latvijā: no pavasara līdz rudenim. Sastādītājs I. Birulis, Rīga: Lauku Avīze, 2007. 224 lpp.

Periodicals and other sources

1. Dārza Pasaule. Rīga: Aģentūra Agro apgāds. ISSN 1407-5172.
2. Izdevniecības AS "Latvijas Mediji" tematiskie izdevumi.
3. Saimnieks LV, Dārzs un Drava. ISSN 0132-6457.
4. Ievas dārzs. Rīga: Žurnāls Santa ISSN : 1691-6239.
5. Valsts augu aizsardzības dienesta (VAAD) mājaslapa


Compulsory course in full-time studies of MVZF study program "Landscape Architecture and Planning" (Bachelor).