Course code Arhi2074

Credit points 3

Landscape Architectural Design Graphics III

Total Hours in Course81

Number of hours for lectures6

Number of hours for laboratory classes26

Independent study hours49

Date of course confirmation10.03.2021

Responsible UnitInstutute of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Engineering

Course developers

author Ainavu arhitektūras un vides inženierijas institūts

Kristīne Vugule

Dr. arch.

author reserch

Iveta Lāčauniece

Mg. arch.

Prior knowledge

Arhi1031, Digital Tools in Landscape Projects I

Arhi1033, Basics of Visual Spatial Modelling

Arhi2063, Digital Tools in Landscape Projects II

Arhi2064, Digital Tools in Landscape Projects III

Arhi2071, Landscape Architectural Design Graphics I

Arhi2073, Landscape Architectural Design Graphics II

Course abstract

Students learn graphic art techniques and materials to be used in more detail. Graphic art techniques are significant not only for overall representation of the landscape, but also for fixing of individual elements in the current situation, as well as for reflection of landscape space and design elements.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

Knowledge: enriched knowledge of graphics techniques. 1-3 exhibition.
• Skills: to reflect a landscape using different graphics techniques. 1-3 exhibition.
• Competence: combine graphics techniques and determine the most suitable for the specific aim. 1-3 exhibition.

Course Content(Calendar)

1. Complex city landscape display. Literature study sketches. (2 h)
2. Complex gypsum form display with taking into account perspective construction and shadowing basics. Complex gypsum form drawing composition and construction. (2 h)
3. Complex gypsum form as scaled down landscape model display basics. Complex gypsum form drawing shadowing. (2 h)
4. Construction of complex gypsum form. Sketches – river landscape, reflections. Shadowing of complex gypsum form. (2 h)
5. Difficult gypsum form shadowing, meaning of background display. 1 exhibition. (2 h)
6. Construction basics of human body and display of them. Human in landscape sketches. Difficult gypsum form construction. (2 h)
7. Human body and nature element display linkages. Group of people in city display. Difficult gypsum form shadowing. (2 h)
8. Landscape relief construction. Difficult gypsum form shadowing. Road landscape sketches. (2 h)
9. City landscape display basics. Distant perspective. Literature study sketches. Difficult gypsum form shadowing. (2 h)
10. Street landscape space display basics and elements. Street furniture sketches. City landscape drawings. 2 exhibition. (2 h)
11. Complex street landscape drawing, using colour accents. Difficult gypsum form construction. (2 h)
12. Dense building structure display. Outdoor sketching in city landscape. Difficult gypsum form shadowing. (2 h)
13. Public building and public landscape complex display, construction. Difficult gypsum form shadowing. (2 h)
14. Public building and public landscape complex display, effect of perspective, solution by colours. Difficult gypsum form shadowing. (2 h)
15. Detail drawing of public outdoor space elements. Sketches – garden and park landscape. Public landscape drawing. (2 h)
16. Pointing out landscape symbols in drawings. 3 exhibition. (2 h)

Requirements for awarding credit points

Class visiting should be at least 75%. Assessment works have to be done in time. Works, that are handed in later (if there is no justified reason), evaluation is lowered by one mark. To pass the study course, study work assessments have to be positive.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

Students are doing practical works in practical lessons and independently. Each student have to develop following practical works, which are evaluated during exhibition:
1 exhibition: difficult gypsum form (simple human head) drawing
2 exhibition: difficult gypsum form (human head with many details) drawing; city landscape drawing
3 exhibition: difficult gypsum form (rotated human head with many details) drawing; public landscape drawing.
Five A5 format sketches each week on given topic.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

Formal test grade in study course depends on study course practical work cumulative assessment. Practical work is evaluated in accordance with given evaluation order. Practical works are evaluated in exhibitions.

Compulsory reading

1. Richards J. Freehand Drawing and Discovery: Urban Sketching and Concept Drawing for Designers. John Wiley & Sons, 2013. 288 p.
2. Dee C. Form and fabric in Landscape Architecture A Visaul Introduction . London: Spon Press, 2001. 214 p. ISBN-10:0415246385 [tiešsaiste] [Skatīts 20.03.2017.] Pieejams:
3. Nice C. Drawing & Painting Trees in the Landscape. North Light Books, 2011. 160 p.

Further reading

1. Reid, Grant W. Landscape graphics : plan, section, and perspective drawing of landscape spaces / Grant W. Reid. Revised edition. New York : Watson-Guptill Publications, 2002. 208 lpp. : ilustrācijas ; 22 x 28 cm ISBN 9780823073337.

Periodicals and other sources

1. Topos. European Landscape Magazin. Munchen:Callwey. ISBN 3-7667-1593-3
2. Journal of Landscape Architecture (Jola). [tiešsaiste] : European Council of Landscape Architecture Schools (ECLAS). Online ISSN 1862-6033. [skatīts 05.03.2011]. Pieejams:
3. Latvijas Architektūra. Rīga: Lilita. ISSN 1407-4923 2. Deko. Rīga: Santa, ISSN 1407-7027