Course code Vete4079
Credit points 2.25
Total Hours in Course60
Number of hours for lectures20
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes10
Independent study hours30
Date of course confirmation22.11.2017
Responsible UnitClinical Institute
Dr. med. vet.
Vete2013, Anatomy of the Domestic Animals I
Vete2014, Anatomy of the Domestic Animals II
Vete2015, Anatomy of the Domestic Animals III
Vete4023, Small Animal Surgery I
Vete4024, Small Animal Surgery II
Vete4078, Internal Medicine, Herd Health I
Vete4098, Small Animal Internal Medicine I
Vete4099, Small Animal Internal Medicine II
Vete4105, Pharmacology, Pharmacotherapy and Toxicology I
Vete4109, Internal Medicine, Herd Health II
Vete4110, Clinical and Laboratory Diagnostics I
Vete4111, Clinical and Laboratory Diagnostics II
Vete6022, Physiology I
Vete6023, Physiology II
Vete6040, Internal Medicine, Herd Health III
VeteB016 [GVETB016] Ophthalmology
Ophthalmology deals with an in deep knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the eye of the different domestic animals species. Gives the survey of ophthalmologic examination and diagnostic techniques, gives an understanding about various ophthalmic diseases and principles of ophthalmic therapeutics and surgery.
Knowledge: comprehension and ability to explain mechanisms of eye, pathologic processes and causes; ability pathogenesis, diagnostics, treatment and prognosis of the ophthalmic diseases in small and productive animals – one test.
Skills: ability to recognize and describe ophthalmic diseases clinically and theoretically. Ability to difference eye diseases based on lesion and clinical appearance - practicals.
Competence: ability to apply knowledge and skills analyzing eye diseases using appropriate eye examination methods, explaining pathogenesis, causes, treatment and prognosis of the disease - KEGA.
1. Eye orbit, eyelid diseases. Lecture 2 h.
2. Eye conjunctival diseases. Lecture 2 h.
3. Lacrimal system and third-eyelid diseases. Lecture 2 h.
4. Diseases of the cornea. Lecture 2 h.
5. Iris and the anterior chamber disease. Lecture 2 h.
6. Lens, vitreous hereditary and acquired diseases. Lecture 2 h.
7. Glaucoma. Lecture 2 h.
8. Inherited and acquired disease of the retina of the eye. Lecture 2 h.
9. The association of eye diseases with systemic diseases. Lecture 2 h.
10. Emergency care in ophthalmology. Lecture 2 h.
One test-interactive.
1. Clinical examination demonstrations, Basic equipment. Practical work 2 hours.
2. Practical examination of the eye. Practical work 2 hours.
3. Practical surgery. Practical work 2 hours.
4. Defense of the KEGA analysis. Practical work 4 hours.
Lecture, seminar attendance 70%, study report on the topic for a missed lesson. If more than 30 % missed attendance and no topics prepared, study course should be repeated.
Clinical and epidemiological case analysis work (KEGA) should be l successfully passed and presented.
KEGA aims are to learn how to analyze, develop and interpret an individual clinical case in ophthalmology.
At the beginning of the study course, student is presented with a clinical case image. Individually with a lecturer in simulating maner student is finding out the history of the disease, clinical signs, evaluating diagnostic procedures and establishing a diagnosis. Upon correct diagnosis confirmed by lecturer, a description of the clinical case must be prepared according to the description protocol prepared by the Veterinary Clinic of the LUA.
If the description reveals significant inconsistencies, then the student should improve it and re-submit it. After completing the full description, it must be electronically sent to the responsible lecturer.
The analysis of a clinical case should be prepared methodically according to the rules developed by the LUA VMF Teaching Methodology Commission. The analysis should include the following sections:
title page, introduction, description of the clinical case, theoretical part (using scientific and teaching material, specialized literature, not less than 10 sources), conclusions, recommendations, literature used. The theoretical part should include the following information:
1. Description of the disease, diagnosis, including the causes of the disease, aetiology, epizootiology, pathogenesis, clinical signs, diagnostics.
2. Comparison and analysis of information and clinical case available in literature.
3. Analysis of the Clinical Case Treatment Plan
KEGA's work must be submitted to the lecturers at least two weeks before the planned defense.
The defense of KEGA is carried out orally, during practical classes. The oral defense time per student is up to 10 minutes.
KEGA's rating with a mark.
KEGA assessment is based on the following criteria:
1. Clinical Case Study
2. A written KEGA analysis.
3. Oral presentation - visual presentation, content, ability to answer questions.
Student skills are evaluated in accordance with the procedures specified in the tasks of the laboratory work. Tests of the study course and the work of KEGA are evaluated in accordance with the criteria of the 10-point system scale indicated in the LLU Study Regulations. KEGA must be evaluated with a successful grade.
If KEGA is not developed at the set time, student arrange an individual time with academic staff for an additional time development.
To get the final grade of the study course "test with mark", test and KEGA work must be evaluated with a successful grade.
1. Slatter's Fundamentals of Veterinary Ophthalmology. W.B. Saunders company. 2nd, 3rd edtion. 2004. Maggs D.J., Miller R.O. Slatter's fundamentals of veterinary ophthalmology. 4th ed. St. Louis, Missouri: Saunders, 2008. 478 p.
2. Maggs, David J.: Slatter's fundamentals of veterinary ophthalmology /David J. Maggs, Paul E. Miller, Ron Ofri. St. Louis, Missouri: Saunders, 2008. 478 lpp
3. Petersen S., Crispin S. BSAVA Manual of Small Animal Ophthalmology. 2006.
4. Nasisse M.P. The veterinary clinics of Norths America. Small animal practice, surgical management of ocular disease. 1997.
1. Gelatt K.N. Essentials of Veterinary Ophthalmology. Florida: Wiley-Blackwell, 2008.
2. Petersen J., Crispin S. BSAVA Manual of Small Animal Ophthalmology. British Smalll Animal Veterinary Association. Gloucester, 2006.
1. Veterinary Ophthalmology. Vet Ophthalmol. Published by John Wiley and Sons. ISSN (printed): 1463-5216. ISSN (electronic): 1463-5224., Wiley Online Library 2.
Optional course of study programme Veterinary medicine.