Code du cours Vete3043
Crédits 4.50
La quantité totale d'heures en classe120
Nombre de conferences24
Nombre de travaux pratiques et des séminaires36
La quantitē d'heures de travail autonome d'un ētudiant60
Date de l'approbation du cours21.10.2020
VeteB014 [GVETB014]
1. Guidelines for humane handling, transport and slaughter of livestock. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). 2001. Pieejams:
2.Livestock Handling and Transport. Ed. T.Grandin. Oxon: CABI Publishing, 2000. 449 p.
3. Guide to good dairy farming practice. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), International Dairy Federation. Rome, 2011. Animal Production and Health Guidelines, No. 8. Pieejams:
4. Yeates J. Animal Welfare in Veterinary Practice. Wiley-Blackwell, 2013, 206 p.
5. Young R.J. Environmental Enrichment for Captive Animals. Oxford: Blackwell, 2003.
6. Labas lauksaimniecības prakses nosacījumi Latvijā. Latvijas Republikas Zemkopības ministrija. Jelgava, 2008. 56 lpp.
7. Latvijas Republikas tiesību akti:
8. Green M. Dairy Herd Health. University of Nottingham, UK. 2012.
9. Oltenacu T., Algers B. Selection for increased production and the welfare of dairy cows: are new breeding goals needed? Ambio, No. 34, 2005, p. 311-315.
10. Veterinary & Animal Ethics. C. M.Wathes, S. A. Corr, S. A. May, S. P. McCulloch, M. C. Whiting. Wiley-Blckwell, 2013. 315 p.
11. Tucker C.B., Weary D.M. Stall design: enhancing cow comfort. Advances in Dairy Technology, No. 13, 2001, p. 154-167.
1. Arey D., Brooke P. Animal Welfare Aspects of Good Agricultural Practice: pig production. Compassion in World Farming, Petersfield. 2006.
2. Beck A.M. The ecology of stray dogs: a study of free ranging urban animals. Ashland, USA: Purdue University Press, 2002.
3. Herlin A.H. Comparison of lying area surfaces for dairy cows by preference, hygiene, and lying down behaviour. Swedish Journal of Agricultural Research, No. 27, 1997, p. 189-196.
4. Korte S.M., Olivier B., Koolhaas J.M. A new animal welfare concept based on allostasis. Physiology and Behaviour, No. 92(3), 2007, p. 422-228.
5. Management. RSPCA, 2000: Stranded Cetaceans – Guidelines for Veterinary Surgeons.
6.Mouttotou N., Hatchell F.M., Green L.E. Adventitious bursitis of the hock in finishing pigs: prevalence, distribution and association with floor type and foot lesions. Veterinary Record, No. 142, 1998, p. 109-114.
7. Warriss P.D., Bevis E.A., Brown S.N., Edwards J.E. Longer journeys to processing plants are associated with higher mortality in broiler chickens. British Poultry Science, No. 33, 1992, p. 201-206.
1. Animal Traction websites:
2. Compassion in World Farming website. Available from:
3. Farm Animal Welfare Council (FAWC) reports on website. Available from:
4. COUNCIL REGULATION EC 1/2005 on the protection of animals during transport and related operations. Available from: 4.pdf
5. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association (J Am Vet Med Assoc), No.218, 2000, p. 669-696. Humane Slaughter Available online at:
6. Humane Slaughter Association. Website. Available from:
7. League Against Cruel Sports. Available from:
8. Captive Animals’ Protection Society. Available from:
9.Grandin T. Dr Temple Grandin’s Web page. Livestock Behaviour, Design of Facilities and Humane Slaughter. Available from:
10. Welfare Quality Network. Available from:
11. World Organization for animal health. Available from: