Course code VadZ4067
Credit points 6
Total Hours in Course162
Number of hours for lectures40
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes24
Independent study hours98
Date of course confirmation19.06.2019
Responsible UnitInstitute of Business and Management Science
Master's Degree of Engineering in Food Processing Technologies
Ekon1012, Microeconomics
Ekon2109, Macroeconomics
Ekon3115, Marketing
Students get acquainted to the nature and regularities of production processes and obtain knowledge of production process planning, production organization principles and production process types, forms and classif- ication by characteristic and basic type of deployment. Students learn the ABC analysis method and the EOQ model for stock management, which allows planning and controlling production factor optimization, and will be able to draw up a production plan and apply it to the organization and management of a technological process.
1. Students will be able to: demonstrate the knowledge and understanding of the substance of production organisation and management and relevant concepts - Independent work, a test
2. Demonstrate the knowledge and understanding of production organisation and management principles, how to plan production and adapt the principles to a particular enterprise - Practical assignments, a test
3. Demonstrate the knowledge and understanding of regularities concerning the production process and the role of a production manager in the enterprise - Practical assignments, a test
4. Independently use theories on production planning, organisation and management as well as control - Independent work
5. Reasonably explain and discuss matters pertaining to the production process - Practical assignments, independent work
6. Independently draw reasoned conclusions on production organisation and management and the techniques applied - practical assignments, discussions
7. Responsibly plan the completion of the assignments given - Independent work
8. Independently acquire, process and use information for making a presentation on production organisation and management - Independent work
9. Plan efficient and rational use of resources - Independent work
10. Design and present a production plan and a production process- Independent work
11. Manage the production process in an enterprise - Independent work
1. The substance of production organization and management and relevant concepts (lectures - 2 hours, practical assignment - 2 hours)
2. The substance of service principles and service provision. (lectures - 3 hours, practical assignment - 2 hours)
3. Test (1 hour)
4. Production planning. (lectures - 3 hours, practical assignment - 1 hour)
5. Production organization. (lectures - 4 hours)
6. Production process. (lectures - 4 hours)
7. Location of the production process. (lectures - 2 hours, practical assignment - 1 hour)
8. Production capacity. (lectures - 2 hours, practical assignment - 1 hour)
9. Production cycle. (lectures - 2 hours, practical work - 2 hours)
10. Procurement of material resources. (lectures - 4 hours, practical assignment - 2 hours)
11. Test (1st hour)
12. Inventory management in production. (lectures - 4 hours, practical assignment - 4 hours)
13. Optimal order size. (lectures - 2 hours, practical assignment - 4 hours)
14. Production plan. (lectures - 2 hours, practical assignment - 2 hours)
15. Production efficiency and optimization. (lectures - 2 hours)
16. Workforce. (lectures - 2 hours)
17. Control. (lectures - 2 hours, practical assignment - 1 hour)
18. Test (2 hours)
Examination. The mark consists of the following pieces of assessment:
• Examination – all the topics (40 %)
• Test 1– Substance of production and supply of services, planning methods, an analysis of the implementation of a production programme (15%)
• Test 2 - Production organisation and management, the procurement of materials and resources, the cost comparison method, the production cycle, production capacity and enterprise capital turnover (15 %)
• Test 3 - Production organisation and management, the procurement of materials and resources, the cost comparison method, the production cycle, production capacity and enterprise capital turnover (20 %)
• Development of a production plan, the production cycle and the production process (10%)
10% are equal to one point on a 10-point marking scale
Preparation for practical assignments, tests and the examination.
The assessment of the study course depends on the assessment of independent work, tests, and examination – a score of 10 is equal to one point on a 10-point marking scale.
Assignments are assessed in accordance with the assessment procedure established in the assignment.
1. Diderihs H. Uzņēmuma ekonomika. Rīga: Zinātne, 2000. 515 lpp.
2. Hofs K. Biznesa ekonomika. 2.izdevums. Rīga: Jāņa Rozes apgāds, 2010. 603 lpp.
3. Hofs. K. Biznesa ekonomika. Rīga, 2002. 559 lpp.
4. Rurāne M. Uzņēmējdarbības organizācija un plānošana. Rīga: Biznesa augstskola Turība, 2002. 330 lpp.
5. Rurāne M. Ražošana. Rīga: Turības mācību centrs, 1998. 125 lpp.
6. Zvirbule-Bērziņa A. Ražošanas menedžments. Rīga: Biznesa augstskola Turība, 2006. 150 lpp.
7. Zvirbule-Bērziņa A., Mihejeva L., Auziņa.A. Plānošanas un ražošanas procesa organizēšanas pamatprincipi. Rīga: Biznesa augstskola Turība, 2004. 114 lpp.
8. Sprancmanis N. Uzņēmējdarbības loģistikas pamati. Rīga: Burtene, 2011. 218 lpp.
1.Vedļa A. Uzņēmējdarbības kurss. Rīga: Petrovskis&Ko, 2000. 456 lpp.
2. Хаксевер К., Рендер Б., Рассел Р., Мердик Р. Управление и организация в сфере услуг: теория и практика. Санкт-Петербург; Москва...[ др.]: Питер., 2001. 51 c.
3. Попов В.М., Ляпунов С.И., Касаткин А.А. Бизнес планирование. Москва: КноРус., 2003. 448 с.
1. Žurnāls „Forbes” Latvijas izdevums. Rīga: SIA SK Media, 2010-. ISNN 1691-6018
2. Žurnāls „Ražots Latvijā” Latvijā ražo vairāk nekā mēs zinām. Rīga: SIA Kelle Media, 2010-. ISSN 1691-7685
Field professional specialization study course for the ESAF professional bachelor study programme Enterprenurship and Business Management (part B3), specialization direction “Business Management”