Course code VadZ3017

Credit points 3

Team Management

Total Hours in Course81

Number of hours for lectures8

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes24

Independent study hours49

Date of course confirmation09.02.2021

Responsible UnitInstitute of Business and Management Science

Course developer

author lect.

Madara Dobele


Course abstract

The course provides knowledge of the nature and principles of team management and its role in entrepreneurship and the labour market. Students build up the knowledge of and skills in team building and management and learn team building stages, the importance of team roles and how to assign them, as well as prerequisites for team consolidation activities how to carry out the activities.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

1. Knowledge of the concept and essence of the team, the preconditions for team building and management, approaches to the development of team work efficiency and their application – practical assignments, independent work.
2. Demonstrate the knowledge of team management terminology, team management theories and their application in business and work environment, as well as new approaches to team work – test.
3. Demonstrate the knowledge of conflict resolution methods and their application possibilities in team management – practical assignment, case study.
1. Ability to identify, evaluate and analyse the significance of the aspects that form the diversity of the team, understands principles and significance of team role profiling, is able to create an appropriate team structure and hierarchy – practical assignment, group work.
2. Can reflect on himself / herself, values, behaviour, emotional intelligence, is able to identify the level and aspects of social influence and leadership, their role in team management, is able to develop a development and improvement plan – practical assignments, debates, group discussions.
3. Able to develop principles of team building and management, is able to identify team goals, development stages, is able to analyse the role of a leader in a team, identify and evaluate the conflict resolution and decision-making process – practical assignment, group work, case study.
4. Ability to identify and argue the role of self-reflection, social impact, leadership, motivation, methods and opportunities in team management, is able to analytically evaluate the principles and application of team culture, cohesion, conflict resolution and decision-making in the team – test.
5. Ability to identify principles of promoting team efficiency and develop a plan for their implementation, is able to develop a project of team building event, observing the preconditions of good practice, is able to select, adjust and argue the application of various team building activities – independent work.
6. Responsibly plan the completion of the assignments given – independent work, practical assignments, tests.
7. Engage in group work, work in a team and reasonably communicate on how to perform assignments and achieve results – practical assignments, group work.
8. Present and critically analyse individual and group independent work and creatively do the assignments – independent work, practical assignments, group work.
1. Independently apply the principles of team management in establishing and managing a team and in assessing its performance, assess the team’s performance and role in the working environment and work in a team – independent work, practical assignments, tests.

2. Select, adapt and apply various methods and activities to enhance teamwork – independent work, practical assignments.

Course Content(Calendar)

Full time intramural studies:

1. The concept and essence of the team, its historical aspects, the role of team management in business, the role of division of labour in team formation, differences between team and group, the advantages of team work in the management process (lecture - 2 hours, practical - 1 hour).
2. New approaches to team work - their meaning, formation and application in business (lecture - 1 hour, practical - 1 hour).
3. Principles of team building and management, conditions for effective team building, promotion of team efficiency to maximize performance, results, innovations and creativity (lecture - 2 hours, practical - 1 hour).
4. Determination of team development stages, analysis, promotion of stage transition to achieve team goals (lecture - 1 hour, practical - 1 hour).
5. Defining and meaning of team roles, creating a team role profile, analysis of team roles’ collaboration, creating and evaluating team diversity, complementary team principles (lecture - 1 hour, practical - 2 hours).
6. The role of generations and the challenges they create in team management, advantages and risks of intergenerational cooperation (lecture - 1 hour, practical - 1 hour).
7. Test - the concept of a team, comparison of a team and a group, preconditions for an effective team, stages of team development, theory of team roles and its application (practical - 1 hour).
8. Types of self-reflection methods and their application in team work, the role of emotional intelligence, the formation of emotional resilience (practical - 2 hours).
9. Constructing individual and team identity and the importance and formation of social influence (practical - 1 hour).
10. The role of a leader and leadership in a team, leadership functions in team work (practical - 2 hours).
11. Identification and formation of aspects forming a team culture, evaluation and improvement of team well-being (practical - 2 hours).
12. Team building and motivation, types and application of building activities (practical - 2 hours).
13. Types of team conflict resolution and their analysis (practical - 2 hours).
14. Application and analysis of decision-making methods in a team, decision-making in changing processes, organization of the delegation process (practical - 2 hours).
15. Team work, structure, evaluation of results, feedback (practical - 2 hours).

16. Test - the role of self-reflection, emotional intelligence, social influence in team management, leadership principles and aspects in the team, aspects of team culture, principles and methods of team building, conflict resolution and decision-making process in the team (practical - 1 hour).

Part time extramural studies: all topics specified for full time studies are accomplished, but the number of contact hours is one half of the number specified in the calendar.

Requirements for awarding credit points

Formal test with a mark. The mark consists of:
- 30 points for tests – 2 tests about study course’s topics,
- 40 points for practical tasks – evaluation of the team role profile, creation of the team and its hierarchy; leader’s role in team management; team work analysis – case study,
- 30 points for the independent task – project of team building event, presentation.
10 points are equal to one point on a 10-point marking scale.

Practical, independent tasks un tests must be submitted only within the time set for them.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

Studies of study course’s materials and literature.
Preparation and presentation of practical and independent tasks.

Preparing for tests.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

Study course assessment is a formal test with a mark consisting of a cumulative results from study course assessments.

Compulsory reading

1. Kriek D. Team Leadership: Theories, Tools and Techniques. Randburg: KR Publishing, 2019, 465 p.
2. Belbins M. R. Komandu lomas darbavietā. Rīga: Lietišķās informācijas dienests, 2009, 167 lpp.
3. Belbins M. R. Darba krāsas. Rīga: Lietišķās informācijas dienests, 2010, 164 lpp.
4. Adizes I. K. Prasmīga pārmaiņu vadība. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2018, 335 lpp.
5. Rød A., Fridjhon M. Creating Intelligent Teams. Randburg: KR Publishing, 2016, 190 p.
6. Landon L.B., Salas E., Vessey W.B. Team Dynamics Over Time. Bingley: Emerald Publishing Limited, 2017, 352 p.

7. Lēmumu pieņemšana. Rīga: Lietišķās informācijas dienests, 2007, 194 lpp.

Further reading

1. Zīlīte L. Personāla vadība un socionika. Rīga: SIA “Biznesa augstskola Turība”, 2013, 304 lpp.
2. Janson S. Leader – What To Do Now? Successful Team Leadership, Empolyee Motivation & Human Resource Management, Use Leadership Techniques & Leadership Styles, Gain Respect As a New Boss. Dortmund: Best of HR –®, 2019, 65 p.
3. Pullan P. Virtual Leadership: Practical Strategies for Getting the Best Out of Virtual Work and Virtual Teams. London: Kogad Page, 2016, 233 p.
4. Salas E., Vessey W.B., Estrada A.X. Team Cohesion: Advances in Psychological Theory, Methods and Practice. Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2015, 312 p.
5. Belbins M. R. Jaunās organizācijas. Rīga: Lietišķās informācijas dienests, 2009, 176 lpp.
6. Duhigs Č. Ieraduma spēks. Kāpēc biznesā darām to, ko darām, un kā to mainīt. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2019, 447 lpp.
7. Frīmentls D. Komandas motivācija un vadība: 50 praktiski padomi. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2006, 124 lpp.
8. Goulmens D. Tava emocionālā inteliģence. Rīga: Jumava, 2020, 461 lpp.
9. Edeirs Dž. Līderība un motivācija: 50:50 likums un astoņi galvenie principi, kā motivēt citus. Rīga: Lietišķās informācijas dienests, 2007, 136 lpp.
10. Edeirs Dž. Līderība un inovācija: kā veidot radošumu komandā un gūt idejas. Rīga: Lietišķās informācijas dienests, 2007, 126 lpp.
11. Adizes I. Leading the Leaders: how to enrich your style of management and handle peaple whose style is different from yours. Santa Barbara, California: The Adizes Institute Publications, 2004, 311 pg.
12. Adizes I. Management/Mismanagement Styles: how to identify a style and what to do about it. Santa Barbara, California: 2004, 213 pg.
13. Dyer W.G., Dyer J.H., Schein E.H. Team building: proven strategies for improving team performance. San Francisco: Jossey_Bass, 2007, 240 lpp.
14. Edeirs Dž. Iedvesmojošais līderis: kā motivēt, iedrošināt un gūt panākumus. Rīga: Lietišķās informācijas dienests, 2007, 233 lpp.
15. Heske U. Darbs komandā: darba grupas vadība: konstruktīva konfliktu risināšana. Rīga, Zvaigzne ABC, 2007, 128 lpp.
16. Vadīt komandas. Rīga: Lietišķās informācijas dienests, 2009, 157 lpp.
17. Edeirs Dž. Kā izaudzēt līderus: septiņi galvenie efektīvas līderības attīstības principi. Rīga: Lietišķās informācijas dienests, 2008, 186 lpp.
18. Kovejs S. R. Ļoti veiksmīgu cilvēku 7 paradumi. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2013, 367 lpp.

19. Herolds D.M., Fedors D.B. Mainiet veidu, kā vadāt pārmaiņas. Rīga: Lietišķās informācijas dienests, 2009, 198 lpp.

Periodicals and other sources

1. Forbes, Rīga: SK Media. ISSN 1691 – 6018


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