Course code TraZ4043

Credit points 1.50

Expertise of Motor Vehicles and Farm Machines

Total Hours in Course40

Independent study hours40

Date of course confirmation20.09.2011

Responsible UnitInstitute of Engineering and Energetics

Course developer

author Inženiertehnikas un enerģētikas institūts

Aivars Birkavs

Dr. sc. ing.

Prior knowledge

TraZ4041, Expertise of Motor Vehicles I

TraZ4042, Expertise of Motor Vehicles II

Course abstract

The goal of study course is to fix in practice knowledges acquired during study course in case of composition of renewal/repair expenses of estimated coast in hard road accident for: automobile, tractor, farm machine, after photography and after video materials.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

Knowledge: to identify defects of ground motor vehicles; in determination of value and repair costs.
Skills: students are able to rectify ground motor vehicle and to calculate repair coasts after road traffic accident of in cases of other failures as during roadworthiness tests, as well as during analysis of photographs and video materials.
Competence: to make defectation of ground motor vehicle an individually, to calculate value of damaged ground motor vehicle, to create repair or renewal coasts of ground motor vehicle and constantly develop problems of technical character which are related with peculiarities of repair of ground motor vehicles.

Course Content(Calendar)

1 Justification of the necessity of the course work, relevance to the study course (1h lect,)
2 The choice of the theme of the course work, its justification, the development of the course work structure (1h pract.w)
3 Defective vehicle and estimate for severe CSN or emergency (1h pract.w)
4 Defect Identification and Estimation Algorithm (1h pract.w)
5 Required photomaterials, calculations, etc. selection of relevant information and attachment to the case (1h pract.w)
6 Defect and estimation in the event of a tractor machinery emergency (1h pract.w)
7 Defect Identification and Estimation Algorithm (1h pract.w)
8 Required photomaterials, calculations, etc. selection of relevant information and attachment to the case (1h pract.w)
9 Defect and estimate in the event of an agricultural machinery accident (1h pract.w)
10 Defect Identification and Estimation Algorithm (1h pract.w)
11 Required photomaterials, calculations, etc. selection of relevant information and attachment to the case (1h pract.w)
12 Defect and development of estimates in the event of minor defects in photographs (1h pract.w).
13 Defect Identification, Estimation Compilation Algorithm, Calculations, etc. adding essential information (1h pract.w)
14 Defecting and compilation of estimates based on video material (1h pract.w)
15 Defect Identification, Estimation Compilation Algorithm, Calculation, and so on. adding essential information (1h pract.w).
16 Defense of the course paper (1h pract.w)

Requirements for awarding credit points

Successfully mastered the Machine Examination course, as well as the course work reflected and solved the requirements for it according to the study course program and the course work design rules.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

Independent work using the lector counseling.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

The student receives a successful mark if at least 70% of the technical defects are accurately identified and the estimate of the recovery is calculated for three technical units.

Compulsory reading

1. Rokjānis A. Vieglo automobiļu virsbūvju bojājumu novēršanas kalkulācija. Jelgava: LLU, 2007 46 lpp. 2. Тарасик В. П. Теория движения автомобиля. Санкт-Петербург: БХВ- Петербург. 2006. 3. Gerigk P. and others. Kraftfahrzeugtehnik. Berlin: Westermann, 2006. 4. Renner. G., Wimmer A. Kalkulation fur Kraftfahrzeugmeister. Deutchland: Europa- Lehrmittel, 2005.

Further reading

1. Харазов А.М, Гернер В.С., Зарецкий З.А. Современные средства диагностирования тягово – экономичесских показателей автомобилей. Москва: Высшая школа, 1990. 61 c.

Periodicals and other sources

1. Auto Moto Žurnāls. Nr.1(1995)-Nr. 4 (2003) Rīga : Dadzis, Moto Magazyn (Polija), 1995-2003. ISSN 1407-0952. 2. Autotuning: Leben fũr Leistung. Mũnchen: Delius Klasing Verlag GmbH. sēj. 3. За рулем. Москва: За рулем., 1928-. ISSN 0321-4249.


Compulsory course for TF 1st level professional higher education study program "Technical expert".