Course code MatZ3059
Credit points 6
Total Hours in Course162
Number of hours for lectures40
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes24
Independent study hours98
Date of course confirmation08.11.2016
Responsible UnitInstitute of Civil Engineering and Wood Processing
Mg. sc. ing.
Mg. sc. ing.
LauZ2023, Construction Materials
MatZ2035, Wood Cutting Processes
MatZ2036, Wood Science
MatZ3028, Wood Processing Machinery and Tools
MatZ3044 [GMTR3044] Production of Wooden Articles
Classification of wooden products, types of constructions and principles of formation. Material selection criteria. Quality assurance of wood products. Quality standards and guidelines. Technological preparation of production and technological process. Logistics of wood products production. Opportunities to increase the use of wood.
Must have passed an exam, two tests, and developed independent work.
1 Overview of wood products production and development forecasts. (2h - lectures, 1h - practical works)
2 Materials used in the manufacture of wood products. Increasing the use of wood. (3h - lectures, 2h - practical works)
3 Construction of wooden products. Criteria for selection of a constructive solution. (2h - lectures, 1h - practical works)
4 Production of drawings and working drawings. Structural analysis. Grouping of parts and assemblies. (3h - lectures, 2h - practical works)
5 Basic constructions and principles of their formation. Material flow calculation. (2h - lectures, 1h - practical works)
6 Tolerances and seats in wooden products. Wood and timber compounds. (3h - lectures, 2h - practical works)
7 Log assembly. Compilation of technological maps. (2h - lectures, 1h - practical works)
8 Quality control and strength tests of wood products. Furniture quality inspections. (3h - lectures, 2h - practical works)
9 Beam blank processing technology. Timber bending. (2h - lectures, 1 h - practical works)
10 Installing the connection elements. Bonding of frames and bodies. (3h - lectures, 2h - practical works)
11 Shield processing technology. Technological variants and equipment for plane gluing. (2h - lectures, 1h - practical works)
12 Sanding solid wood, planes and profiles. (3h - lecture, 1h - practical work)
13 Methodology for determining the consumption of raw materials and supplies. (2h - lectures, 1h - practical works)
14 Principles of creating technological flows of production. Determination of technological equipment load. (3h - lectures, 2h - practical works)
15 Interoperative transport organization. Warehouses and intermediate warehouses. (2h - lectures, 1h - practical works)
16 Assembly, packaging and preparation of products for transport. (3h - lectures, 2h - practical works)
Must have passed an exam, two tests, and developed independent work.
Independent work is regularly determined by in-depth study of the topics covered in the contact hours (lectures), guided by the specific sources of information in the lectures. Permanent work in the library, because then there is a much wider access to Internet resources. Printed sources of information are also available in the profiling department. Practical task: Development of a freely chosen wooden product (product) development scenario and presentation seminar. (96h)
The final assessment of the study course consists of 1. Written exam - 50%; 2. Test - 20%; 3.Permanent work - 30%
1. Postel J. Furniture Design. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley & Sons, inc, 2013. 434 p.
2. Williston Ed.M. Value-added Wood Products. Manufacturing and Marketing Strategies. Miller Freeman Inc., 2011. 218 p.
3. Aghayere A., Vigil J. Structural Wood Design: A Practice-Oriented Approach. Hoboken, New Yersey: JohnWiley. 2007. 396 p. 4. Lohmann, Ulf (Bearbeiter). Holzlexikon A-K und L-Z. Leinfelden DRW-Weinbrenner, 2003. ISBN 387181 3559 2 Bände zus.
1. Handbuch der Konstruktion Möbel und Einbauschränke. Germany: Deutsche Verlags Anstal, 2006. 398 S.
2. Handbuchtechnishes Zeichnen und Entwerfen Möbel und Innenausbau. Germany: Deutsche Verlags Anstal, Germany, 2004. 280 S. 3. Lefteri C. Wood, Materials for Inspirational Design. Switzerland: RotoVision, 2003. 160 p.
1. Holz-zentralblatt. Stuttgart. Germany: DRW-Verlags-GmbH. ISSN 0018-3792
2. Williamson T. APA Engineered Wood Handbook. New York, McGraw-Hill, 2002. 750 p. 3.
The study course includes full-time and part-time studies of the professional higher education bachelor's study program Woodworking at the Faculty of Forestry.