Course code BūvZ6035
Credit points 4.50
Total Hours in Course120
Number of hours for lectures6
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes18
Number of hours for laboratory classes12
Independent study hours84
Date of course confirmation23.03.2021
Responsible UnitInstitute of Civil Engineering and Wood Processing
Dr. sc. ing.
BūvZ2007, Building Materials I
BūvZ2041, Building Physics
BūvZ3010, Building Materials II
BūvZM018 [GBUVM018] Construction Materials and Technologies
Students of master study programm are assimilate production technologies of acoustic and heat isolation materials with cellular and fibre structure, structure of mix and technological properties, properties of materials as related to production technology used. Students develop variant of scientific publication.
Knowledge about properties of mix and materials as related to production technologies used and methods of material properties tested. (Assessment – Exam).
Skills to use the technical literature and assimilated knowledge for solving of the various construction materials technology problems. (Assessment – Elaborated surveys on different tasks).
Competences to define the task, to choose appropriate research method for solving of the problem and evaluate the acquired results. (Assessment – elaborated draft of scientific publication).
1. Classification of thermal insulation (TI) and acoustic (AM) materials. Requirements for thermal insulation and acoustic materials. Fibrous Acquisition Technologies (Lecture 2 h, practical works 2 h).
2. Porous materials extraction technologies. Use of light porous fillers in materials. (lecture 2 h, Practical works 2 h).
3. Use of fibres as reinforcement in building materials. Cell concrete manufacturing technologies. (lecture 2 h, Practical works 2 h).
4. Determination of the technological properties of a half-cast cast (the characteristics of the mixture). (practical works 2 h, Laboratory works 2 h)
5. Effects of suffering environmental conditions on material properties. (practical works 1 h, Laboratory works 2 h)
6. Preparation of samples for inspection of half-plaster materials. (laboratory works 2 h)
7. Physical-mechanical tests of samples. (laboratory works 2 h)
8. Sound absorption tests of materials. (laboratory works 2 h)
9. Thermal insulation tests of samples. (laboratory works 2 h)
10. Collection and analysis of the results obtained. Preparation of the draft publication. (practical works 8 h);
11. Presentation and discussion of your publication. (practical works 1 h).
Exam – presentation of the draft of scientific publication and discussion on obtained results.
Master students elaborate laboratory works according to given task. It includes elaboration and testing of samples, analysis of obtained results, and study of scientific literature for the development of the theoretical base of the scientific article. Based on obtained results in the research and analysis of scientific literature, master students elaborate and present draft of the scientific publication.
Practical and laboratory works are evaluated according to defined work requirements. Elaboration of scientific publication is evaluated according to the international requirements and criteria for scientific articles.
1. Askeland D.R. The Science and Engineering of Materials: S.I.Adaption by Fr.Haddleton, P.Green, H.Robertson. 3rd ed. London: Chapman & Hall, 1998. 854 p. 2. Горлов Ю. П. Технология тепло-изоляционных и акустических материалов и изделий. Москва: Высшая школа, 1989. 384 с. 3. Физико-химические основы строительного материаловедения. Под общей редакцией Г.Г.Волокитина и Э.В.Козлова. Москва: Ассоциации Строительных Вузов, 2004. 189 с. 4. Бурлаков Ю.П.Технология изделий из легкого бетона. Москва: Высшая школа, 1986. 296 с.
1. Hornbostel C. Construction materials: types, uses and applications. 2nd ed. New York etc.: John Wiley&Sons, 1991. 1023 p. 2. Гаджилы Р.А., Меркин А.П. Поверхностно -активные вещества в строительстве. Баку: Азернешр, 1981. 131 с. 3. Iljins U.,Skujāns J.,Vulāns A. Fibrolīta materiāli. Jelgava: LLU, SIA "Jelgavas būvniecības sistēmas", 2006. 61 lpp.
1. Žurnāls "Būvinženieris" ISSN 1691-4058 2. Chemical Engineering Transactions. [tiešsaiste]. Italian Association of Chemical Engineering (AIDIC). ISSN 1974-9791; 2283-9216. [skatīts 03.06.2015.]. Pieejams: 3. Engineering Structures. [tiešsaiste]. Elsevier. ISSN 0141-0296. [skatīts 03.06.2015.]. Pieejams Elsevier ScienceDirect datubāzē: 4. Materials and Structures / Materiaux et Constructions. Springer Netherlands. ISSN1359-5997
Compulsory course in research direction for the Professional higher education master study programme Civil Engineering