Course code VadZ4077

Credit points 6

Business Process Management

Total Hours in Course162

Independent study hours162

Date of course confirmation29.10.2018

Responsible UnitInstitute of Business and Management Science

Course developer

author prof.

Anita Auziņa

Dr. oec.

Prior knowledge

VadZ3052, Quality Management

VadZ3056, Institutional Environment for Entrepreneurship

VadZ4010, Management

VadZ4027, Entrepreneurship

VadZ4036, Project Management

Course abstract

The study project aims to strengthen students’ theoretical knowledge, build up skills and abilities to summarise and analyse theoretical and legal aspects in enterprise business process management. Students learn to describe, comprehend and assess the operation of a process examined and the potential disproportions of it. Working on the study project, students learn to independently develop and make decisions on enhancing the performance of an enterprise’s business processes as well as draw concise and particular conclusions and proposals

Learning outcomes and their assessment

1. Students will be able to: demonstrate theoretical knowledge of the multifaceted nature of business processes of an enterprise and present the results of an assessment of a particular enterprise - study project, the presentation and defence of the study project
2. Define the relevance of the topic of the study project, its research aim and specific research tasks, select the most appropriate research methods for the study project - study project, the presentation and defence of the study project
3. Process, analyse and systemise information in order to independently analyse a business process in a selected enterprise - study project
4. Draw conclusions and develop and make decisions aimed at enhancing business processes - study project, the presentation and defence of the study project
5. Independently structure the pace of work on the study project - study project
6. Take responsibility for and the initiative in working on the study project - study project
7. Communicate with the manager of an enterprise (institution, organisation) to acquire data and information needed for producing the study project - study project
8. Defend the research results, present the proposals made and substantiate the personal opinion as well as answer the questions asked in public - presentation and defence of the study project
9. Comprehend and explain the theoretical knowledge acquired and apply it to analyse business process management, comprehensively describe and analyse business management processes of a particular enterprise and independently interpret the results acquired - study project, the presentation and defence of the study project

10. Independently research business processes, make economically feasible decisions to enhance the processes and consequently the economic performance of the enterprise - study project, the presentation and defence of the study project

Course Content(Calendar)

1. Selection of a topic for the study project and in consultation with the supervisor.
2. Familiarization with the methodological guidelines for writing and defending a study project.
3. Compilation and systematization of theoretical literature.
4. Collection of necessary data and information on the enterprise to be analysed.
5. Development of analytical parts of the study project.
6. Main conclusions and proposals.
7. Preparation of a presentation for the defence of the study project.

8. Defence of the study project.

Requirements for awarding credit points

Assessment with a mark. The mark consists of the following pieces of assessment:
• study project,
• presentation,

• defence of the study project.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

The student independently produces the study project according to the chosen topic, in consultation with the supervisor. The student submits a fully completed, signed study project to the e-learning platform and to the supervisor before the deadline. The study project is assessed by its supervisor and, if it meets the requirements, the supervisor accepts it for defence.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

The study project is defended at the Institute of Business and Management Science and assessed by a committee approved by the director of the institute. The committee consists of at least three teaching personnel, one of whom is the supervisor for the study project. Assessment criteria for the study project defence: relevance of the topic; achievement of the aim and specific tasks; methods applied; structure and presentation of the study project; information sources used; presentation skills. The presentation lasts for up to 10 minutes. During the defence of the study project, the student answers questions about the study project and the topic researched. In the result, the committee assesses the study project produced and defended.

Compulsory reading

1. Caune J., Dzedons A., Pētersons L. Stratēģiskā vadīšana. – R.: Kamene, 2001., 232 lpp.
2. Diderihs H. Uzņēmuma ekonomika / Tulk. No vācu val. M. Balaško, K. Didenko, J. Kipsna u.c., galv. Zin. red. R.Škapars – Rīga: Zinātne, 2000., 515 lpp.
3. Džeims P. Lūiss. Projektu vadīšanas pamati. – Rīga, PUSE PLUS, 2001., 111 lpp.
4. Evans, J. R. Management and Control of Quality / J.R.Evans, W.M.Lindsay. 4 thed. South-Western College Publishing, 1999.
5. Forands, I. Stratēģija. Kvalitāte: Analīze, plānošana, vadība – Rīga: Elpa2.,2000., 253 lpp.
6. Forands, I. Biznesa vadības tehnoloģijas.- Rīga: Latvijas Izglītības fonds. 2004., 330 lpp.
7. Hanss D. Litke, Kunova I. Projektu vadība. – Rīga: Denova, 2003., 125 lpp.
8. Hofs K. Biznesa ekonomika.- Rīga: Jāņa Rozes apgāds, 2002., 210 lpp.
9. Holton, Glyn, AValue – at – Risk: Theory and Practice – Academic Press, 2003., 400 p.
10. Jaundzemis, A., Vasermanis, E. Riska analīze. – Rīga: LU, 2001. 196 lpp.
11. Kogzeme H. Komersantu darbības analīze un kontrole: Mācību grāmata. Rīga: Rīgas Tehniskā universitāte, 2013, 348 lpp.
12. Pettere, G., Voronova, I. Riski uzņēmējdarbībā un to vadība. Mācību līdzeklis, Rīga: Banku augstskola, 2004, 176 lpp.
13. Uzulāns J. Projektu vadība. – Rīga: Jumava, 2004, 243 lpp.
14. Uzulāns J. Projektu vadīšana mūsdienu apstākļos. Microsoft Office Project. –R: Drukātava, 2007, 102 lpp.
15. Vadībzinības rokasgrāmata. Viss par uzņēmējdarbību un vadību / Helera R. Redakcijā.- Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2006. – 256 lpp.
16. Vadīšanas pamati. Mācību līdzeklis LLU studentiem un maģistrantiem un lauku uzņēmēju kvalifikācijas paaugstināšanai. Sast. U.Ivans un S.Ruskule. Mālnava, 2006. 502 lpp.
17. Vose D. Risk Analysis A Quantitative Guide. John Wiley &Sons Publishers, 2000, 342. P.
18. ZoБэгьюли Ф. Управление проектом. – Москва, 2002, 202 с.
19. Вяткин, В. Н., Вяткин, И. В., Гамза, В. А., Екатеринославский, Ю. Ю., Хэмптон, Дж. Дж.; под ред.И.Юргенса. Риск-менеджмент: учебник. – М.: ИТК « Дашков и К», 2003, 512 с.
20. Гамза, В.А., Екатеринославский, Ю.Ю. Рисковый спектр комерчиеских oрганизаций. – Москва: Экономика, 2002, 108 с.
21. Грачевой, М. В. Риск – анализ инвестиционного проекта. Москва:ЮНИТИ – ДАНА, 2001, 351 c.
22. Клейнер, Г.В., Тамбовец В.Л., Качалов, Р.М. Предприятие в нестабильной економической среде: риски, стратегии, безопасность. – Москва: Экономика, 2002, 118 с.
23. Мельников, А. В. Риск – менеджмент: Стохастический анализ рисков в эконоьике финансов и страхованияю. Москва: Анкил, 2001, 140 с.
24. Рамперсад Х. К. Общее управление качеством: личностные и организационные изменения/ Перю с англ. – М.: ЗАО «Олимп – Бизнес». 2005, 256 с.
25. Уткин, Э.А., Фролов, Д.А. Управление рисками предприятия. – Москва: ТЕМСБ, 2003, 246 с.

26. Эванс Д. Управление качеством.- М.: ЮНИТИ – ДАНА. 2007, 672 стр.

Further reading

1. Forands I. Biznesa vadības tehnoloģijas.- Rīga: Latvijas Izglītības fonds, 2004, 330 lpp.
2. Kalve I. Apseglot pārmaiņu vējus. Stratēģiskā un pārmaiņu vadība. – Rīga: Biznesa augstskola Turība, 2005, 293 lpp.
3. Pārmaiņas. / «Lessons Learned» grāmatu sērija.- Rīga: Lietišķās informācijas dienests, 2009.- 104 lpp.

4. Sauka A. Latvijas uzņēmēju stāsti: pasniedzējiem, zinātniekiem un praktiķiem. Stocholm School of Economics in Riga, 2013, 107 lpp.

Periodicals and other sources

1. Dienas Bizness: nedēļas laikraksts: Latvijas Biznesa avīze. Rīga: Diena: Dagens Industri, 1992. ISSN 1407-2041
2. Diena. Rīga: Diena, 1990. ISSN 1407-1290
3. Bilance: žurnāls par grāmatvedību, likumdošanu un finansēm. Rīga: Lietišķās informācijas dienests, 2005. - ISSN 1407-5709.
4. Scopus datubāze [tiešsaiste]. Pieejams:
5. Web of Science datubāzes [tiešsaiste]. Pieejams:
6. ScienceDirect Freedom Collection datubāze [tiešsaiste]. Pieejams:
7. EBSCO eBook Academic Collection datubāze [tiešsaiste].
8. EBSCOhost datubāzes[tiešsaiste]. Pieejams:

9. Wiley Online Journals datubāze [tiešsaiste]. Pieejams:


Restricted elective (Part B) study project for the ESAF academic bachelor programme Economics, specialisation Business Process management