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Course title Infectious Diseases I
Course code Vete4107
Credit points (ECTS) 6
Total Hours in Course 162
Number of hours for lectures 48
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes 32
Independent study hours 82
Date of course confirmation 07/04/2021
Responsible Unit Institute of Food and Environmental Hygiene
Course developers
(līm.), lekt. Ivars Lūsis
Dr. med. vet., prof. Kaspars Kovaļenko

Prior knowledge
Vete3025, Bacteriology, Mycology, Virology III
Vete3026, Special Pathology and Forensic Veterinary Medicine II
Vete4037, General Pathology II
Vete4045, Epidemiology
Course abstract
Students get knowledge on zoonotic infectious diseases that can be caused by the bacteria, viruses, rickettsia, chlamydia, pathogenic fungi and prions; significance of these diseases and the prevalence in the republic, Europe and the world. Also the causes, sources and, clinical and pathological-anatomical manifestations, diagnostic methods, treatment options and medications and eradication methods.
Learning outcomes and their assessment
Knowledge: understanding of zoonotic infectious diseases, control, treatment and prevention – 5tests.
Skills: ability to independently, diagnose, treat and prevent zoonotic infectious diseases- practicals. Competency: after the course, students are able to analyze the information on zoonotic infections, are able to independently carry out a diagnosis and treatment and preventive measures and also are able to use the acquired knowledge in a radical new approach to finding solutions for infectious diseases. –KEGA work.
Course Content(Calendar)
1.Anthrax, Tetanus, Botulism. – 3h lectures and 2h practical works
2.Nectrobacteriosis, Tuberculosis, Brucellosis. – 3h lectures and 2h practical works
3.Leptospirosis, Colibacteriosis. – 3h lectures and 2h practical works
4.Salmonellosis, Anaerobic dysentery (Cl. perfringens) – 3h lectures and 2h practical works
5.Pasterellosis. Tularemia. – 3h lectures and 2h practical works
6.Listeriosis, Foot and mouth disease – 3h lectures and 2h practical works
7.Rabies, Pseudorabies, Pox – 3h lectures and 2h practical works
8.Rickettsial diseases, Chlamydial diseases, Dermatomycoses. Mycoses. – 3h lectures and 2h practical works
2. Test
9.Winter dysentery. Paratuberkuloze. Lumpy skin disease. – 3h lectures and 2h practical works
10.Malignant catarrhal fever. Bovine viral diarrhoea. – 3h lectures and 2h practical works
3. Test
11.Bovine infectious rinotracheitis / pustular vulvovaginitis. Parainfluenza, calf enzootic pneumonia. – 3h lectures and 2h practical works
12.Contagious pleuropneumonia. Contagious agalactia of sheep and goats. – 3h lectures and 2h practical works
13.Bovine enzootic leucosis. Maedi-visna. Caprine arthritis and encephalitis. – 3h lectures and 2h practical works
4. Test
14.Rinderpest. Peste de petits ruminantes. Bluetongue. – 3h lectures and 2h practical works
15.Blackleg. Enteritoxemia. Braxy. – 3h lectures and 2h practical works
16.Bovine spongiform encephalopathy. Scrapie. – 3h lectures and 2h practical works 5.Test
Requirements for awarding credit points
Successfully completed five tests.
Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work
Home works are evaluated in accordance with the tasks of the practical works.
Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes
Student skills are assessed in accordance with the procedures specified in the tasks of the practical work. The study course tests are evaluated in accordance with the criteria of the 10 point system scale indicated in the LLU Study Regulations.
Compulsory reading
1. The Merck Veterinary Manual. S.Aiello, M.A. Moses (Eds.). 11th ed. Philadelphia: John Wiley&Sons, 2016. 3000 p. 2.Trubka R. Mājdzīvnieku infekcijas slimības. 1. daļa. LLU. Jelgava, 2001. 127 lpp. 3. Colville J., Berryhill D. 2007. Handbook of Zoonoses. Elsevier - Health Sciences Division. Salt Lake City, 2007. 272 p. 4.Trubka R. Mājdzīvnieku infekcijas slimības, 2. daļa. LLU. Jelgava, 2001. 214 lpp.
Further reading
1.Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Challenges of animal health information systems and surveillance for animal diseases and zoonoses. Rome, 2011. 122 p. 2. Palmer, S.R. Oxford textbook of zoonoses:biology, clinical practice, and public health control. New York: Oxford University Press, 2011. 884 p. 3.Radostits O.M., Blood D.C., Gay C.C. Veterinary Medicine. 8th ed. London: Bailliere Tindall, 1994. 1763 p.
Periodicals and other sources
1.An International Journal on Animal Infection.EDP Sciences. ISSN: 1297-9716 2.Transboundary and Emerging Diseases. Blackwell Verlag GmbH. ISSN: 1865-1682‎ 3.The Veterinary Journal. ISSN 1090-0233
Compulsory course of study programme Veterinary medicine.