Latviešu Krievu Angļu Vācu Franču
Statuss(Aktīvs) Izdruka Arhīvs(0) Studiju plāns Vecais plāns Kursu katalogs Vēsture

Course title Social Entrepreneurship
Course code VadZ3025
Credit points (ECTS) 3
Total Hours in Course 81
Number of hours for lectures 16
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes 16
Independent study hours 49
Date of course confirmation 19/12/2018
Responsible Unit Institute of Business and Management Science
Course developers
Dr. oec., asoc. prof. Lāsma Līcīte-Ķurbe

There is no prerequisite knowledge required for this course
Course abstract
Students get insight into the substance and basic principles of social entrepreneurship and the functions of it in the economy. The course provides students with an understanding of the criteria for a social enterprise, the process of acquiring the status of social enterprise and skills in the establishment of a social business according to the relevant legal framework, its mission and the available kinds of support in Latvia.
The aim of the study course is to acquire theoretical and practical knowledge and skills about the essence of social entrepreneurship and the factors influencing its development.
Learning outcomes and their assessment
Knowledge. Students will be able to demonstrate a comprehensive knowledge of the principles and legal aspects of and kinds of support for social entrepreneurship in Latvia, as well as the key functions of social enterprises in the economy and society. Students will be able to demonstrate a specific knowledge of starting up a social business and acquiring the status of social enterprise in Latvia and demonstrate the knowledge of how to identify and explain differences among a social enterprise, a socially responsible enterprise and a charity organisation.
Skills. Ability to use the acquired theoretical knowledge and practical skills to generate and justify a social entrepreneurship idea. Ability to identify and analyse the factors affecting the performance of social enterprises.
Ability to present and explain the results of their research to others, responsibly plan the completion of the assignments given and ability to cooperate with others.
Competences. Ability to define and come up with solutions to social enterprise problems and the factors affecting the performance of social enterprises. Ability to establish a social enterprise and acquire financial support for the establishment and development of the enterprise based on the theoretical knowledge acquired. Ability to integrate the knowledge of and skills in different fields to establish and develop a social enterprise.
Course Content(Calendar)
1. The essence and development of social entrepreneurship – the aim and basic principles of social entrepreneurship (Lectures – 2h)
2. Prerequisites and development stages of social entrepreneurship (lecture – 2h, practical work – 1h)
3. Social enterprise identification criteria (Lecture – 1 h, practical work – 1 h)
4. Social enterprise, corporate socially responsible enterprise and charity organisation (Lecture – 1h, practical work – 2 h)
5. The legal basis of social entrepreneurship in Latvia (Lecture – 1 h)
6. Types of support for social enterprises in Latvia (Lecture – 1 h, practical work – 1 h)
7. Social entrepreneurship functions in economics (Lecture – 1 hour)
8. Social and economic benefits of development of social entrepreneurship (Lecture – 1 h, practical work – 2 h)
9. Influencing factors social entrepreneurship (Lecture – 2 h, practical work – 2 h)
10. Social entrepreneur and its characteristics (Lecture – 1 h, practical work – 1 h)
11. Establishment of social enterprise (Lecture – 1 h, practical work – 2 h)
12. Social entrepreneurship in rural areas (Lecture – 1 h, practical work – 1 h)
13. Social entrepreneurship development opportunities in Latvia (Lecture – 1 h, practical work – 3h)
Requirements for awarding credit points
Within the study course there are 3 independent works.
In the first, students carry out an analysis of a social enterprise chosen according to its social and economic criteria, describing the legal framework and kinds of support for a social enterprise. The independent work is presented to the course members. Presentation – up to 10 minutes.
In the second independent work, students make an case study analysis on the factors affecting the performance of social enterprise X and setting the development opportunities for a social enterprise. In the third independent work students make the foundation of a new social enterprise, specifying the social goal, economic activity and management style of the enterprise. The independent work is presented to the course members. Presentation – up to 10 minutes.
Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work
1.Independent work (presentation) on an analysis of a social enterprise chosen – 30 scores.
2.Independent work (case study) on the factors affecting the performance of social enterprise X – 25 scores.
3.Independent work (presentation) – the foundation of a new social enterprise, specifying the social goal, economic activity and management style of the enterprise – 45 scores.
A score of 10 is equal to one point on a 10-point marking scale.
Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes
A score of 10 is equal to one point on a 10-point marking scale. Assignments are assessed in accordance with the assessment procedure established in the assignment.
Compulsory reading
1.Sociālā uzņēmuma likums: 12.10.2017. LR likums (“LV”, 212 (6039), 25.10.2017) [stājas spēkā 01.04.2018.].
2.Līcīte L. Up-date of the Mapping of Social Enterprises and Their Eco-systems in Europe. Country Report Latvia. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2018. p. 124. Pieejams:
3.Pasākuma “Atbalsts sociālajai uzņēmējdarbībai” starprezultātu novērtēšana un priekšlikumu izstrāde tiesiskā ietvara un atbalsta pilnveidošanai. SIA “Oxford Research Baltics”, Rīga, 2021. 249 lpp. Pieejams:
4.Ūlande M., Līcīte L. Sociālā uzņēmējdarbības Latvijā: īss esošās situācijas pārskats. Ekosistēmas kartēšana. Latvijas Sociālās uzņēmējdarbības asociācija, 2018. 36 lpp. Pieejams:
5.Borzaga C., Galera G., Franchini B., Chiomento S., Nogales R., Carini C. Social Enterprises and Their Ecosystems in Europe. Comparative Synthesis Report. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2020. p. 192. Pieejams:
Further reading
1.Defourny J., Nyssens M. (eds.) Social Enterprise in Central and Eastern Europe: Theory, Models and Practice. New York: Routledge, 2021. p. 326. Pieejams:
2.Oganisjana K., Grīnberga-Zālīte G., Surikova S., Kozlovskis K., Līcīte L., Laizāns T., Monge-Iriarte N., Koķe T., Jeroščenkova L., Eremina Y., Gvatua S., Kabwende N. B., Chukwu O.J. Sociālā inovācija: izaicinājumi un risinājumi Latvijā. Zinātniskā monogrāfija: RTU, Rīga, 2019. 148 lpp.
3.European Commission Social Business Initiative Creating a favourable climate for social enterprises, key stakeholders in the social economy and innovation: Communication from the European Commission, Brussels, 2011. [tiešsaiste]. Pieejams:
4.Dobele L., Dobele A. Sociālās uzņēmējdarbības iespējas Latvijā. Rīga: Izdevniecība Drukātava, 2014. 470 lpp.
5.Sociālās uzņēmējdarbības asociācijas mājaslapa:
6.Sociālo uzņēmumu reģistrs:
Periodicals and other sources
1.Social Enterprise Journal. Emerald Business, Management & Strategy eJournals Collection. ISSN: 1750-8614.
2.International Journal of Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation. Online ISSN: 2043-8265, ISSN print: 2043-8257.
3.Journal of Social Entrepreneurship. Online ISSN: 1942-0684, ISSN print: 1942-0676.
Restricted elective course, academic bachelor’s study programme “Sociology of Organizations and Public Administrations” (Faculty of Economics and Social Development). Elective course for other study programmes.