Latviešu Krievu Angļu Vācu Franču
Statuss(Neaktīvs) Izdruka Arhīvs(0) Studiju plāns Vecais plāns Kursu katalogs Vēsture

Course title Psychology
Course code Psih2008
Credit points (ECTS) 2.25
Total Hours in Course 60.75
Number of hours for lectures 16
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes 8
Date of course confirmation 20/04/2011
Responsible Unit Institute of Mechanics and Design
Course developers
Mg. paed., Līga Damberga
Mg. paed., Agris Visvaldis Zīlītis

There is no prerequisite knowledge required for this course
Course abstract
In this course of study students develop knowledge and skills of applying psychological knowledge in their profession and in working with people. Students evaluate their own personal characteristics and mental resources for career and professional development, as well as develop their social competence by learning management, communication and conflict resolution skills. In particular, the emphasis is on working with customers, partners and colleagues, typical communication situations and business contacts. During the course students are given opportunity to practice presentation skills.
Learning outcomes and their assessment
Knowledge: to be able to explain by himself basic concepts of psychology and communication process, to describe a positive interaction with customers and partners, to give examples of theoretical aspects of psychology, to discuss active listening techniques and interpret non-verbal communication in the group. Skills: to be able to create a positive interaction with customers and partners; to discuss the importance of communication in his/her profession and to justify his/her opinions; to analyze conflicts, communication barriers, and communication styles; to study self-selected theoretical aspects of psychology in everyday situations. Competence: to be able to evaluate and to use interpersonal skills in everyday situations, professional activities and personal development; to cooperate with partners and customers by creating a positive interaction; to evaluate contributing and distracting factors of effective social interaction and to choose the optimal solution;develop social competence.
Compulsory reading
1. Dubkēvičs L. Saskarsme audzēkņiem. Rīga: Jumava, 2006., 223 lpp.
2. Omārova S. Cilvēks runā ar cilvēku. Rīga: Kamene, 2003., 126 lpp.
3. Reņģe V. Sociālā psiholoģija. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2002., 180 lpp. 4. Garleja R. Darbs, organizācija, psiholoģija. Rīga: RaKa, 2010., 205 lpp.
Further reading
1. Pīzs A. Ķermeņa valoda.- Rīga: Jumava, 2006. 414 lpp.
2. Kozlovs N. Saskarsmes māksla. Rīga: Jumava, 2008. 341. lpp. 3. Efektīva komunikācija (Harvard Business Review on). Rīga: Lietišķās Informācijas Dienests, 2006. 160 lpp.
Periodicals and other sources
1. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. [tiešsaiste]. American Psychological Association (APA) Print ISSN: 0022-3514. Online ISSN 1939 - 1293. [skatīts 24.11.2011.]. Pieejams EBSCO datubāzēs: 2. Psiholoģija Mums ISBN 978 - 9984 - 14 - 435 : starpnozaru žurnāls. Rīga: Juristu Ģilde, 2003- . ISSN 1691-0982.