Latviešu Krievu Angļu Vācu Franču
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Course title Plantations of Woody Plants
Course code MežZ5034
Credit points (ECTS) 4.5
Total Hours in Course 121.5
Number of hours for lectures 24
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes 24
Independent study hours 72
Date of course confirmation 16/03/2021
Responsible Unit Institute of Forest Management
Course developers
Dr. silv., prof. Olga Miezīte

Prior knowledge
Biol2002, Dendrology
BiolP001, Dendrology
Course abstract
Master students acquire knowledge on tree planting and plantation forest planting technologies and legislation, tree species and plant material selection, planting techniques, care and harvesting. The productivity and economic benefits of tree plantings and plantation forests.
Learning outcomes and their assessment
Knowledge - Master students have mastered the latest trends and become familiar with tree plantations and plantation forests. They are able to choose the species of woody plants that are suitable for the given place and conditions, because they have acquired knowledge about the growing conditions and agricultural machinery necessary for them, 1. test and 2 study tours.
• Skill - familiar with the latest technologies for planting, managing and harvesting forest plantations and plantations forests, is able to choose the most appropriate. Is able to plan and calculate the required resources, estimated costs and benefits, including an ecological footprint, 2. test and 1. seminar. • Competence - understands and is able to justify the establishment of tree plantations and plantation forests from the point of view of sustainable management, 3. test and 2. seminar.
Course Content(Calendar)
Lectures (24 h)
Tree species in tree plantings and plantation forests in the world and Latvia. Legislative requirements for installation of plantations for wood plants (2 h)
Choice of type of plant material, purchase requirements and quality. (1h)
Selection of site tree plantings and plantation forests depending on tree species to be grown. Soil preparation (2 h)
Time limits for planting. Planting schemes and techniques. Fertilization. (2 h).
Selection of woody species for appropriate growing conditions and tree planting and plantation forests - test 1 (1 h).
Ecological aspects of establishment of woody plantations and plantation forests. In the context of reducing GHG emissions from woody plantations and plantation forests. (2h)
Agro-technical care of forest plantations and plantation forests. (1h)
Risk factors for the management of tree plantings and plantationforests, combating and limiting them. (2h)
Special features of woodland plantations and plantation forests. (1 h)
Pruning growing trees. (1 h)
Protection of wood plantings and plantation forests. Change ofspecies. (2 h)
Ecological aspects, care, protection and growth of wood plantings andplantation forests - test 2 (1h).
Mechanisation of wood planting and plantation forest managementtechnologies and works. (1 h)
Production times and production cycles. (1 h)
The first possible production of wood plantings and plantationforests. Estimated stock of plantation forests (1 h)
Use of wood planting and plantation forest production. (1 h)
Wood quality of plantation forests. (1 h)
Harvesting and use of wood plantings and plantation forests - test 3.(1 h)
Practical works (24 h)
2 days should take part in training tours visiting different types of plants and plantation forests. (16 h) Practical works should be carried out in groups involving the development of a plan for the installation of plantations and plantation forests, including care and protection, harvesting and utilisation of products, the necessary resources, expected costs and benefits, etc., prepare a group report and 2 presentations on the installation of tree plants (1) and plantation forests (1) for specific plants species.
Requirements for awarding credit points
The number of lessons missing from the course may not exceed 10% of the total number of lessons scheduled. You must have successfully written three quizzes (Test 1. “Choice of tree-growing species for specific growth conditions and for the installation of tree-growing plants and plantation forests”; Test 2. “Ecological aspects, care, protection and growth of wood plants and plantation forests.” Test 3. Harvesting and use of “harvesting” of plants and plantation forests.) Take part in training tours, practical work and carry out own-initiative work. Reports have been successfully prepared for each working group and presented prepared presentations: “N tree plantation (s)” and “N plantation forest installation”.
Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work
Take an independent look at the latest spotlights available. It is necessary to continue independently to extend the scope of the information generated in lectures and practical works, using the basic literature, additional literature and the scientific resources available on the Internet, as indicated in the study program and in the presentations. The groups should work independently to prepare for three quizzes and to write a report and prepare presentations (for each working group, one for “N tree plantation (s)” and the other for “N plantation forest installation”; the duration of each presentation for 15 min +5 min. discussions).
Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes
The assessment of knowledge, skills and competence takes place on a 10-party scale. An oral and written answer shall be successful if at least 50% of the questions have been answered correctly. The final evaluation consists of a cumulative assessment of tests and practical works (reports and presentations) of a study course.
Compulsory reading
1.Daugaviete M., Dambe B., Lazdiņš A., Lazdiņa D. (2017) Plantāciju mežu augšanas gaita, produktivitāte un ietekme uz vidi. Salaspils: LVMI Silava. DU AA Saule, 470 lpp.
2.Dimitriou I., Rutz D. (2015) Ilgtspējīgi īscirtmeta atvasāju stādījumi. Rokasgrāmata. Tulkoja D.Lazdiņa, LVMI Silava. Minhene, Vācija: WIP Renewable Energies, 108 lpp.
3.Baltalksnis Latvijā. Latvijas Valsts Mežzinātnes institūts "Silava"; projekta vad. M. Daugavietis; red. K. Kalniņa. Salaspils: LVMI Silava, 2006. 129 lpp.
4 Elfing B., Nystrom K. Stability of site index in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) plantations over year of planting in the period 1900-1977 in Sweden. In: Growth trends in European Forests. Berlin: Springer_Verlag Berlin Keiderberg. 2002. 283 p.
5. Daugaviete M. Above-ground Biomass in Young Grey Alder (Alnus incana (L.) Monech) stands. Baltic Forestry 17 (1), 2011. 76-82. ISSN 1392-1355
Halldorsson G., Oddsdottir E.S., Sigurdsson B.D. (Eds) AFFORNORD. Effects of afforestation on ecosystems, landscape and rural development. Reykholt, Iceland: TemaNord:, 2008. 562 p. ISBN 978-92-893-1718-4
Further reading
1.Liepiņš K. (2011) Growth of silverbirch (Betula pendula Roth.) in plantations on farmlands In Latvia. Mežzinātne, vol. 23(56), pp. 3-14.
2.Kas ir hibrīdā apse? Pieejams:
3.Miezīte O. (2017) Meža aizsardzība. 2.daļa Meža fitopatoloģija. : mācību līdzeklis LLU Meža fakultātes studentiem, nozares speciālistiem un meža īpašniekiem. Jelgava: Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte, Meža fakultāte. Studentu biedrība "Šalkone". 173 lpp.
4.Miezīte O. (2015) Meža aizsardzība un apsardzība. 1.daļa Meža entomoloģija. : mācību līdzeklis LLU Meža fakultātes studentiem, nozares speciālistiem un meža īpašniekiem. Jelgava: Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte, Meža fakultāte. Studentu biedrība "Šalkone". 172 lpp.
5. Brown C. The global autlook for future wood supply from forest plantationd. FAO Working Paper No GFPOS/WP/03, 2000. 156.p. ISBN: 978-1-876851-38-5
6.Edited by J.G. Poplars and Willows Trees for Society and the Environmen USA and J. Richardson Poplar Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada ISBN: 978 92 5 107185 4 (FAO)
7.Grosse W., Landgraf D., Scholz V., Brummack J. Ernte und Aufbereitung von Plantagenholz Schweiz Z Forstwes 159(6): 114-119. 8.Caslin B., Finnan J., Mc Cracke A. (eds) Willow Varietal Identification Guide. ISBN 101-84170-590-X.
Periodicals and other sources
1.Starptautisks zinātnisko rakstu krājums "Baltic Forestry". ISSN: 1392-1355 3. International Scientific Journal Baltic Forestry. 2.Zinātnisko rakstu krājums "Mežzinātne". Salaspils: Latvijas Valsts Mežzinātnes institūts "Silava". ISSN: 1407-270X.