Statuss(Aktīvs) | Izdruka | Arhīvs(0) | Studiju plāns Vecais plāns | Kursu katalogs | Vēsture |
Course title | Natural Resources in Agriculture |
Course code | LauZ3195 |
Credit points (ECTS) | 3 |
Total Hours in Course | 81 |
Number of hours for lectures | 20 |
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes | 6 |
Number of hours for laboratory classes | 6 |
Independent study hours | 49 |
Date of course confirmation | 25/01/2022 |
Responsible Unit | Institute of Soil and Plant Science |
Course developers | |
Dr. sc. ing., doc. Ingrīda Augšpole Dr. geol., doc. Ilze Vircava Mg. agr., pasn. Ieva Erdberga |
There is no prerequisite knowledge required for this course | |
Course abstract | |
Introduction to agricultural specialization. Agriculture resources. Characteristics, distribution and stocks of the mineral resources. Geophysical and geochemical characteristics of the Earth. Mineral resources of Latvia, possibilities of their use. Soil resources. The role of climate and geological processes in the formation of the mineral resources. Living nature resources in agriculture. Classification of field crops. Crop production as a basic agricultural sector, its sub-sectors. Animal resources in agriculture. Livestock production as a basic agricultural sector. Sub-sectors of livestock production. | |
Learning outcomes and their assessment | |
Students gain knowledge about resources, their division, importance and usage: plants and animals. The study course provides knowledge about agriculture sector and its sub-sectors, their relation and interdependence.
Skills and their assessment. 1. Students are familiar within agriculture used natural resources. Students' competencies include knowledge about Latvia mineral resources and they formation, distribution and use of non-living natural resources in agriculture. Test (with a grade) about non-living natural resources 2. Students are familiar with agricultural plant resources and animal species. They are able to define the division of agricultural sector (crop production and animal - husbandry) into sub-sectors and to evaluate their role in agriculture. Students are able to identify the most common weeds – test (with a grade) |
Course Content(Calendar) | |
Inanimate nature resources: 1. Classification of the Earth's natural resources, their characteristics. 2. Geochemical composition of the Earth's crust and its relation to inanimate natural resources 3. Non-living natural resources in geochronological scale. 4. Distribution, stocks and possibilities of use of inanimate natural resources in agriculture 5. Types of mineral resources in Latvia, significance in agriculture 6. Energy resources. The concept of energy sources, their classification and usefulness of use 7. The role of climate and geological processes in the formation of the land resources. Description of Latvian climate and meteorological conditions. 8. The concept of soil, its role in the ecosystem. 9. Soil formation factors and main stages 10. Soil properties. Living nature resources: 1.The concept of agriculture and living nature resources - 1 h. 2.Plant growth factors and crop production, plant classification types. Cereal production, used plant resources - 1 h. 3.Potato, oil and fiber plant production, plant resources used in these sub-sectors - 2 h. 4.Sub-sectors of unconventional crop production, plant resources used in them - 1 h. 5.Animal resources in agriculture, livestock production as basic sector; characterization of dairy and meat industry - 2 h. 6.Characteristics of livestock production sectors suitable for diversification of agricultural production used animal resources - 2 h. 7.Unconventional sub-sectors of livestock production - 1 h. 8.Test: Characterization of livestock production and crop production sector, animal and plant resources usable in agriculture - 1 h. Laboratory works: Inanimate nature resources: 1. Mineral resources and their use (1 h) 2. Soil mineral composition and organic matter (3 h) 3. Physico-mechanical properties of soil (2 h) Practical works. Living nature resources: 1.Weeds. Work with the weed catalogs - 3 h. 2.The main species of cereals, meadows, grazing plants. Practical work with the catalogs - 2 h. |
Requirements for awarding credit points | |
The study course consists of two parts, each of which must meet the requirements described below, and all works must be credited with the grade 'passed' or at least 4 points must be obtained:
Inanimate nature resources Test 1 about inanimate resources must be successful evaluated with a mark. All laboratory works and homework must be developed and successfully completed. Living nature resources Test 2 on living natural resources, takes the assessment credited with a mark. All practical works and homework must be developed and passed. |
Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work | |
1.Homework about mineral resources usage in agriculture.
2.Studies of the mineral resource collection. 3.Studies the most popular weeds using plant herbarium and materials accessible at e-studies. 4.Prepares independently for theoretical test. 5.Literature studies. |
Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes | |
If the student has successfully passed both parts of the study course, then the average accumulating mark for both parts of the study course is posted. On the other hand, if the student has an unsuccessful assessment in one or both parts of the study course - an examination must be taken about all theoretical part of the study course. Students are allowed to take the final exam, if all practical and laboratory works has been successfully completed, homework has been completed and passed. | |
Compulsory reading | |
1.Kroģere R. Laukkopības praktikums. II daļa: Tīruma nezāles. Jelgava: LLU, 2021. 37 lpp. Pieejams:
2.Augkopība . A. Ružas red. Ruža A., Adamovičs A., Bankina B., Bērziņš A. u.c. Jelgava: LLU, 2004. 374 lpp. Pieejams: 3.Karpovičs A., Mešķis S., Vircava I. Praktiskie darbi inženierģeoloģijā. Rēzekne: Rēzeknes Tehnoloģiju akadēmija, 2019. 111 lpp. ISBN 978-9984-44-230-3 Pieejams: 4.Latvija: Zeme, daba, tauta, valsts. O. Nikodemus, M. Kļaviņš, Z. Krišjāne, V. Zelčs (zin. redaktori). Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2018. 752 lpp. 5.Lapiņš D., Kažotnieks J. (2001). Laukkopība. Ozolnieki: LLKC, 2001. 247 lpp. 6.Moderna piena ražošanas ferma: tehnoloģija, tehnika, apsaimniekošana . Priekuļa J. red. Jelgava: LLU, 2012. 240 lpp. 7. Gaļas liellopi un liellopu gaļas ražošana Latvijas apstākļos. J. Plēsums, U. Osītis, A. Runce u.c. Jelgava, 2005. 118 lpp. |
Further reading | |
1.Priedītis N. (2014). Latvijas augi. Rīga, : SIA Gandrs, 2014. 888 lpp.
2.Grīslis Z., Garkāvijs F., Sprūžs J. (1991). Lopkopība. Rīga: Zvaigzne, 1991. 366 lpp. 3.Segliņš V., Stinkule A., Stinkulis Ģ. Derīgie izrakteņi Latvijā. Rīga: LU, 2013. 184 lpp. 4.Segliņš V., Zemes dzīļu resursi. (2007). Rīga: Raka, 2007. 380 lpp. |
Periodicals and other sources | |
1.Virtuālais agronoms 24 h/7: Mobilā aplikācija BASF Agro Adviser.
2.Saimnieks LV. ISSN 1691-1598 3.Agro Tops. ISSN 1407-5164 4.Latvijas Lopkopis. Ozolnieki : Latvijas Lauku konsultāciju un izglītības centrs. |
Notes | |
Compulsory course in the bachelor's study program Geoinformatics and Remote sensing |