Latviešu Krievu Angļu Vācu Franču
Statuss(Aktīvs) Izdruka Arhīvs(0) Studiju plāns Vecais plāns Kursu katalogs Vēsture

Course title Electric Power Supply and Tariffs
Course code Ener4003
Credit points (ECTS) 3
Total Hours in Course 81
Number of hours for lectures 16
Number of hours for seminars and practical classes 16
Independent study hours 49
Date of course confirmation 16/03/2011
Responsible Unit Institute of Engineering and Energetics
Course developers
Mg. sc. ing., pasn. Indulis Straume

Prior knowledge
ETeh2019, Applied Electrical Engineering
ETeh4037, Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering I
ETeh4048, Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering II
Fizi1009, Basic Physics
Fizi2032, Physics I
Fizi2033, Physics II
Mate2035, Mathematics IV
Course abstract
The aim of the study course is to acquire basic concepts of electric energy supply for agricultural, internal and external electric nets design and calculations, voltage regulation principles, current of short connected circuit calculations, overvoltage and protection from it are covered during studies. Electric energy supply systems and equipment's, safety of electric supply is studied. Tariff system, saving and rational usage of energy, technical and economical characteristics of energy equipment are analyzed as well.
Learning outcomes and their assessment
Knowledge - the design of electricity supply systems and the parameters of the transmission lines, the reliability of power supply and the construction and use of hardware - test 1 and 2.
Skills - abilities to perform engineering calculations for elements of the power supply systems and to choose the element parameters - 1-3 home works.
Competence - choose the parameters and equipment of the power supply system that meet the requirements of the consumer, assess their performance, justify electricity tariffs, their application to energy objects - home work, examination.
Course Content(Calendar)
Full time intramural studies:
1. Electricity supply grids, consumers, electricity quality, – lecture 1 h.
2. Elements of the supply line - wires, cables, supports, insulators. Wire and cable parameters, – lecture 1 h, practical work – 2 h.
3. Network transformers - structure, cooling systems, – lecture 1 h.
4. Distribution, and their equipment - circuit breakers, disconnectors, overvoltage arresters, – lecture 1 h.
5. Neutral operating modes, – lecture 1 h.
6. Power and power losses, their calculations, and loss prevention methods, – lecture 1 h, practical work – 2 h.
7. Voltage losses and their calculation, – lecture 1 h, practical work – 2 h.
Test 1. Introduction to the structure of electricity supply, elements and equipment of power transmission networks, neutron operating modes, voltage, power and power losses.
8. Selection of wire cross-sectional area: economic considerations, – lecture 1 h, practical work – 2 h.
9. Selection of wire cross-sectional area: after permissible voltage drop, – lecture 2 h, practical work – 4 h.
10. Heating of the wires and their selection at the acceptable temperature, – lecture 1 h.
11. Fuses and circuit breakers. Selectivity, – lecture 1 h, practical work – 2 h.
12. Distribution of power supply system’s according to the type of grounding and their contours, – lecture 1 h, practical work – 2 h.
13. Overvoltage types and surge protection equipment, – lecture 1 h.
14. Tariffs and factors affecting them, – lecture 1 h.
Test 2. Wire cross-section calculation methods, grounding and overvoltage protection devices, and tariffs.
Part time extramural studies:
All topics specified for full time studies are accomplished, but the number of contact hours is one half of the number specified in the calendar
Requirements for awarding credit points
A written exam.
Four questions in the exam. All home works must have been completed and tests credited.
Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work
1st home work. Calculation of the cross-sectional area of the wire, taking into account one cross-sectional area for the entire line.
2st home work. Calculating the cross-sectional area of the wiring, taking into account the economy of the conductor material.
3st home work. Choice of weld cross section for branched electrical grid.
Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes
The assessment of the study course exam depends on the cumulative assessment of the exam assignment and the study course test papers and homework.
A test or an exam is passed if at least 50% of the test questions are answered correctly.
The homework assignment is evaluated in accordance with the assessment procedure specified in the assignments of homework.
The exam mark is calculated as the arithmetic mean of the exam assignments and the average semester mark, which is calculated as the arithmetic mean of the marks of tests and homework taken from the study course.
Compulsory reading
1. Vanags A. Elektriskie tīkli un sistēmas. I daļa. Rīga: RTU, 2007. 479 lpp.
2. Vanags A., Krišāns Z. Elektriskie tīkli un sistēmas. II daļa. Rīga: RTU, 2005. 342 lpp.
Further reading
1. Overvoltage protection. OBO Bettermann GMBH&CO katalogs. 122p.
2. Руководство по решению задач по курсу Электроснабжение. Мockвa: МЭИ, 1998. 85с.
3. Sabiedrisko pakalpojumu regulēšanas komisijas (SPRK) ar padomes 2003.gada 29.janvāra lēmumu Nr.34 apstiprināta “Elektroenerģijas realizācijas gala tarifa aprēķina metodika”. Rīga, 2003. 10 lpp.
Compulsory course in full-time and part-time studies of TF professional higher education bachelor study program Applied Energy Engineering.