Course code Vete4096

Credit points 9

Farm Animal Reproduction I

Total Hours in Course243

Number of hours for lectures44

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes68

Independent study hours131

Date of course confirmation22.11.2017

Responsible UnitClinical Institute

Course developers

author Klīniskais institūts

Guna Ringa-Ošleja


author Klīniskais institūts

Vita Antāne

Dr. med. vet.

author lect.

Māra Mangale

Mg. med. vet.

Prior knowledge

Ķīmi3004, Biochemistry

LauZ1019, Forage Production and Animal Nutrition I

LauZ2028, Forage Production and Animal Nutrition II

Vete2009, Bacteriology, Mycology, Virology I

Vete2013, Anatomy of the Domestic Animals I

Vete2014, Anatomy of the Domestic Animals II

Vete2024, Bacteriology, Mycology, Virology II

Vete3020, Special Pathology and Forensic Veterinary Medicine I

Vete3026, Special Pathology and Forensic Veterinary Medicine II

Vete4034, Cytology, Histology and Embryology II

Vete4035, Cytology, Histology and Embryology I

Vete4078, Internal Medicine, Herd Health I

Vete4105, Pharmacology, Pharmacotherapy and Toxicology I

Vete4109, Internal Medicine, Herd Health II

Vete4110, Clinical and Laboratory Diagnostics I

Vete4111, Clinical and Laboratory Diagnostics II

Vete6022, Physiology I

Vete6023, Physiology II

Course abstract

Course objectives are acquisition and development of problem-solving skills in veterinary andrology - that investigates physiology of male reproduction, different diseases and possibilities of treatment; artificial insemination and embryo transfer – that investigates physiology and pathology of gametes, anabiosis, cryoprotection, technologies of artificial insemination and embryo transfer; obstetrics and gynaecology – that provides knowledge in physiology of reproductive tract in female animal (cow, mare, sheep, goat and pig) before, during and after gestation, during parturition and normal post-partum period; get acquainted by diseases affecting fertility, examines the physiology and pathology of the mammary gland and the associated changes in the composition of milk.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

Knowledge: depth knowledge about male andrology and reproductive biotechnology as well as understanding of disease etiology, pathogeneses, clinical signs, diagnosis, diagnostics and treatment. Assessment of knowledge by 10 tests.
Skills: to carry out a full reproductive and associated organs clinical examination, provide emergency aid, recognize and interpret physiological and pathological processes of the reproductive organs activity. Assessment of practical skills during practical works with animal.

Competences: to evaluate and resolve animal fertility and changes in milk quality problems – test with a grade.

Course Content(Calendar)

Subsection obstetrics and gynecology
1. Functional anatomy, histology of reproductive organs in different animal species – 2 h lectures and 6 h practical works 1st test Functional anatomy, histology of reproductive organs in different animal species.
2. Puberty, estrus cycle and its neurohumoral regulation, estrus and methods for its detection. Cow vaginal and rectal examination (trip to the farm) – 4 h lectures and 6 h practical works 2nd test Puberty, estrus cycle and its neurohumoral regulation, estrus and methods for its detection
3. Fertilization, gestation, detection of fetus age, embryo transfer – 4 h lectures and 6 h practical works 3rd test Pregnancy, diagnosis and fetal age determination.
4. Diseases of pregnant animals, abortions – 2 h lectures and 6 h practical works 4th test Diseases of pregnant animals, abortions
5. Parturition, dystocia and assisted parturition, caesarean section – 6 h lectures and 6 h practical works 5th test Assisted parturition. Practical using a phantom.
6. Normal postpartum period, diseases of newborns – 6 h lectures and 6 h practical works 6th test Normal postpartum period, diseases of newborns.

Subsection andrology, artificial insemination, embryo transference
1. Genital organs development of male animals, functional anatomy, micromorphology - 2h lectures and 3h practical work
2. Regulation of neurohumoral sexual activity. Sexual reflection and mating. - 2 h lectures and 3 h practical work 1st test. Genital organs development of male animals, functional anatomy, micromorphology. Regulation of neurohumoral sexual activity. Sexual reflection and mating. Removal of semen, evaluation
3. Removal of semen, evaluation. Semen obtaining methods, sperm physiology, biochemistry, movements. Removing the semen from the boar – 4 h lectures and 6 h practical work.
4. Visit to the Kurzemes artificial insemination station – 2 h lectures and 3 h practical work
5. Diseases in male animal genital system, organs - 4h lectures and 6h practical work 2nd test. Removal of semen, evaluation. Semen obtaining methods, sperm physiology, biochemistry, movements. Diseases in male animal genital system, organs.
6. Artificial insemination organization in different female animals - 4h lectures and 6h practical work
7. Semen preparation for conservation, different conservation methods – 2h lectures and 3 h practical work 3rd test. Artificial insemination organization in different female animals. Semen preparation for conservation, different conservation methods
8. Visit to the Siguldas Artificial insemination station, Farm visit – practical work including artificial insemination – 4h lectures and 6h practical work 4th test. Final test – including all study themes.

Requirements for awarding credit points

Oral and written check of knowledge during theoretical (lectures) and practical sessions. Written multiple choice tests about specific topics. Check of practical skills at the animal. Eight tests during the 8th semester, which forms the final mark for final test in the end of semester.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

Independent work includes studying of educational and scientific literature.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

Oral and written control of knowledge (in the 10 point system) during lectures and practical works. Control of practical skills with animals. Missed practical work with animal’s student performes in MPS “Vecauce” by prior arrangement with farm veterinarian.
In the 8th semester 10 tests must be evaluated with a successful grade. Semester is „passed” by test and mean grade of previous tests.

Compulsory reading

1. Afanasjevs I. Veterinārā dzemdniecība un ginekoloģija. Rīga: Zvaigzne, 1983. - 360 lpp. Grāmatas atrodas LLU abonementā.
2. Brūveris Z., Baumane S., Dūrītis I. Mājdzīvnieku praktiskā anatomija. Medicīnas apgāds, 2018.- 634 lpp. Grāmata atrodas VMF Informācijas centrā un LLU abonementā.
3. Brūveris Z. Veterinārās histoloģijas pamati. Medicīnas apgāds 2015.- 527 lpp. Grāmata atrodas VMF Informācijas centrā.
4. Akers R. Michael & Denbow D. Michael. Anatomy & Physiology of Domestic Animals. Blackwell Publishing, first edition, 2008.- 612 p. Grāmata atrodas VMF Informācijas centrā.
5. Horst Erich Koning, Hans-Georg Liebich. Veterinary Anatomy of Domestic Mammals: Textbook and Colour Atlas, Sixth Edition Hardcover, 2014.
6. Mine C.B. Davics Morel (2015). Equine Reproductive Physiology, Breeding and Stud Management - 427 p. Grāmata atrodas VMF Informācijas centrā.
7. David E Noakes et all. (2009) Veterinary Reproduction and Obstetrics - 950 p. Grāmata atrodas VMF Informācijas centrā.
8. P.L.Senger. Pathways to Pregnancy and Parturition. Current Conceptions, Inc. 2003.- pp.373. Grāmata atrodas VMF Informācijas centrā.

9. Peter J.Chenoweth, Steven P.Lorton. Animal Andrology Theories and Applications. FSC, 2014.-568 pp. Grāmata atrodas VMF Informācijas centrā.

Further reading

1. Compendium of animal reproduction: 3rd revised edition. – Intervet International B.V., 1997. – 279 p. Grāmata atrodas VMF Informācijas centrā.
2. Geofferey H. Atrhur et. al. Veterinary Reproduction and Obstetrics. London, Philadelphia, Toronto, Sidney, Tokyo, 1996. - 726 p. Grāmata atrodas VMF Informācijas centrā.
3. Richter J., Gotze R. Tiergeburtshilfe.Verlag Paul Parey. Berlin und Hamburg. 1993.- 642 s. Grāmata atrodas VMF Informācijas centrā.

4. Equine Theriogenology (2011). - 2011 p. Grāmata atrodas VMF Informācijas centrā.

Periodicals and other sources

1. Veterinārais žurnāls. Latvijas Veterinārārstu biedrības informatīvs biļetens. ISSN1407-0065. No 2008. gada. Žurnāli atrodami VMF Informācijas centrā.
2. Žurnāls Agrotops. Žurnāli atrodami VMF Informācijas centrā.
3. Žurnāls Latvijas lopkopis. Žurnāli atrodami VMF Informācijas centrā.
4. AJAS (Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences.


Compulsory course of study programme Reproduction of Farm Animals I. Practicals in small groups.