Course code Vete4090

Credit points 4.50

Principles of Veterinary

Total Hours in Course120

Number of hours for lectures24

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes24

Independent study hours72

Date of course confirmation21.12.2011

Responsible UnitInstitute of Food and Environmental Hygiene

Course developers

author Klīniskais institūts

Ilga Šematoviča

Dr. med. vet.

author prof.

Kaspars Kovaļenko

Dr. med. vet.

author lect.

Anna Anita Krūklīte

Mg. med. vet.

Replaced course

VeteB053 [GVETB053] Fundamentals of Veterinary Medicine

Course abstract

In this course students learn definitions of internal diseases, epidemiology, aetiology, pathogenesis, and clinical signs of diseases, diagnosis principles, prognosis and disease treatment and prevention options. In the general part of this study course is review of internal diseases pathophysiology, diagnostic and treatment principles, and after general part an in – depth review disease characteristics of each species. In the Heard health part students learn how to assess health of the livestock and how to deal with problems in the heard - taking into account economic considerations.
Parasitology - parasitic diseases is a subject that gives knowledge to veterinary students of the place of animal parasites in the zoological system, their morphology, biology, way of life relationship with the host organism and environment, as well as animal parasitic diseases caused by them. Causes and spread regularity of these diseases, pathogenesis, clinical signs and pathological changes, diagnostics, treatment and prophylaxis are explained.
During the course of studies students are acquainted with most widespread animal’s infectious diseases, symptoms, principles of diagnostics, and prophylaxis.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

Knowledge: causes of diseases, pathogenesis, clinical findings, treatment and prophylaxis of diseases; knowledge of clinical examination methods; knowledge of collection of anamnesis data, about application of clinical symptoms and results of laboratory analyses in the differential diagnosis of disease and about limitations of application of treated animal products in human nutrition; Knowledge and understanding about pathogenic agents of infectious diseases, their influence on organism and spread in environment, control and prevention of infectious diseases - 3 tests.
Skills: to communicate effectively with clients, to collect anamnesis data, to interpret results of clinical and laboratory examination for differentiation diagnosis of diseases, to establish diagnosis, providing first aid. Skills to perform herd health control, to detect herd health problems and recognize causes of them in production animal unites; to work effectively as a member of a multi-disciplinary team in animal production unit; Skills to be able to make discussion about possible infection agent and perform preventive and control measures due the epidemiological data and clinical signs.- practicals.
Competency: to explain the pathogenesis of diseases; to establish diagnosis; to create a treatment plan of different diseases. Competence to take part in the prophylactic measures, organised by competent authorities and animal owner against infectious diseases. – exam.

Course Content(Calendar)

Internal diseases: (8 h lectures and 8 h seminars and workshops):
1. Introduction. Methods of general clinical examination in animals. 1 h lecture and1 h practical works.
2. Cardiovascular examination; laboratory diagnostics of diseases. 1 h lecture and1 h practical works.
3. Investigation of the digestive system; laboratory diagnostics of diseases. 1 h lecture and1 h practical works.
4. Investigation of respiratory system; laboratory diagnostics of diseases. 1 h lecture and1 h practical works.
5. First aid for acute illness. 1 h lecture and1 h practical works.
6. Diseases of newborns and young animals. 1 h lecture and1 h practical works.
7. Metabolic diseases, causes, diagnosis, treatment and prevention. 1 h lecture and1 h practical works.
8. Herd health - nutrition, keeping, welfare, reproduction, milk quality. 1 h lecture and1 h practical works.
1. Test

Infectious diseases: (8 h lectures and 8 h practical works):
9. Introduction, Basics of epidemiology. 1 h lectures and 1 h practical works.
10. Zoonoses. 1 h lectures and 1 h practical works.
11. Infectious diseases of cattle. 1 h lectures and 1 h practical works.
12. Infectious diseases of swine. 1 h lectures and 1 h practical works.
13. Equine infectious diseases. 1 h lectures and 1h practical works.
14. Infectious diseases of small ruminants and poultry. 1 h lectures and 1 h practical works.
15. Evaluation of epidemiological situation, diagnostic methods (clinical, post mortem, laboratorical). 1 h lectures and 1 h practical works.
16. Vaccines – use, instructions, methods of application. 1 h lectures and 1 h practical works.
2. Test

Parasitology: (8 h lectures and 8 h seminars and workshops):
17. Biological base of parasitism. Parasitism rise and dissemination. Parasite localization. Parasite adaptation. Parasite classification. Parasite hosts and host changes. Parasitofauna and parasitecenoses. Place of parasites in ecosystem. Principles of parasite systematic. 1 h lectures and 1 h practical works
18. Introduction in evaluation of epidemiological situation of parasitic disease in specific circumstances. Diagnostic methods (clinical, postmortal, laboratory). 1 h lectures and 1 h practical works
19. Introduction in antiparasitic methodology in animal treatment and prophylaxis. 1 h lectures and 1 h practical works
20. Methods and principles of desinvasion and disinfection. 1 h lectures and 1 h practical works.
21. Introduction in tremathode diagnostic methods (clinical, postmortal, laboratory), rules of sample collection and sending for laboratory investigation and control. 1 h lectures and 1 h practical works
22. Introduction in cestode diagnostic methods (clinical, postmortal, laboratory), rules of sample collection and sending for laboratory investigation and control. 1 h lectures and 1 h practical works
23. Introduction in nematode diagnostic methods (clinical, postmortal, laboratory), rules of sample collection and sending for laboratory investigation and control. 1 h lectures and 1 h practical works.
24. Introduction in protozoa and ectoparasite (ticks, insects) diagnostic methods (clinical, postmortal, laboratory), rules of sample collection and sending for laboratory investigation and control. 1 h lectures and 1 h practical works.
3. Test

Requirements for awarding credit points

Absence of lectures and practical works are not more than 30% of the total number of lessons. Successfully completed three tests that form cumulative exam.

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

Homework assignments are assigned and evaluated in accordance with the tasks set out in the practical exercises.

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

Students' skills are assessed according to the procedure set out in the practical assignments.
Study course tests are evaluated according to the criteria of 10 point system scale indicated in the LLU Study Regulations. The final rating is the average grade of the tests. A student can get a positive evaluation if at least 50% of the test questions are answered correctly.

Compulsory reading

1. Adams H. R. Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 7th Edition. Iowa State University Press/Ames, 1995. 2. Bowman D. Georgis' Parasitology for Veterinarians 10th Edition. Saunders, Elsevier, 2013. 496 p. 3. Cockcroft P.D. Bovine Medicine. 3rd Ed. Wiley&Sons. 2015. 659 p. 4. Dairy Herd Health. Ed. by M. Green. CAB International. 2012. 327 p. 5. Dunlop R.H., Malbert RC.H Veterinary pathophysiology. Blackwell publishing, 2004, p.530. 6. Eckert J., Friedhoff K. et al. Lehrbuch der Parasitologiefür die Tiermedizin. MVS Medizinverlage Stuttgart GmbH&Co.KG, 2005. 575 S. 7. Heinz M. Animal parasties. Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention. Springer International Publishing, 2016. 719 p. 8. Jubb Kennedy and Palmer's Pathology of Domestic Animals. 6th ed. Vol. 1.,2.,3. Elsevier, 2016. 9. Keidāns P., Krūklīte A. Mājdzīvnieku parazitāro slimību diagnostika. Jelgava: LLU izdevniecība, 2008. 136 lpp. 10. Keidāns P., Krūklīte A. Mājdzīvnieku parazitāro slimību diagnostika. Jelgava: LLU izdevniecība, 2008. 11. Large Animal Internal Medicine. Ed. Bradford P. Smith. 4th Edition. Williams&Wilkins. 2002. 1735 p 12. Mazjānis I., Tirāns E. Infekcijasslimības. Rokasgrāmata. Autorkolektīvs, 2006. 1008 lpp. 13. Parčinskis O. Lauksaimniecības dzīvnieku slimību morfoloģiskās diagnostikas pamati. Rīga: Zvaigzne, 1988. 164 lpp. 14. Radositis O.M. s, Elsevier, 2008. 1548 p. 18. Rokasgrāmata veterinārijā. Sast. G. Kononovs. Rīga: Avots, 1981. 449 lpp. 19. Taylor M.A., Coop R.L. and Wall R.L. Veterinary parasitology. 4th edition. Wiley Blackwell, UK, 2016. 1006 p. 20. Taylor M.A., Coop R.L., Wall R.L. Veterinary parasitology. Blackwell publishing, 2007. 874 p. 21. The Merck Veterinary Manual. 7th ed. Ed. Merck& Co. Inc., 1991. 1677 p. 22. Veterinārārsta rokasgrāmata. Sast. Z. Brūveris. Rīga: Avots, 1987. 439 lpp. 23. Zachary J. Pathologic Basis of Veterinary Disease. 6th ed. Elsevier, 2017. 1394 p. 24. Zajac A.M., Conboy G.A. Veterinary clinical parasitology 8th edition. Wiley-Blackwell. 2012. 368 p.

Further reading

1. Aitken I.D. Diseases of Sheep. 4th ed. Blackwell Publishing, UK, 2007. 239 p. 2. Barr S.C., Bowman D.D. Canine and Feline infectious diseases and parasitology second edition. Wiley-Blackwell. 2012. 634 p. 3. Dairy Herd Health and Management. A guide for veterinarians and dairy professionals. By J. Noordhuizen. Context. 2012. 472 p. 4. Donald C. Plumb Veterinary Drug Handbook. Sixth edition. Blackwell Publishing Professional. 2008. p. 5. Hendrix C.M. Diagnostic Parasitology for Veterinary Technicians. 3rd Edition. 2006. 285 p. 6. Mazjānis I., Tirāns E. Infekcijas slimības. Rokasgrāmata. Autorkolektīvs. 2006. 1008 lpp. 7. Meyer D., Harvey J.W. Veterinary Laboratory Medicine: Interpretation and Diagnosis. 3rd ed. 2004. 532 p 8. Meuten D.J. Tumors in domestic animals. Blackwell publishing, 2002. 788 p. 9. Rooney J., Robertson J. Equine pathology. Iowa: State University Press Ames, 1996. 482 p. 10. Schmidt R.E., Reavill D.R., Phalen D.N. Pathology of pet and aviary birds. Blackwell publishing, 2003. 234 p. 11. Smith B.P. Large Animal Internal Medicine. 5h Edition. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins. 2015. 1735 p. 12. The Merck Veterinary Manual. 10th ed. Merck. 2010. 2945 p 13. The Merck Veterinary Manual. 11th ed. White house Station, NJ: Merck& Co, 2016. 2305 p. 14. Слесаренко Н.А., Василевич Ф.А., Жаров А.В. и др. Ветеринария: Учебник для нач.проф.образования. Москва: Академия, 2005. 400 с. 15. Сидоркин В.А. Справочник по диагностике и терапии гельминтозов животных и птиц. Москва: Аквариум, 2001. 128 с.

Periodicals and other sources

1. Aitken I.D. Diseases of Sheep. 4th ed. UK: Blackwell Publishing, 2007. 239 p. 2. Barr S.C., Bowman D.D. Canine and Feline infectious diseases and parasitology. 2nd edition. Wiley-Blackwel, 2012. 634 p. 3. Dairy Herd Health and Management. A guide for veterinarians and dairy professionals. By J. Noordhuizen. Context. 2012. 472 p. 4. Donald C. Plumb Veterinary Drug Handbook. Sixth edition. Blackwell Publishing Professional, 2008. 1485 p. 5. Hendrix C.M. Diagnostic Parasitology for Veterinary Technicians. 3rd Edition. 2006. 285 p. 6. Mazjānis I., Tirāns E. Infekcijas slimības. Rokasgrāmata. Autorkolektīvs, 2006. 1008 lpp. 7. Meyer D., Harvey J.W. Veterinary Laboratory Medicine: Interpretation and Diagnosis. 3rd ed. 2004. 532 p 8. Meuten D.J. Tumors in domestic animals. Blackwell publishing, 2002. 788 p. 9. Rooney J., Robertson J. Equine pathology. Iowa State University Press Ames, 1996. 482 p. 10. Schmidt R.E., Reavill D.R., Phalen D.N. Pathology of pet and aviary birds. Blackwell publishing, 2003. 234 p. 11. Smith B.P. Large Animal Internal Medicine. 5h Edition. Baltimore: Williams&Wilkins, 2015. 1735 p. 12. The Merck Veterinary Manual. 10th ed. Merck. 2010. 2945 p 13. The Merck Veterinary Manual. 11th ed. White house Station, NJ: Merck& Co, 2016. 2305 p. 14. Слесаренко Н.А., Василевич Ф.А., Жаров А.В. и др. Ветеринария: Учебник для нач.проф.образования. Москва: Академия, 2005. 400 с. 15. Сидоркин В.А. Справочник по диагностике и терапии гельминтозов животных и птиц. Москва: Аквариум, 2001. 128 с.


Compulsory course of study programme Agriculture.