Course code Vete4064

Credit points 3

Surgical Techniques II

Total Hours in Course81

Number of hours for lectures8

Number of hours for laboratory classes32

Independent study hours41

Date of course confirmation16.11.2011

Responsible UnitClinical Institute

Course developer


Agris Ilgažs

Dr. med. vet.

Course abstract

Surgical techniques investigate anatomy of topography,rule of surgery interference and method,so that renew production and power of sick animals,or increase production of healthy animals.Part of surgical techniques in veterinary medicine are the prophylaxis of surgical sick and its complication, treatment of sick animals and work out of the new power method,as also use of the urgent surgical manipulation in veterinary medicine. In course of surgical techniques inspected the prophylaxis of surgical infection,principle of surgical work,fixing and narcosis of animals.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

Knowledge of surgical disease diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment options. It will describe practical skills associated with surgical manipulation out. There will be competent about preventive measures to prevent surgical complications and disease development.

Compulsory reading

1. Bojrab M. J. Disease Mechanisms in Small animal surgery. Second edition. Philadelphia: Lea&Febiger. 1993. 1271 lpp.
2. Hedlund C.S., Hulse D.A., Johnson A.L., Seim H.B., Willard M.D., Carroll G.L. Small Animal Surgery. St. Louis: Mosby. 1997. 1195 lpp.
3. Jennings P.B. The Practice of Large Animal Surgery. Philadelphia: Saunders. 1984. 1233 lpp.
4. Магда И.И. Оперативная хирургия. Москва: Агропромиздат, 1990. 333 ст.

Further reading

1. Muir W.W., Hubbell J.A.E., Skarda R.T., Bednarski R.M. Handbook of Veterinary Anestesia. Third edition. St. Louis, Missouri : Mosby Elsevier, 2000. 574 lpp.
2. Ted S. Stashak. Wundbehandlung bei Pferden. Verlag M.H.Schaper. Alfelg-Hannover. 1991. 278 lpp.
3. Tilley L.P., Smith F.W.K. The 5 minute veterinary consult. Canine and Feline. Baltimore: Williams&Wilkins. 1997. 1287 lpp.

Periodicals and other sources

1. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association (J Am Vet Med Assoc; JAVMA). 2000-2011, USA : American Medical Assoc., ISSN 0003-1488
2. Compedium on Continuing Education for the Practicing Veterinarian. (Comp Cont Educ Pract). 2000-2011, USA: Veterinary Learning Sistem, ISSN 0193-1903.
3. Journal of Small Animal Practice (J Small Anim Pract). 2000-2011, UK: British Small Animal Veterinarian Association, ISSN 0022-4510.