Course code ValoP226

Credit points 3

Spanish I

Total Hours in Course81

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes32

Independent study hours49

Date of course confirmation04.03.2021

Responsible UnitLanguage Centre

Course developer

author Sociālo un humanitāro zinātņu institūts

Inese Ozola

Dr. philol.

Course abstract

The aim of the study course is to develop communication skills of the students so that they are able to speak and understand simple monologues and dialogues in Spanish on everyday topics. The interactive language learning method is used, all four language skills (listening, reading, speaking, writing) are developed, the vocabulary learning is based on social and personal issues simultaneously providing knowledge of grammar and pronunciation. The language proficiency level corresponds to A1 (CEFR)

Learning outcomes and their assessment

Knowledge: Students know terms from the field of
-Skills: students are able to form greeting phrases, to use of nouns, simple questioning, noun endings in nominative and locative (Test 1);
- students are able to form monologues, dialogues about home, family, shopping, city orientation, transport, use verb forms, possessive pronouns, verb conjugations, times (Test 2).
Students are able to tell in simple sentences about themselves, their family, and the environment. Can make small dialogues. Understands simple text.

Requirements for awarding credit points

Assessment: Test (pass / fail).
It is made up of cumulative assessment. Active work in classes, successfully written two tests, included homework. The number of the missed classes shall not exceed 20%..

Description of the organization and tasks of students’ independent work

Home-work done according to requirements

Criteria for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

The cumulative assessment (pass / fail) is composed of the grades in tests and activity in classes. The grade in tests is successful if at least 70% of the answers are correct. Homework should be a positive evaluation.

Compulsory reading

1. Krbcova M. Spāņu valodas pašmācība + CD. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2011. 232 lpp. ISBN 978-99340-22890
2.Gonzales C.,S. IDale a la gramatica! 2011. enCLAVE-ELE. pp.111, ISB9788496942318
3.Álvarez Martínez, M.A, Blanco Canales, A, Gómez Sacristán, M.L, Pérez De la Cruz, N. Nuevo Sueña 1. 2015. ANAYA-ELE. pp 200, ISBN 9788469807606
4.Moreno C, Moreno, V, Zurita P. Nuevo Avance Básico. 2010. SGEL ELE. pp 224, ISBN 9788497785952
5.Equipo Prisma (V.V.A.A.) Prisma A1 Comienza. 2002. EDINUMEN. pp. 152, ISBN 9788498480009

Further reading

1. Cortés Moreno M. Guía de usos y costumbres. Madrid: Edelsa, 2003. 191 p. ISBN: 978-84-7711-592-2
2. Ángeles Palomino M. Dual. Pretextos para hablar. Madrid: Edelsa, 2003. 224 p. ISBN 9788477112389
3. Martín M.T., Pérez L., Ramos J. Español lengua viva 1. Madrid: Santillana Educación, 2008.

Periodicals and other sources

1. Valodas testi spāņu valodā. [tiešsaiste: skatīts 04.03.2021.]. Pieejams:
2. Testi un uzdevumi tiešsaistē. [tiešsaiste: skatīts 04.03.2021.]. Pieejams:
3. Spāņu valodas gramatikas uzdevumu tiešsaistē. [tiešsaiste: skatīts 04.03.2021.] Pieejams: