Course code Valo5006

Credit points 3

German for Master Students

Total Hours in Course81

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes32

Independent study hours49

Date of course confirmation16.11.2011

Responsible UnitLanguage Centre

Course developers

author Sociālo un humanitāro zinātņu institūts

Inese Ozola

Dr. philol.

author lect.

Oksana Mališeva

Mg. philol.

Course abstract

The course envisages the development of academic and professional foreign language (German) knowledge, skills and competence necessary for studying special scientific literature, participating in scientific conferences, presenting the research findings and communication in the international academic environment focusing on the specific research aspects in the Master Thesis.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

• Knowledge – scientific literature and terminology in the German language related to the studies; the knowledge of the professional and academic language use, the procedure and methods of the research.
• Skills – Master students are able to apply knowledge and communication skills in professional activities, to present research findings and participate in academic discussions; to use professional, scientific terminology and observe the conventions of academic writing in scientific publications, their Master thesis and presentations. They are able to find the necessary information in foreign language, structure, classify, analyse and synthesise it.
• Competence – Master students are able to use the German language in the research, professional and academic activities, student mobility and academic environment confidently and creatively.

Compulsory reading

1. Kiefer K.-H., Jung M., Fischer J. Wirtschaftsdeutsch vernetzt. Neue Konzepte und Materialien. Ludicium Verlag. 2007. 307 Seiten. ISBN-10:3-89129-189-2.
2. Hrsg. von der Handwerkskammer. Das Unternehmerbild in der Sozialen Marktwirtschaft und Managerhaftung. Verlagsanstalt Handwerk. 1. Auflage. 2009. 240 Seiten. ISBN-10:3-86950-039-5.
3. Bökenkamp G. Wirtschaft, Politik, Finanzen. Verlag: Books on Demand GmbH. 2009. 160 Seiten. ISBN-10:3-8391-3310-6.
4. Beschorner D. Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre. NWB-Studienbücher. Wirtschaftswissenschaften. Grundlagen und Konzepte. Nwb Verlag.2006. 569 Seiten. ISBN-10:3-482-46642-4.

Further reading

1. Dahmen A. Kompaktstudium Wirtschaftswissenschaften. Band 6. Finanzierung. 3. Aufl. Verlag Franz Vahlen. 2007. 162 Seiten. ISBN-10:3-8006-3421-X.
2. Zelewski St., Akca N. Fortschritt in den Wirtschaftswissenschaften. Deutscher Universitätsverlag. 2006. 339 Seiten. ISBN-10:3-8350-0349-6.
3. Henning W. Studienführer Wirtschaftswissenschaften. F.A.Z. Beruf und Chance. 7. Aufl. Lexika Verlag. 2009. 246 Seiten. ISBN-10:3-89694-453-3.

Periodicals and other sources

1. Spektrum der Wissenschaft. [tiešsaiste] [skatīts 14.11.2011.]. Pieejams: http://
2. Manager Magazin. [tiešsaiste] [skatīts 14.11.2011.]. Pieejams: http://
3. Zeitschrift fuer Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik.[tiešsaiste] [skatīts 14.11.2011.]. Pieejams: http://