Course code Valo2055

Credit points 3

Professional German II

Total Hours in Course81

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes32

Independent study hours49

Date of course confirmation20.03.2013

Responsible UnitLanguage Centre

Course developers


Ieva Lazdiņa

Mg. paed.

author lect.

Oksana Mališeva

Mg. philol.

Course abstract

The aim of the course is acquisition of knowledge and skills for academic purposes and professional activities to serve such purposes as the development of professional qualification, obtaining and exchange of information, and improving students' communication skills in the situations related to professional activities and/or academic purposes.

Learning outcomes and their assessment

• Knowledge – Terminology related to land survey, agriculture, engineering, and cadastral systems; professional information in the German language; the knowledge of the language use in the professional area.
• Skills - Students are able to apply the knowledge and communicative skills, including reading, speaking, listening and writing skills, in their professional activities, participating in discussions, creating dialogues, making presentations. Students are able to use professional terminology in various communicative situations (telephone talks, job interviews, business correspondence, electronic documents, etc.). They are able to find necessary information in a foreign language on-line, work with dictionaries of terminology and industry.
• Competence – Students have improved the competence of professional foreign language in order to apply a foreign language creatively in spoken and written communication for professional activities, student mobility and in academic environment.

Compulsory reading

1. Kilian M., Henssler M. Die Stellung des Vermessungsingenieurs im Europarecht. 2. Aufl. Verlag Wissner-Verlag, 2010. 238 S. ISBN-10:3-89639-749-4.
2. Schlimme T. Verfahren der konstruktionsbegleitenden Kostenschätzung und Kalkulation. GRIN Verlag, 2010. 68 S. ISBN-10:3-640-66720-4.
3. Marschall I. Der Landschaftsplan. VDM Verlag, 2007. 340 S. ISBN-10:3-8364-2947-0.
4. Schroeder D., Blum E.H. Bodenkunde in Stichworten. Hirts Stichwortbücher. 6. Aufl. Verlag:Borntraeger Gebrueder, 2007. 179 S. ISBN-10:3-443-03117-X.

Further reading

1. Köhler G. Das Hessische Vermessungs- und Geoinformationsgesetz (HVGG). 2. Aufl. Verlag Kommunal-u.Schul-Vlg., 2010. 310 S. ISBN-10:3-8293-0929-5.
2. (Hrsg.) Riedel W., Lange H. Landschaftsplanung. Verlag: Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, 2009. 396 S. ISBN-10:3-8274-2362-7.
3. Kornmeier M. Wissenschaftlich schreiben leicht gemacht: für Bachelor, Master und Dissertation. 4. Auflage. Verlag Utb GmbH. Stuttgart, 2010. 322 S. ISBN-10:3-8252-3154-2.

Periodicals and other sources

1. BOKU-Magazin (ISSN 2224-7416).
2. Zeitschrift für Landeskultur (ISSN: 0044-300X).
3. Vermessung Brandenburg (ISSN 1430-7650).