Code du cours VadZP034

Crédits 18

La quantité totale d'heures en classe486

La quantitē d'heures de travail autonome d'un ētudiant486

Date de l'approbation du cours18.09.2019

Auteur du cours


Andra Zvirbule

Connaissances de base










1. Halkias, D; Thurman, P. W. Farnham Entrepreneurship and Sustainability : Business Solutions for Poverty Alleviation From Around the World: Routledge. 2012. eBook. ISBN 9781409428732
2. Kuratko, D. F.; Hoskinson, S. The Great Debates in Entrepreneurship : Emerald Publishing Limited. 2017. eBook. ISBN 9781787430761
3. Vrontis, D.,Sakka, G., Amirkhanpour, M. Management Innovation and Entrepreneurship : A Global Perspective : Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 2015. eBook. ISBN 9781443874649
4. Adner, Ron Skaties plašāk: jauna inovāciju stratēģija / Rons Adners; no angļu valodas tulkoja Signe Skujeniece un Kristaps Šoriņš. Rīga: Jumava, 2013. 270 lpp.
5. Blanchard, Kenneth H., Efektīvas vadības noslēpumi / Kenets Blančards, Spensers Džonsons; no angļu valodas tulkojusi Linda Deičmane. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, [2009] 117 lpp.

6. Dāvidsone, Gitāna, Organizāciju efektivitātes modelis / Gitāna Dāvidsone. Rīga: Organization Development Academy, 2008. 328 lpp.

Ouvrages supplémentaires

1. Katz, Jerome A.; Lumpkin, G. T.; Stewart, A. Entrepreneurship and Family Business: Emerald Group Publishing Limited. 2010. eBook. ISBN 9780857240972
2. Teng, P. S. Bioscience Entrepreneurship In Asia: Creating Value With Biology : World Scientific. 2008 Ebook ISBN 9789812700209
3. Bruel O., Strategic Sourcing Management : Structural and Operational Decision-making. Kogan Page. 2016. Ebook ISBN 9780749476991
4. Baye, Michael R., Managerial economics and business strategy / Michael R. Baye. 6th ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2009. 623 p.

5. De Young, John Edward. Cases in small business management: a strategic problems approach / John Edward de Young. 2nd ed. New York ...: Macmillan, 1991. 248 p.

Périodiques et d`autres ressources d`information

1. Journal of Business Research ISSN 0148-2963
2. Business Horizons ISSN 0007-6813
3. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge ISSN 2444-569X
4. Dienas Bizness : nedēļas laikraksts: ISSN 1407-2041

5. Forbes. "SK Media" SIA. Forbes. Rīga : ISSN 1691-6018