Code du cours VadZ5089

Crédits 7.50

La quantité totale d'heures en classe200

Nombre de conferences30

Nombre de travaux pratiques et des séminaires30

La quantitē d'heures de travail autonome d'un ētudiant140

Date de l'approbation du cours17.05.2018


1. Aaker D.A. (2008) Strategic market management - John Willey and Sons.
2. Mintzberg H. (1998) Strategy Safari: A guided tour through the wilds of strategic management. – London: Prentice Hall. – 406 p.
3. Evans, J.R., Lindsay, W.M. (2009). The management and control of quality. South-Western Cengage Learning.
4. Risk Management and Quality Improvement Handbook, July 2013.
5. A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge. Project Management Institute, 2016
6. Larson E.w., Gray C.F. Project management. The managerial process. McGraw-Hill, Irwin, 2010. 5th ed. 691 p.

Ouvrages supplémentaires

1. Craig S., Fleishner Babette, E. Bensoussan (2015). Business and Competitive Analysis: Effective application of new and classical methods. Pearson Ed.
2. Multi-level issues in strategy and methods. (2005). Vol 4. Ed. by F. Dansereau, F.J. Yammarino. -Elsevier.
3. Robert, M. (2006). The new strategic thinking. - McGraw-Hill.
4. Cases in contemporary strategy analysis/ edited by Robert M. Grant, Kent E. Neupert (2001) – Oxford: Blackwell Publ: Formulation, Implementation, and Control. 7-th ed. - Irwin, McGraw-Hill.
5. Thompson Arthur A., Strickland III Jr. A. J. (2001) Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases. 12-th ed. – McGraw-Hill, Irwin. - 1026 p.
6. Heijden van der K. (2003). The Sixth Sense: Accelerating Organizational Learning with Scenarios. – John Wiley & Sons, LTD.

Périodiques et d`autres ressources d`information

1. Strategic Management Journal
2. Risk Management Tools
3. Quality resources. The world's most comprehensive library of quality resources.
International Journal of Project Management / Open Access articles. Elsevier Ltd.