Course code VadZ5061

Credit points 4.50

Methodology of Project Management

Total Hours in Course120

Number of hours for lectures26

Number of hours for seminars and practical classes10

Responsible UnitInstitute of Social Sciences and Humanities

Course developers


Inese Didže

Mg. paed.


Dita Štefenhagena

Mg. sc. soc.

Course abstract

The aim of the course is to develop competences of the project manager - to provide knowledge and develop skills to analyze the project life cycles, identify a project idea, write and evaluate a project. submit it, approve a project, implement, audit and assess a project.

Compulsory reading

1. Abrignani B. Projektu vadība. Rīga. 2006.
2. Džeimss P. Projektu vadīšanas pamati. Rīga: Puse Plus, 2001.
3. Forands I. Projekta menedžments. LIF, 2006.
4. Uzulāns J. Projektu vadība. Jumava, 2004.

Further reading

1. Crawford, J. Kent Project management maturity model: providing a proven path to project management exellence. New York; Basel: Marcel Dekker, 2002.
2. The Hadbook of Project-Based management. McGraw-Hill International. UK, 2006.
3. Litke H.. L., Kunova I. Projektu vadība. BALTAeko, 2003
4. Gailiša A. un citi, Rokasgrāmata projektu sagatavošanai un ieviešanai „Eiropas Savienības līdzfinansējuma piesaistīšana uzņēmuma attīstībai.” Rīga: SIA Latcons, 2007

Periodicals and other sources

1. Project Management Institute -
2. International Project Management Association -
3. "Diena"
4. "Projektu Vadība"